Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1270: Playing it big (first update)

Seeing that the earth dragon was destroyed, the little one's heart was unmoved. Anyway, she remembered that transforming into a dragon was just a matter of snapping her fingers.

When Ling Yun and An Qing saw this, they were secretly happy. The little guy's move was worthy of praise.

Seeing this, the Ghost King gave an order to all go out to fight!

Go ahead and avenge your dead comrades from Onigashima.

Don't be afraid, just do it!

Even if I blow myself up, I'll still be able to support myself.

Kill Pisces!


As soon as the city gate opened, the few thousand remaining ghost guards in the new Ghost Crying City immediately rushed out with the Ghost Emperor, their morale greatly increased, and they stabbed each man in white armor.

There are many main forces on Ghost Island, but on the opposite side are four generals who are temporarily retreating. Since the Pisces Lord had promised that no one should disturb him, no one dared to go in and report.

General Qu from the Eastern Expedition is being chased by Ghost Jianchou, General Cheng from the Western Expedition and General Yang from the Southern Expedition face off against the strongest Ghost Emperor on the Ghost Island.

During the battle between Ghost King and Ghost Thirteen and Lu Changlong, the old woman also helped the Ghost Guards to kill the enemy together. The outskirts of the new city, Ghost Crying City, suddenly felt like the sky was falling apart and the earth was shattering.

Look at my Beibei Divine Fist, the Xiangmo eighteen shocks!

The child changed her name again, and a small fist shot out from her hand, which gradually grew in size. Yan Xuefei could see it clearly, so it came from Beibei's hand.


It turns out Beibei is the king, so embarrassing!

Boom boom!

With this punch, the ground collapsed and the mountains and rivers were shattered. Although it was not aimed at the four generals, they were still affected.

The Ghost King was shocked, where did this fist come from? It almost killed him, but luckily it was the aftermath, otherwise he would have known how to hide, he was too strong.

No, the formation in New City Devil May Cry City is a little cracked. Oni Yaksha muttered to himself, and at the same time he got rid of the entangled formation.

Then he looked at the battlefield and decisively came back to consolidate the formation.

The little guy's eyes began to roll gloomily again. This time she played a big role, and five dragons suddenly appeared. There were three earth dragons, one was a water dragon, which was formed from the nearby river, and the other was formed from the air. It was almost can not see!

She was a little overwhelmed by using so much strength at once, and her body was trembling slightly.

This time the battlefield is in complete chaos, Beibei's magic fist will continue!

Look at my Invisible Divine Fist, it's really awesome.


Little Irene stood up and started laughing. She must have taken revenge this time. Lu Changlong resisted Beibei's magic fist head-on, spurting out a mouthful of blood, and was hit by a water dragon. He screamed in pain.

It's so awesome, little dragon, bite them and avenge the death of little Irene. The little guy made a milky voice and waved his little fist fiercely.

Little Eileen: “…………”

Why did she die?

Yan Xuefei: ...

The little guy realized that he had made a mistake and immediately changed it back: For Grandpa Six, rush.

General Dongzheng Qu said angrily: Who is hiding the head and tail? If you have the ability, come out to me.

Seeing the carefully laid out battlefield being destroyed like this, General Dongzheng Qu was filled with murderous rage, and the muscles on his face were rolling and twisting, looking extremely ferocious.

Gui Jianchou smiled and said: That's funny, why would such a trash like you come out to see you?

He was also confused. These strange dragons looked like dragons but were not dragons, and he didn't know where they came from.

General Dong Zheng Qu was full of murderous aura, and after several jumps he came to Hou Tulong.


Boom boom! !

Another punch penetrated the earth dragon's head, and the soil on his body instantly turned into dust all over the sky.

Roar! !

A dragon roar, the sound alone made General Dong Zhengqu take a few steps back, and the latter's face turned a little pale.

Seeing this, Gui Jianchou didn't give General Dongzhengqu a chance to breathe, and launched a series of martial arts at the latter!

Damn it, you bastards, go to hell.

General Dongzhengqu's physical aura gradually became stronger, and a terrifying palm came towards Guijianchou, who's eyes narrowed!


The terrifying palm-slapping flying ghost came towards the city wall on the little guy's side when he saw his sorrow.

Yan Xuefei immediately helped to block it, but the force was too strong and she was no match for it. At this time, Beibei punched him, and the terrifying power instantly broke the palm.

It’s not over yet!

This divine fist went straight towards General Dong Zhengqu, and then his pupils grew big and he shouted Fuck!

is her!!

General Dong Zheng Qu still saw the princess of the past God Realm! He resisted this punch with all his strength.

After the sound of bombing and the light disappeared, General Dong Zhengqu was covered in blood and stood in mid-air with his clothes in tatters.

Hahaha, this punch really hurts. It is a god-level martial skill. The daughter of the Supreme Lord appears here, it is really good. General Qu of the Eastern Expedition looked up to the sky and sighed.

Hearing this, all the men in white armor on the ground stopped. What did they hear?


it's here?

Isn't that Pluto? Could it be that these weird dragons are controlled by his power?


Thinking of this, their lips turned white and their bodies couldn't stop trembling.

Hahahaha, I will fight even if I die. It belongs to you, so die for me. General Dongzheng Qu glared at the three little guys on the wall!

His movement was so fast that Ghost Thirteen was shocked and immediately flew over to stop him. However, he was knocked away like a piece of scenery and his life or death was unknown.

The Ghost King gritted his teeth and shouted: You have the ability to come at me, but how can you deal with them?

Flying so fast?

Beibei's consciousness was locked throughout the whole process, and she started the Thunder Gate not far from the city wall!


General Dong Zhengqu ran into it without accident, and everyone was stunned.


Above Onigashima, the Thunder Gate appeared, and General Dong Zhengqu rushed down, his head feeling dizzy.

It's General Qu. He's fallen. Run! Many men in white armor on the ground ran away!

Boom boom! !

A burst of sand and dust rose up. General Dongzheng Qu was lying on the deep pit, his body heaving up and down. He didn't know how injured he was. No one dared to come close!


The earth dragon would not let go of such a good opportunity. It hit the deep pit at once, and screams came from inside, as if it had been castrated.

Old song!

General Yang of the Southern Expedition knocked away the Ghost King and killed Tulong!


A roar of the water dragon knocked him to the ground. The people of Onigashima stared straight at him, their victory was right in front of them.

Beibei's eyes rolled round and he muttered: So bad? You still ran over there stupidly?

After saying that, she clapped her hands, and a huge force followed the trend, slamming General Yang of Nanzheng on the ground, forming a palm print!

The little guy didn't even blink. How could he be like this? She has to try it too!

Boom boom! !

This test didn't matter, he slapped the seriously injured General Yang of Nanzheng to death with one palm!

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