Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1284 Dispute (Third update)

Oni Yaksha and the others stepped back one by one, their heads shaking, and they kept saying it was impossible. Obviously, all this was unacceptable to them.

How weird!

The Pisces Monarch laughed loudly: I'm just saying, Demon God...ah...

Before he could finish his words, the Pisces Monarch, who had just recovered from many injuries, was kicked again. This time, he was kicked in the chest by the Ghost King, causing a lot of blood to spit out from his mouth.

You're so fucking noisy, you're so chatty, you really deserve a beating.

The Ghost King can only vent his anger on the Pisces Monarch and regain a little bit of calmness!

To be honest, the move you just made was really too strong. It surpassed our power. It was scary...

But we brothers all have questions. The catastrophe in the sky is not aimed at you? Why hasn't it fallen yet?

This problem was discovered when they were possessed. Originally, Heaven did not allow the power of the Ghost King and the demigod to exist, but it happened that the thunder tribulation did not fall. What happened!

I don't know.

The Ghost King shook his head. He himself was confused. Even if he listened to Ling Yun's words, he didn't expect that he really didn't fall behind. To be honest, he was really worried to death.

Could it be that it's blind? A certain guard stared coldly at the sky!


Get out of the way!

A bolt of thunder and lightning immediately struck from the sky, and its target was the underworld guard who said that the way of heaven was blind!


There is a corpse in the ground, and the underworld guard is possessed again!

The Ghost Emperor and the others were all trembling in their hearts. Heaven was staring at them!

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, and Tiandao's eyes averted. It was indeed powerful necromancy magic, he had to admit it!

It’s a bit tricky this time!

It's true that one thing defeats another. The power of heaven can kill the god of death, but it can't deal with the mere underworld guards!

When one is split and the other is possessed, it is the head, so Ling Yun has a headache!

Is it an accident? You know how scary our underworld guards are. A figure flew from a distance. This is the one who was struck by lightning just now!

The little guy didn’t understand why, he kept saying that so many people were coming!

Holy shit, shit, you're so perverted, how can you play? The Ghost Emperor was like a deflated rubber ball, limp and without any fighting spirit.

Lord Pluto, is there anything you can do? Gui Yaksha looked at Ling Yun who was calming down!

Ling Yun shook his head. He didn't have it yet. He had to move his body and play in person to know what kind of monster Huangquan Guard was.

It's over, it's over!

Seeing Ling Yun shaking his head, the Ghost Emperor became even more disheartened.

Old boy, you block it first while I think of something, Ling Yun said.

Okay, hurry up. Each of them is at the peak of their strength and can only last a few minutes. The Ghost Emperor replied as he rushed forward to fight against the Thirteen Underworld Guards.

Ling Yun knelt down and asked: Qianxi, don't you want to rule the twelve regions? Now the opportunity is right in front of you. Use your cuteness to influence them.

Yan Xuefei opened her mouth wide, then covered it, her beautiful eyes looked in disbelief, she heard something! !

Her daughter wants to unify the twelve domains and the entire universe! !

Pluto was so terrifying. He had given her such thoughts since she was a child. She was so angry at the thought that she slapped Ling Yun in the face, furious!


The little guy blinked, then pushed Yan Xuefei away and protected Ling Yun: Don't hit my daddy.

Qianxi, answer me! Ling Yun smiled and didn't care about Yan Xuefei's crazy move!


The second palm!

At this time, Gui Yasha and the others all turned their heads and collapsed on the ground in fear. Last time in Gui Island, Concubine Yan Xuefei was seriously injured because she was disrespectful to Pluto. Now...

what's the situation!

Pluto was slapped in the face!

The old woman trembled and said: Xue Fei...he...he is Lord Pluto, please stop messing around, don't you want to live?

Don't worry about it. This is between me and him. Yan Xuefei turned around and responded domineeringly. Gui Yaksha and the others were dumbfounded and were thinking wrongly. Could it be that the situation between the two of them was different?

She then continued to stare at Ling Yun and said, Is this your responsibility as her father? I want to see the emperor and empress!

Ling Yun: ...

What did he do wrong?

Faced with Yan Xuefei's accusation, Ling Yun just smiled. He could understand the latter's love for the little guy, but she didn't know why.

Don't get excited yet. Ling Yun rolled his eyes. If it were him before, the Yan Xuefei in front of him would have died many times, right?

The little guy rubbed his eyes and seemed to be crying. She didn't understand why her mother wanted to beat her father.

Don't cry.

Ling Yun frowned, he was angry!

It’s okay for this woman to hit him, but it’s not okay for her to make his daughter cry!

I'm sorry Sissi, I do it for your own good.

Yan Xuefei's words made the little one stop crying. Perhaps she was comforted by the touch of her head, and Ling Yun returned to normal.

The ghost island has lost one more bloody storm, and everyone has gone away without knowing it at all.

The little guy immediately hugged Yan Xuefei, buried his head in her heart, and sniffed.

Beibei was dumbfounded!

What's going on with them? It was her godmother who beat her handsome uncle!

At this moment, little Irene had no intention of paying attention here. She discovered that a Huangquan guard was secretly approaching the Pisces Monarch!

This time they were rescuing the Pisces Monarch, and Gui Yaksha and the others were watching Ling Yun without even noticing.

Huh...burn you to death!!

Little Irene immediately breathed out fire, targeting the Pisces Monarch and a certain underworld guard who rescued him!

Oni Yaksha and the others realized that they couldn't let him rescue the Pisces Monarch, so they were on their way to stop him!

Little Erin's fire was so intense that they couldn't get in! !


The Pisces Monarch expressed that he was very hurt. He was burned to death. He suffered so much. A certain underworld guard was burned and possessed again!

The baby is looking at you!

Little Eileen said in a sweet voice, her eyes always staring at the Pisces Monarch, who shuddered violently, he had offended a terrible child!

Damn it!


The little guy lay on Yan Xuefei's heart and said in a choked voice: Yeah, I... I want to be... ahem... female... ahem...

The voice was intermittent. Ling Yun squatted down, touched her head, and said with a smile: Why are you crying? Sissi is the strongest, right? Dad knows what you want to say, queen, right? The Emperor of January will live forever!

Beibei clapped his hands and said, Oh, I was discovered by the handsome man.

This is the queen's name given to Beibei by Sissi, who nods her head when she hears it!

This is her ideal. I have never asked her to do it. Maybe she has her own ideas, and I have never thought about helping her complete it. But the person who blocks her path is my enemy.

Hearing this, Yan Xuefei hugged the little guy tightly, including Ling Yun. The former didn't seem to be embarrassed at all.

The old woman's mouth twitched, secretly thinking that she really had an affair!

Ling Yun blushed for the first time in ten thousand years...

It was so incredible that even he himself was shocked! ! !

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