Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1415 The highlight

No one expected that someone would actually start a fight at the Shengshi Auction.

A terrifying force came down, making Master Wuji Sword Master and Master Jianglong feel uncomfortable. For a moment, their bodies felt as if they were being pressed by a huge mountain.

You don't even look at where you are taking action. Grandma Qu's voice made everyone's hearts tremble.

Elder Feng jumped up and came to the two of them in an instant, with a look of anger on his face!

Boom boom! !

With one punch, two loud people were knocked down to the high platform, and then two more people were lightly stepped on in an instant.

The Supreme Sword Master held back a mouthful of blood and turned pale. If Grandma Qu hadn't been obstructing him, how could he have been killed with one punch.

Master Jianglong laughed loudly and said angrily: Let me go, you are finished. Don't you know who I am?

Jiang Long, if you've had enough trouble, go back to your room. If you talk any more, get out of here. Elder Feng kicked him off the platform with a single kick, a cold light flashing in his eyes.

Seeing Master Jianglong getting up and walking away laughing, Master Wuji Sword couldn't give up because Pluto's words were still in his ears.

Don't leave. Master Wuji Sword said.

Are you stupid because you were imprisoned in the Dragon Lock Tower? Elder Feng stepped on Wuji Sword Master's head, but the latter couldn't struggle away.

VIP room 303!

The little guy and Beibei were lying on the window sill again, peeking at what was going on downstairs.

It's so miserable, such a pitiful uncle.

Yeah, yeah, it's too miserable.

Maid Yin was just behind the two of them. She saw the temporarily chaotic Shengshi Auction and smiled.

Master Wuji Sword said: Don't leave if you can. Let me go.

If you keep making trouble here, do you believe I will be ruined?

He's just a casual cultivator. Will Elder Feng be afraid of the Supreme Sword Master? The former is backed by Shengshi Auction.

The Grand Auction is going too far to deceive people. It relies on the strength of the crowd, right?

Hahaha...what can you do? Elder Feng took a sip!

Then everyone was blaming Wuji Sword Master, what a fuss about such an auction!

If Shengshi Auction didn't take action, they would take action. Tianshan Snow Lotus couldn't wait to be auctioned, which made them anxious.

Let me go, I will fight to the death with him. Master Wuji Swordsman glared at Master Jianglong, his tone full of murderous intent.

These are not only the words of Pluto, but also his dignity. At this moment, Elder Feng tramples on the ground. He is a strong man of the generation and cannot tolerate such insults from others!

You bitch, after the auction is over, I will kill you. Lord Jianglong stared coldly at Master Wuji Sword!


Elder Feng personally kicked the Wuji Sword Master out of the Golden Age Auction and blacklisted him, and everyone applauded.

Wuji Sword Master was lying outside the gate, his face pale, and he finished secretly...

I wonder if Pluto will be angry!

Probably not, he still has a chance, that is to wait for Master Jianglong to come out.

Fairy Leng returned to the second floor and was trembling in Queen Yaoyue's private room. She didn't know why she came back, and she was in a trance.

What happened? Was he kicked out again? Have you met me this time? Queen Yaoyue asked.

After a quick scan of her consciousness, Fairy Leng was not injured again, so she was also very curious.

It's him! The Supreme Lord!

After Fairy Leng finished speaking, she realized that she was already covered in cold sweat.

What? He was at the Shengshi Auction, in 303!! Queen Yaoyue was surprised and happy. After being happy for a while, she curled her lips like a child.

It's him, and the little princess is also there. This subordinate will not be mistaken.

To be honest, Tai Shenjun is really handsome, but she is not a nymphomaniac. On the contrary, Queen Yaoyue's face is a little more rosy.

Since he's here, it's good. I'll go over and see my little cutie later, and just ask the emperor how he plans to do the next three days.

The Demon Moon Queen plays the piano in a charming way...

The master of ceremonies said: Okay, everyone, please be quiet. Now let's start the auction of the most important item, Tianshan Snow Lotus!!

The main event is finally here. It's all the fault of the Infinite Sword Master guy. It wasted a lot of my time.

Let me see, there aren't that many spiritual stones to play with you.

The master of ceremonies said: The Tianshan Snow Lotus is over 10 million years old, and the bidding starts with 10,000 top-quality spiritual stones.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked, and you could hear needles dropping at the scene.

Ten million years?

Did they hear it right?

I received news before that Shengshi Auction will auction an item today. I only knew it was Tianshan Snow Lotus, but I didn’t expect it to be so old!

Thirty thousand!

You go home and buy a coffin. I'll pay you fifty thousand.

As more and more people bid, the price soars.

Queen Yaoyue asked Fairy Leng to bid, which made her presence felt. Her offer made the whole audience excited!

Tianshan Snow Lotus suddenly reached 100,000. One hundred thousand top-quality spiritual stones can buy three or four artifacts. However, for the priceless Tianshan Snow Lotus, 100,000 top-quality spiritual stones are too low.

Ling Yun slowly walked to the window sill and said, One hundred and fifty thousand!

This is the rich man. Everyone is staring at 303. This VIP room has blocked spiritual consciousness, and fog is constantly emerging, making it difficult to see the person's appearance.

Queen Yaoyue twitched her lips and said, You are really willing to give it up!

Fairy Leng said: He is the biggest rich man!

Top floor!

Grandma Qu smiled: Interesting, who is this room 303? I'm going to go there myself and clean up the culprits.

The little guy's eyes never left the Tianshan Snow Lotus on the high platform. The latter was so beautiful that it shimmered and shone.

Look...there's a hidden weapon!

A figure suddenly appeared and pointed behind Elder Feng. When the latter turned around, he was ready to snatch the Tianshan Snow Lotus!

Beautiful thought!

Elder Feng reacted and kicked the robber to death, leaving the scene stained with blood!

You don't overestimate your capabilities. You still want to snatch the Tianshan Snow Lotus. Do you think I don't exist?

Elder Feng shook his head and laughed. It's true that cats and dogs dare to come here. Even if he misses, there is still Grandma Qu above!

Beibei's face turned dark. She was just about to secretly go down and take the Tianshan Snow Lotus, but then she realized that this loophole was not a loophole!

Handsome Shu, what would happen if that person just got the Tianshan Snow Lotus?

I won't let him get it.

If...I said if!


The Tianshan Snow Lotus is surrounded by strong poison, and anyone who encounters it will have no bones left. This is no joke.

Yeah, yeah, it's so expensive...why should we take pictures? Instead of robbing them?

Beibei, you must know that everything happens for a reason, and robbing is wrong, remember!

I won't rob...

Good boy!

The little guy on the side said in a sweet voice, I'll get it, I won't grab it.

Ling Yun: ...

Then the little guy covered his forehead in pain, and she was beaten by Ling Yun, which made the latter remember it for a long time!

The price of Tianshan Snow Lotus continues to rise, and there are still more than a dozen bidders!

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