Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1300 Take your life (first update)

Yan Xuefei sighed, this must be the so-called self-inflicted evil, and she did not have the courage to tell Sun Liluo the truth about the matter.

It doesn't matter what the truth is, just bury it here!

Big sister, don't cry. This is my mom, and that's my daddy. It's not a good boy to cry. The little guy said in a milky voice, really like an adult.

Yan Xuefei touched Sun Liluo's head and continued to comfort her!

Liu Fu and Liu Zelong saw that the scene was a bit chaotic and were about to leave. They went home to mobilize their guards and prepare to attack the city lord's palace. At this moment, the Sun family was leaderless, so it was a good time to replace them.

Not only them, but the other seven aristocratic families in Danyu City have already gone back to gather manpower, but they are the slowest!

Wait! Ling Yun said!

Hearing this, Liu Zelong trembled all over, but Liu Fu grabbed him, forced him to leave, and even Ling Yun was like no one!


Upon seeing this, the leader of the Fish Sect immediately blocked their way, forcing them to stop.

What are you going to do? Liu Fu looked directly at the leader of the Fish Sect, who frowned!

Keep him alive!

As soon as the leader of the Fish Sect finished speaking, Ling Yun's body technique floated over and directly took away Liu Zelong's life!

thump! !

A corpse fell, and Liu Zelong's neck was covered with blood!

Liu Fu was furious and filled with murderous intent, but he was restrained by the leader of the Fish Sect and could not get angry!

This is a gamble, not a joke. Ling Yun said coldly!

Everyone marveled at the strength of Lingyun, a mere true immortal, who could actually do something under their noses. The most important thing was that he succeeded.

Boy, I remember you. I hope you can get out of Danyu City safely!

Liu Fu's tone was full of threats, but Ling Yun didn't care at all. He didn't mind giving him a ride if he wanted to die.

The leader of the Fish Sect frowned, secretly thinking that he actually dared to speak to Pluto like this, and when he returned to the Shanyu Sect, he immediately destroyed the Liu family in Shanyu City.

However, he was just thinking about it. According to Liu Fu's anger at the moment, he would probably be waiting for Hades outside the mansion.

I will get out safely. I don't mind if you wait for me outside. A playful smile appeared on Ling Yun's lips.

Liu Fu snorted coldly, took one last look at Liu Zelong on the ground and left the city lord's mansion!

Deng Ranzi and Deng Yuan swallowed their saliva, secretly thinking that it might not be their turn.

Sure enough, Ling Yun looked over, and Deng Yuan immediately smiled and said: This little brother, how many spiritual stones do you need to save the child's life? Just tell me a number!

Oh...are you going to buy your life with money?

Yes, please make a price. Deng Yuan was secretly happy. Ling Yun talking to him meant that there was hope, and wealth could lead to the gods.

Whatever you lose when you bet, you have to pay for it. I don't need the money, just keep it to buy a good coffin for your son.

Ling Yun said as he walked past Deng Ranzi. After the figure left, there was another blood mark on Deng Ranzi's neck. The latter fell to the ground with blood flowing all over the floor.


Everyone was shocked, another one was killed! !

Stupid Qing, even if he is the ancestor of the fish sect, I don't think he can survive.

Yes, both of them are among the top-notch powers in Danyu Continent and cannot be offended.

Everyone started talking and looked at Ling Yun and shook their heads.

Yan Xuefei seems to be used to it. Even if she knows that Ling Yun only has the strength of a true immortal, so what! The latter has many and strange methods. He is just a weirdo. Anyone who dislikes longevity should mess with him!

Deng Yuan clenched his fist tightly. He was unusual. He walked up to Ling Yun without saying a word and avenged his revenge in person!

A life for a life!

As he said that, he struck at Ling Yun, who turned his back to him and sneered at the corner of his mouth. This terrifying palm was caught by the leader of the Fish Sect who suddenly flashed forward!


A layer of ground suddenly rose up all around, and terrifying power swept in all directions.

Ling Yun secretly took action and quietly pushed the leader of the Fish Sect on the back!


Deng Yuan's eyes widened, he suddenly lost his strength, even though he was evenly matched just now!


Deng Yuan was repulsed by the leader of the Fish Sect, and the corners of his mouth were filled with blood!

Hahaha, Yu Zong! We at Deng Yuan Escort Agency will not let you go.

After saying that, he went to get the lunch box. Just now, Ling Yun used the power of the leader of the Fish Sect to forcefully destroy his internal organs, and even his Nascent Soul was shattered!

Another person died, and everyone shook their heads and laughed. They never expected that Deng Yuan would be defeated or be killed in one move.

Papa, why don't you take them to the Moonlight Demon Suppressing Pagoda.

Ling Yun replied awkwardly: Catch what? They were gambling with their lives, and this was not done by me.

He pointed to Deng Yuan's body on the ground, and the little guy scratched his head with a slight frown.

The head of the Fish Sect said respectfully: Old Ancestor, he has been executed.

Thank you, let's go. There's no point in staying here. Ling Yun yawned deeply, picked up the little guy and walked towards the gate!

Beibei and little Irene quickly followed, and Yan Xuefei shouted: Wait...wait a minute!

Ling Yun paused and asked, What's wrong?

City Master Sun is dead, and this place will become a target later. Li Luo is still here! Yan Xuefei said!

Hearing this, Sun Liluo wiped her tears and smiled bitterly. Who could have imagined that this would be the case!

You can take her away. Ling Yun said!

Yan Xuefei said: But...but...what about them, those innocent people in the mansion?

What does their life and death have to do with me? Ling Yun frowned, he is not the savior!

Yan Xuefei looked at Ling Yun, pointed at the head of the Fish Sect and said, Open your mouth and ask the person next to you to stand up.

The City Lord's Mansion will all be disbanded at this moment. Ling Yun said loudly!

The Sun family is dissatisfied, why? This is their City Lord's Mansion. Although City Lord Sun is dead, they are not vegetarians, and neither are the guards!

Look, it's not that I don't help, it's that they don't appreciate it. Ling Yun sneered at the corner of his mouth!

Yan Xuefei sighed, held Sun Liluo's hand and said loudly: If you are defeated, just surrender. There is no need to lose your life in vain.

Sun Liluo was absent-minded, as if she had lost her soul. The blow to her today was indeed severe, it could be said that she went from heaven to hell.

Immediately, the two of them followed Ling Yun's footsteps and walked out of the city lord's mansion, leaving only a group of stunned people eating melon seeds talking about it.

The era of war and gunfire in Danyu Continent is finally coming.

Someone looked up to the sky and sighed!

Just as Ling Yun thought, outside the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, people from the eight major families came and surrounded the City Lord's Mansion!

All the soldiers in Shanyu City surrendered, and they were told that it didn't matter whoever was the city lord, it would be good to have a share of income.

Liu Fu was surprised. Not long after he came out, he saw members of his family coming here. His eyes were coldly staring at Ling Yun.

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