Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1471 Resurrection

Not only Queen Yaoyue, Miao Xin was also surprised! !

The Eight Treasure Heavenly Emperor said: This god has lost everything. He cannot even be reborn. He can only exist humbly as an ancient resentful spirit.

Garbage, no godhead, no divine power, what do you call a god, a being who occupies other people's bodies? Ling Yun replied dismissively.

So what if there isn't? There is still a legend about this god in ancient times. If it weren't for you, why would this god be like this?

One person can rule for eternity, no one in heaven dares not to take me into consideration.

The Eight Treasure Heavenly Emperor stared at Ling Yun with cold eyes.


With one hand of lightning, Queen Yaoyue was shocked and screamed.

Bullying a woman, you don't care. If you can, come after me. Ling Yun's red eyes appeared again, indicating that he was really angry.

What can you do?


The Eight Treasure Heavenly Emperor shocked Yaoyue Queen again and her mouth bleeds. This time the little guy cried. Beibei rubbed her red eyes and didn't know what to do.

Ling Yun's whole body was filled with murderous intent, and he was about to burst out with the power of his second form.

Don't worry, let's talk, Jiuyou Mingze, do you know why the Haotian Sword Sect doesn't have the resentful spirits of your dead allies?

What are you talking about, I need to know? I don't need allies.

Ling Yun didn't need it, he also knew that the Eight Treasure Heavenly Emperor must kill all the hostile spirits here, and there would be no room for two tigers in one mountain.

After listening to all this, Queen Yaoyue has confirmed Ling Yun's identity, which is the scene she saw in that mysterious place, the ancient Jiuyou Mingze.

But she couldn't speak now. When she came out of that mysterious place, she met the Eight Treasures Heavenly Emperor. The latter was so terrifying that he defeated her with one move of wine.

Boom boom!

Far, far away, there was a huge noise, and the terrifying smoke formed into a black mushroom rising into the sky.

The Eight Treasure Heavenly Emperor looked ugly and said to Ling Yun: Jiuyou, come to me for the grudge between you and me.


The Eight Treasure Heavenly Emperor was so angry that Queen Yaoyue was crushed to death.

Jun Yue felt a knot in his heart and said nervously: Sir, the Holy Spirit Pearl has been taken.

Then the Eight Treasure Heavenly Emperor threw the body of Queen Yaoyue heavily to the vicinity of Lingyun, and took Jun Yue away quickly.

555~Auntie Demon.


The two little guys rubbed their eyes, crying so heart-wrenchingly that Miaoxin was so frightened that there was no trace of blood in her face.

But Ling Yun had already gone to catch the body of Queen Yaoyue, and Ling Yun's whole face was filled with chills.

Babao trash, I will prevent you from reincarnation forever.

Boom boom!

A pillar of fire spurted out in the distance, and Ling Yun was angry.

Hahaha, I like you like this. I can kill you well.

Although it hit the Eight Treasures Heavenly Emperor, the latter was a former god and could not be killed like this.

Jun Yue said: Let that little pet play with him. We have to go underground. The Holy Spirit Bead must not be taken away by others.

Come out and block Jiuyou Mingze from me!!

The little pet in his mouth is a huge centipede with a body that is hundreds of miles long and is swimming out of the ground. The head is a human-shaped face, which looks very ferocious and terrifying.

After receiving the order, it was swimming towards Ling Yun and the others.

Ling Yun gently put down the body of Queen Yaoyue and blamed himself. If he hadn't asked the latter to come, Queen Yaoyue would not have died.

Suppress three souls and shut down seven souls.

After a strange light, Ling Yun used the Heaven-Returning Technique to forcibly revive Queen Yaoyue.


The sky above the Sea of ​​Death in the Imperial Domain is filled with catastrophes!

There is zero tolerance for Ling Yun's behavior. Who gives him the right to change his destiny against nature?


Ling Yun raised his head and glared, Tian Dao was trembling, wishing he could disappear immediately, and the subsequent catastrophe also slowly disappeared, leaving the people nearby looking confused.


Why are you crying? Yaoyue is not dead. I will tell her to get up immediately.

After hearing Ling Yun's words, the little guy immediately stopped crying and kept rubbing his eyes and wiping away tears.

Beibei suddenly laughed, there was nothing wrong with that, she had been woken up by her handsome boy like this before.

And Miao Xin's mouth twitched, this Pluto couldn't be coaxing a child, talking big words, Yaoyue Queen's breath of life was gone.


Then he was very slapped in the face. Queen Yaoyue gradually began to have a heartbeat, and the injuries on her body were healing quickly.

Holy shit!

Is this God's method? Is it true that Pluto is an ancient man and has the power of God, as the Eight Treasures Heavenly Emperor said?

After thinking about it for a while, Miaoxin felt that it was too ridiculous and threw the idea behind her.

Auntie Yao, the sun is out, get up quickly. The little guy said in a milky voice.

Beibei gently shook Queen Yaoyue: Get up, your body will be warm.

Queen Yaoyue opened her eyes tiredly, and then suddenly woke up.


Isn't she already dead? She can't feel wrong about that kind of pain, it's the feeling of death.

But, what is the situation now? She was summoned by a mysterious force just now, and then a wave of warmth hit her body, and she opened her eyes.


Beibei and the little guy both giggled at her.


The corner of Miao Xin's mouth twitched and her scalp was numb. He really couldn't understand all this. How could a person be dead and still alive.

Such a serious injury, only a few breaths...

He was already healed, he was so numb that he could no longer be numb.

I'm sorry, I made you suffer. Ling Yun apologized deeply.

My emperor...

Queen Yaoyue is still confused. The key is whether she is dead or not. If not, where are all her injuries?

If he died, why would the Supreme Lord and his two children be here?

Seeing Queen Yaoyue's doubts, Ling Yun said that it would be best to just treat her as a dream and not remember it.

But... I am really alive? Queen Yaoyue asked, blinking her eyes.

The little guy shook his head and said in a sweet voice, No, no, Auntie Yao is asleep, thanks to my daddy.

She was so proud that she fell into the arms of Queen Yaoyue and acted coquettishly.

Beibei said: They are all handsome and powerful!

You hide aside, you can't beat the opponents here. Ling Yun suddenly said in a deep voice, his eyes slightly raised.

The sky was blocked from the sun, and the huge centipede flew in. Just looking at it made their scalps numb!

So big! The little guy almost opened his mouth.

Except dragons!

It was the first time for the two children to see such a huge body, hundreds of miles long, with the head but not the tail visible.

These monsters have become spirits, haven't they transformed yet? Queen Yaoyue widened her beautiful eyes.

At least 100 million years. Miao Xin was extremely shocked.

The ant-like existence makes you feel fear and despair.

Ling Yun frowned and stretched out his hand!

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