Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1282 Exploring the water (first update)

Thinking of this, she shuddered hard, she didn't want to be eaten!

Brother, if you can't beat us, just run away and go back to Blue Star to live, play games every day, and eat delicious food every day.

The child didn't have the sad expression just now, only a dazed look on his face, and the corners of his mouth began to drool.

Ling Yun: ...

No... I'm too cowardly. I can't do it. They are so rubbish, why can't they win? Beibei shook his head!

The little guy said: Daddy, if you can't beat them, then let's join forces. Father and daughter are of the same mind, and we can defeat gold.


Hearing this, Ling Yun was very happy. He could still learn a lot of good things from watching Calabash's cartoons.

Besides, will Daddy be beaten? Eh... I despise you... the little guy said in a coquettish voice, pouting his mouth and turning his head to the side, looking so cute.

Yan Xuefei: ...

what's the situation?

The Ghost Emperor and the others are being tortured. Pluto is still interested in talking to his daughter. Can you be more serious? !

Ling Yun, are you looking at him like this? Yan Xuefei couldn't help but ask, with a cold look in her eyes. She was the only one who could question Ling Yun like this.

What's the rush? Everything is under control. They can't die as long as I'm here. Ling Yun said leisurely. He spent a lot of time planning how to torture these thirteen scum.

No, I won't play anymore. Everyone is so strong.

The big-headed Ghost Emperor was intimidated, and after just a few moves, he was beaten to the point where he was unable to fight back. Ghost Yaksha and the others were even worse, each of them was beaten until they could hardly stand up.

Hahahaha, do you see? This is our strength. It is easy to deal with you trash. Yiwei looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, his eyes full of disdain for the Ghost Emperor and the others. The Ghost Emperor and the others were holding their breath and could not refute.

Trash is trash, I can stab you to death with one finger. Erwei said coldly.

Seeing how miserable the Ghost Emperor and the others were, the Pisces Monarch burst out laughing again. This time, Ling Yun kicked him, and the latter's face almost sunk in, causing him to scream in pain.

Beibei said: Handsome Shu, if you don't take action, I can't help it anymore.

Her fists even started to move!

Okay, how are Beibei going to deal with them? Ling Yun joked, with a smile in his eyes.

Beibei's eyes were round and she said in a sweet voice, If I beat them, they will admit defeat if they are afraid. They will be afraid when they see me in the future.

Without waiting for Ling Yun to reply, she added: Well, I saved little Irene. Now I am so powerful that it hurts to hit people with my fists.

Ling Yun: ...

Isn't it painful? Several people died under Beibei's magic fist!

Little Eileen said: Thank you sister!

And me, I have a share too. The little guy's eyes turned gloomy, it seems that Wangzi is indispensable!

Sure enough, the little guy immediately stretched out his little hand, and Ling Yun understood. To be honest, the Sixth Protector was killed. He was really angry and wanted to waste his energy to help the Sixth Protector. Fortunately, he had retained a trace of the Sixth Protector's soul before.

Now that the Phoenix is ​​gone, the Sixth Guardian, as the only employee who makes Wangzai milk, has died again. He has no stock.

The little guy agreed that he would owe it first, and the latter nodded his head in aggrieved manner.

Does he look down on us?

If you can, do it yourself, Pluto!!

Ling Yun had never looked directly at the Huangquan Guards, so some of them were very unconvinced.

The Ghost Emperor and the others all retreated, and he could no longer fight.

Ling Yun ignored Huang Quan's words and acted as if he hadn't heard anything. He turned to face the Ghost Emperor and said: Old man, don't you just do whatever you want if you have a set of awesome martial arts skills, such as the Ghost Vein Divine Technique? Your strength can surpass the Immortal Emperor. Yes.

The Ghost King felt confused, secretly thinking how could Pluto know his secret?

Could it be?

Could it be Devil May Cry!

Seeing Ling Yun smiling at him, he immediately said in surprise: You brat, it's you!!

Hahaha, old boy, you just recognized me, your eyes are so bad. Ling Yun touched his nose with a look of helplessness on his face.

You brat, I didn't expect you to lie to me. It's so inhumane.

The Ghost Emperor's eyes were wet and he cried like a child. Oni Yaksha and the others twitched their mouths. Is the Ghost Emperor really in front of them?

Yan Xuefei shook her head and smiled. She had known for a long time that Pluto was crying, so instead of being shocked by them, she looked calm.

Hey, hey, what is cheating? You didn't ask, I didn't tell you. Ling Yun curled his lips!

Hahaha, it doesn't matter now. You are always there for me in every crisis. I feel so relieved.

Let's get back to the subject, don't you want to show off your ultimate martial arts secret?

Ling Yun felt that there was something wrong with the Thirteen Underworld Guards, and planned to trick the Ghost Emperor into exploring the water!

What do you know? I told you at the beginning that once the Ghost Pulse Divine Art is used, the catastrophe will come. At that time, it is either death or death. The Ghost King sighed, with a look of helplessness on his face.

Oni Yaksha was secretly shocked, what kind of martial arts skills could cause such an exaggerated disaster.

Huangquan Guards: ...

It’s as if they don’t exist!

Yiwei murmured to himself: Is it true?

Don't listen to him. I've never heard of it since I was a kid.

That is, what if he didn't use it during the Onigashima crisis?

The other Huangquan guards shook their heads, while the three guards were approaching the Pisces Monarch while Ling Yun and the others were not paying attention, trying to liberate the latter. His every move was being watched by little Irene.

Little Eileen frowned slightly and said nothing, wondering what she was thinking.

Ling Yun said: It is true that heaven and earth will not allow you to use it, but you can try it now, and you don't have to worry that the ghost island will be destroyed by you.

Really? The Ghost Emperor asked subconsciously, and then shook his head wildly. He still didn't dare to try it. The power of using the Ghost Pulse Divine Art was too great, and his body couldn't bear it at the moment. It would cost him his life.

You are too cowardly. Which woman stole your courage to face me in the seal? Ling Yun joked. He especially wanted to see the Ghost Vein Divine Art that once made the Ghost Emperor proud. , is it as awesome as the latter said?

The Ghost King lowered his head in shame. He didn't know when he started to be greedy for life and afraid of death. He always felt that after coming out of the sealed place, the world was beautiful and there was a lot more fun.

For example, he doesn’t have a partner yet!

The corners of Gui Yasha's mouth twitched fiercely. They had never heard that the Ghost Emperor was related to that woman.


The little guy muttered his mouth and made a milky sound.


Okay, I will risk my life. I will trust you once. The Ghost King gritted his teeth! His tone became more determined.

The three little guys' eyes widened in an instant. They saw the Ghost Emperor mumbling some unknown mantras. It felt like a monk chanting sutras.

I go!

what's the situation?

Damn it, this power has already broken through the Eighteenth Immortal Emperor.

Oni Yaksha and the others were all dumbfounded, they all envied this power!

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