Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1473 Dryad

Ling Yun pinched the resentful spirit and said in a deep voice: Are you hiding something else?

He didn't believe that these trees were just that simple!

Sure enough, Wraith was frightened by Ling Yun and quickly explained.

These death trees are controlled by a tree demon, and the tree demon is very powerful. It is ordered by the Eight Treasures Emperor to control the entire poisonous forest.

The death trees themselves are huge venom reservoirs. Even if they are destroyed, the venom in the trunks will still not disappear, but will be directly sprinkled on the ground and will not dissipate for a long time.

And they are controlled, which is a headache.

This kind of tree with extremely strong venom is impossible to pass through. Miaoxin tried to throw the hard iron rope on the green venom. As a result, the two-finger-thick iron rope was corroded the moment it was submerged in the venom. net.

I'll go, Amitabha... this poison is too strong.

It was so wonderful that I took a breath of air.

My dear, this venom is a bit cruel! This isn't venom, it's just corpse water!

Just the smell of these venoms is enough to kill people, let alone spraying it directly. If someone steps on it, they may not be able to lift their second foot, and one leg will be completely melted, and they will be killed in the end. poison.

Queen Yaoyue narrowed her eyes.

Can we be careful walking through the woods? Although these trees are dense, they are much farther apart than the ice spikes. It should be relatively easy to walk through them. As long as we don't damage those trees, it will be fine, right? ? Miao Xin said.

These trees are very dense and compact, but because of their size, their branches and leaves spread widely.

Therefore, the distance between them is enough for people to pass, which is much better than the situation where the ice spikes can only accommodate one foot.

Unfortunately, Ling Yun shook his head.

These trees look ordinary, but the branches, leaves and vines of the dead trees have very tiny thorn tips that can easily cause bruises.

The trunks of the dead trees grow in a regular distribution, not straight upward, but staggered, twisted and winding, and the distance between the trees looks very wide.

But if you look carefully, you can see that at the height of a person's chest, the death trees are twisted to weird angles, and those branches with claws and claws almost cover all the areas above.

If you want to pass or avoid it, you can only bend forward and move forward, but no one knows how big this forest of death trees is. Once you enter, you have no other choice but to move forward passively.

Now is the time to test the two children!

Sissi and Beibei, what should you do? Ling Yun casually squeezed the resentful spirit to death, then smiled at the two little guys, their eyes turning gloomily.

Daddy, you are so stupid!

Handsome Shu is really stupid.

The two little guys immediately curled their lips and rolled their eyes at Ling Yun.

Ling Yun asked amusedly: So, you must have thought of a good idea.

That is!

While Beibei responded, he looked up at the sky at a forty-five degree angle.

Queen Demon Moon: ...

Miao Xin's mouth twitched. He was really worse than a child and already doubted his own life.

The little guy said in a sweet voice: Daddy, go catch the tree demon and order it to get out of the way. That's all.

Hahaha, good, good! Ling Yun laughed, this is a good idea.

Beibei muttered, That's not true!

It seemed that they all thought of it together, and Ling Yun was very satisfied.

Queen Yaoyue asked: I don't know where this tree demon is hiding. At this moment, the enemy is in darkness and we are in the clear. Be careful of it sneaking up on us.

Miaoxin said: If it controls these death trees, then we are really in danger.

Ling Yun raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and then rubbed the little guy's head. The latter was very smart.

She said in a milky voice: Haha, leave it to me, it's safe.


Queen Yaoyue was amused by her. Not only was this child cute, but her words were also so funny.

Come here quickly, or I'll beat you.

It was this sound that was filled with the spirit of all things. When the tree demon heard it, his body trembled. lord of all things? the tree demon said in fear.


The death tree made way for a passage, and a very inconspicuous and thin sapling slowly moved in.

If you break into the sea of ​​death trees, you will definitely die. The tree demon said.

Its eye was standing in the trunk of the tree, and its eyes were full of coldness toward Ling Yun and the others.

Daddy, it's out, right? It's fine.

Bo... Not bad. Make good use of it in the future. Go back and let your mother praise you.

Yeah yeah...

And Beibei, don't forget me.

The dryad was so angry that he ignored it? Here, it is the realm of poison, who dares not to accept it.

Queen Yaoyue twitched her lips, is this okay? She could come out just by calling it. Unaware of the truth, she felt that her IQ was being rubbed.

Miao Xin disagreed. This might be a coincidence. The tree demon was planning to come out, so there was no psychological fluctuation.

Since you broke in, you will become my fertilizer. The tree demon's eyes exuded murderous intent.

Ling Yun is so funny!

Anyone who shows murderous intent towards them must die.

You? Hahaha, in front of the handsome squid, you are too small, just like an ant. If you are so small, I will trample you to death. Beibei shook his head and laughed, not taking this tree demon seriously at all.

These words made the tree demon angry, and he said angrily: Where is your uncle, I will reward him a few times to let him know that there is a price to pay for bragging.

Miaoxin: ...

Ling Yun said: Her uncle is me.


The tree demon was so frightened that he was trembling. This was a man who killed gods. He was so crazy that he was desperate for his life. did you...could it be that you killed the little centipede? The tree demon looked shocked, and his eyes were filled with fear of Ling Yun.

Little centipede, it's just a little centipede. I, Shuai Shu, can kill it with just one sword, right? It's too small. Beibei looked up at the sky at 45 degrees, and the little guy was secretly happy! !

It was really Jiuyou Mingze who killed him. The tree demon shivered, then knelt down and slapped his body with the tree trunk.

Lord Jiuyou Mingze, hit him as long as you want, but don't slap him in the face.


Ling Yun kicked it in the face.

As promised, I won't slap you in the face.

The tree demon was very aggrieved.

Ling Yun said: If it were just now, I wouldn't have hit you, but now... you can die.

Wait...wait a minute, I'm dead, and you will spend a lot of time here.

You think I can't deal with these death trees? Are you out of your mind?

With me, you can get there easily.

No need, rest in peace.

A disdainful smile appeared at the corner of Ling Yun's mouth, with murderous intent.

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