Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1435 Don’t let go

Beibei opened her mouth in surprise, and then her eyes started to move again!

The leader of the Five Elements and Grandma Qu on the side were equally shocked. Their minds were filled with what had just happened and how that golden arc could be so terrifying.

Only Queen Yaoyue guessed correctly. That golden arc contained divine power, and its destructive power was terrifying.


Queen Yaoyue didn't dare to be too sure. If it was a god, it would be too ridiculous.

I am just me, a cute child, Daddy's child. The little guy laughed.

Beibei said: My sister is very powerful, I know it!

Queen Yaoyue shook her head. In order to confirm the power again, she held the little guy's finger and gently plucked the strings.


A clear and melodious piano sound sounded. The melodious sound of the piano was like a magic sound filling the ears, making people confused and confused, and their minds seemed to be addicted.

The horrific scene once again shocked everyone! !

The arc of golden light flashed by and slashed out a dazzling scene. The sound wave alone made people lose their minds. The golden road could not bear it and was torn into pieces.

Hateful Yaoyue!

The remaining captains of the Diya Army stared at Queen Yaoyue with angry eyes, looking like they wanted to eat her alive.

Maid Yin flew out of the Golden Avenue with a trace of fear. She felt death inside. Xin Hao, she ran fast, otherwise she would have been trapped inside.

This time Queen Yaoyue swallowed her saliva and was sure that the unknown force was very powerful, but she still denied that it was a god!

Beibei laughed loudly, and then she took away Queen Yaoyue's hand, and it was her turn to play the strings.

Auntie Demon, look at me!

You seem to know a little bit. Queen Yaoyue put the little guy aside, and then prepared to teach Beibei a few strokes.


Beibei shook her head and rejected the hand extended by Queen Yaoyue. She wanted to play by herself.


As Beibei plucked the strings for the first time, there was something strange in the air.

Ling Yun's mouth twitched!

Isn’t this the only mother in the world?

Although Beibei only played it once, Ling Yun was very sure that only her mother was good in the world!

Following Beibei's extremely unfamiliar moves, sound waves gushed out all around. After listening to it, everyone felt very depressed!

I am unworthy of my parents and unworthy of being a human being.

Yeah, let me die, let me die.

Anyone with a low level of cultivation will kneel on the ground and confess to themselves, with an expression of annoyance and frustration on their faces.

Ling Yun was quite surprised that Beibei's piano music could actually induce an irresistible negative emotion in people, and the influence range was too wide.

The corners of Queen Yaoyue's mouth twitched fiercely. She was a little depressed and almost confessed herself like them.

The leader of the Five Elements and Grandma Qu were smarter and sealed their hearing so that they would not be affected.

But Fairy Leng...

Just like ordinary people, she was in a bad mood while listening to the music, as if she had lost the meaning of life and was ready to commit suicide.


Just as she stood up with her sword drawn, Ling Yun saved her with a flick of her fingertips, and the latter finally recovered from the song.

It's too powerful. I fell into a state of mind just now. Fairy Leng recalled that her scalp felt numb.

Maid Yin worked hard, and while Beibei was still playing the song, she killed the captains of the three legions, majestic and domineering!


Beibei's abilities were limited and his body was a little overwhelmed. Before he finished playing, he shook his head and refused to play, causing the Diya Army to gradually wake up.

Boom boom!

A sword energy came from all directions, but Queen Yaoyue blocked it with a wave of her hand. The terrifying fluctuations set off bursts of thick smoke, and the surrounding area was shattered.

Captain Zhang, the most powerful, glared angrily and said with sharp eyes: As long as you are there, our Lord Diya will take care of you. Now all listen to my order and retreat!

He has no way to defeat Pluto. Maybe he thinks that only Diya can shake the ancient Pluto. If he insists on capturing Zhongsansan, he may never come back.

Hearing this, Queen Yaoyue stamped her feet angrily!

I'm going to run away. If you have the ability, stay here and fight to the death with me.

No matter how Queen Yaoyue used words to attack, the Diya Army began to leave Zhongsantian in an orderly manner, dispersing like a burst of black mist.

The little guy said: Ah ha, run away...just run away if you can't beat me. This is what my dad taught me. I didn't expect them to learn it too.

Beibei: ...


Ling Yun didn't say it, nor could he agree!

Since they're all here, let's all stay.

Ling Yun's solemn tone revealed the majestic murderous intent, which immediately caused everyone in the three days to take a breath of cold air. At this moment, it was like falling into an ice cave, and the hairs all over the body stood on end.

Ling Yun grabbed the air with his hand, and the void became distorted. The terrifying scene shocked everyone.

The black legion of Diya was violently thrown down, as if they were punched by the sky, falling vertically, setting off gusts of wind.

The sky is covered with dark clouds, layer after layer, and the terrifying power of thunder and lightning is raging.


At this moment, the terrifying aura shook the heaven and earth, and thousands of miles of mountains and rivers roared!

In the sky, countless thunder and lightning intertwined together to form an extremely huge thunder mountain, crushing downwards fiercely, as if to shatter the world.

In this thundering mountain, there were echoes of sizzling sounds. The trembling black legions of Diya below suddenly became sluggish after hearing these sounds.

This kind of thunder and lightning is formed and sent out in just an instant. It gathers the power of thousands of thunders, just like thousands of demons coming to the world and striking with all their strength.


A muffled thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, as dark as ink and as thick as a mountain, and the entire sky seemed to have fallen into a dark and deep abyss.

Such a powerful divine punishment has never been seen by Queen Yaoyue. How much power was used? She really couldn't imagine it.

The leader of the Five Elements Church and the others all felt a cold air rushing straight into the sky, their anus tightened, and it felt like a cold snake was crawling on their backs! !

It's not just about destroying the black legion of Diya, it's also about destroying the rhythm of Zhongsan Santian!

Queen Yaoyue looked panicked and said: Emperor... stop it!

What are you afraid of!

Ling Yun smiled nonchalantly, letting go of the Diya Black Legion now? It was like letting the tiger return to the mountain. He was not a fool. The golden road gave him a sense of familiarity!

The mysterious person who participated in the last war in the God Realm must have something to do with Diya. It means that Diya's legion has become lawless and must be taught a lesson.

The little guy looked at it with a dull expression, and his little mouth opened slightly again without knowing it. He was so cute!

Boom boom!

The Thunder Mountain fell like a cannonball, approaching the Diya Army. They had no way to escape and screamed in agony!

The sky cracked and the color of the universe changed.

The terrifying and majestic thunder and lightning is raging, like an endless ocean, sweeping across the world.

Even if those legion captains tried their best, they could only hold on for a second or two.

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