Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1267 Successful rescue

Immediately she frowned slightly and looked at the old woman with her little mouth raised, who smiled awkwardly!

Little princess, we have arrived.

Qian Qian, is there any way to get in? Yan Xuefei pointed to the new city of Devil May Cry City shrouded in formation!

Beibei yawned deeply and said in a sweet voice, Godmother... I haven't rescued little Irene yet!

What, little Irene was taken away? Yan Xuefei's beautiful eyes widened.

Little Irene was captured by bad guys. The little guy looked like he was crying but not crying. If Beibei hadn't reminded her, she would have really forgotten.

Thirteen, do you know? Yan Xuefei turned back and glared at Ghost Thirteen, who lowered his head shyly, he didn't know.

When I saw the two of them, an old man with a weapon spirit disappeared into thin air. I don't know about the others. The old man asked me to bring them to you. Ghost Thirteen shrugged and said truthfully, his eyes flashing with helplessness. color.

Then have you seen that there is another child? Yan Xuefei asked anxiously.

No, but they both kept saying that one of them was captured.

Pisces Monarch!! Oni Yaksha said, it must be in the hands of Pisces Monarch!

Yan Mama, let's go rescue little Irene, shall we?

The little guy vaguely seemed to see the sound of little Irene crying, so it was probably not an illusion.

How to go? I also want to save her. Yan Xuefei was secretly frightened, and her face became increasingly anxious.

Let's do this. Inform Lord Pisces and tell him that it is the child next to Pluto. Once he knows, he will not do anything bad to her. After Gui Yaksha thought for a moment, his eyes lit up. This is not a bad idea.

That's a good idea. If you were the Pisces Monarch, would you believe it? It would definitely be useful to capture that child. The Ghost King said, and the key came to mind as soon as he thought about it.

Yan Xuefei even wanted to deceive the Pisces Monarch and exchange it for some of the top ten ancient artifacts in her hand, which the Pisces Monarch always thought was in her hands anyway.

Hahaha, I thought of it, wait for me. As she said this, Beibei's terrifying consciousness immediately searched for little Irene in a wide area, her brows furrowed tightly.

The little guy took out the Dinghai Divine Bead and said in a milky voice: Tell me where little Irene is!

Yan Xuefei's mouth twitched, what are you doing! !

Little princess, don't be stupid, how can it understand? The old woman shook her head, wondering what kind of bead it was, what magical power it had.


It was such a slap in the face. As soon as the old woman finished speaking, the figures of little Irene and the Ghost Emperor being tied up appeared in the Dinghai Divine Pearl, and everyone was stunned.

It's Lord Ghost Emperor!!

Oh my god, it's so tragic.

Pisces bastard must die a good death.

Master Ghost Emperor, hold on, we will rescue you immediately.

From the Dinghai Divine Pearl, we can see the miserable appearance of the Ghost Emperor. Little Irene is sleepy and her face is very pale.

Sister, look! the little guy shouted excitedly.

found it.

At the same time, Beibei's consciousness had also seen little Irene, and was immediately angry. The Pisces Monarch was currently in the palace, so painful that he didn't notice it.

Now that he knows the direction, Beibei must be ready to open the Thunder Gate.

In the ruins of the main city!

The Pisces Monarch had already finished his womb. Although he had experienced severe pain just now, the pain was nothing and he recovered after swallowing a few pills.

Hahaha, you two are honored to be the lucky ones for me to become a demigod. The Pisces Monarch said in a strange tone. The Ghost Emperor's mouth twitched. What's going on? Why is this voice so girly!

Eh... Little Eileen blinked, thinking to herself, is this still the bad guy just now?

Become my strength. The Pisces Monarch's eyes became ferocious, and the blood sacrifice method was activated!

He began to recite those Kuns that were so big that they couldn’t be stewed in one pot...


There was no reaction, little Irene blinked, the Ghost King was dumbfounded, and Ghost Yaksha and the others looked at the Dinghai Divine Pearl one by one without knowing where they were.

The Pisces Monarch persisted, as it would definitely not work that quickly, so he kept reading from the corner of his mouth.

Damn it, the Lord of Nine Netherworlds is really awesome, my body is actually a little hot!

The Pisces Monarch immediately said excitedly that the sky really changed a little, and he thought it was a sign before the blood sacrifice method was launched.

When the Ghost Emperor heard this, he couldn't hold back his smile. How could he not feel angry? He was sweating profusely. Is it because of the weather?

Oops... No, no, I seem to have forgotten something important.

The Pisces Monarch murmured to himself, stopped immediately, then turned around and sat on the stone, took out the Blood Sacrifice Technique and started studying it again.

Little Eileen looked at the golden light coming out of the ground and immediately laughed happily: sister is here, hahaha.

There was also a lot of laughter and other sounds coming from the other side.

Hush!! The Ghost King was shocked. Why was he so loud? Do you have to let the Pisces King notice it! !

Little Eileen immediately held back her screams, feeling excited in her heart!

The Pisces Monarch was so obsessed with reading about the Blood Sacrifice that he didn't pay any attention to the situation. He was lost in thought while reading, and the scene that would shock the twelve regions in the future emerged in his mind!

The Thunder Gate disappeared, and both Little Irene and the Ghost Emperor were rescued.

Pisces Monarch is still studying...

Rescued, hahaha. Beibei laughed excitedly when she saw little Irene. She was too smart and hugged Yan Xuefei.

Bah... Beibei is awesome! Yan Xuefei immediately gave Beibei a mouthful of excitement. The child was sweating and his little body was jumping around all the time.

Sister...555~ scared me to death. After being unchained by Ghost Thirteen, little Irene immediately pounced on Beibei, who was instantly thrown to the ground by her.

Godmother, please check if little Irene is okay.

Nothing's wrong, she just lost a little bit of blood. If she goes back and eats more nutritious food, she'll be fine. Yan Xuefei replied with a smile!

Lord Ghost Emperor, how are you?

I'm fine. Does any of you have any pills? I need to recover. I can't see my subordinates with this swollen face. It's too embarrassing. The Ghost King lowered his head and said, and then everyone laughed.

Yan Xuefei still has a few, so the Ghost King's face has recovered, and the main force of Ghost Island has basically gathered together.

Yan Xuefei said: I'm sorry, Lord Ghost Emperor, Skeleton General and Lonely Ghost, they... he...

The old woman cried softly. She didn't need Gui Yasha to continue talking. She could think that the skeleton general must have died. Unexpectedly, even the lonely ghosts were dead.

Hey, don't worry, I will definitely avenge him. The Ghost Emperor sighed, there will be casualties in battles!

Yan Xuefei said: Now that Gui Island is isolated and helpless, we can only rely on ourselves.

By the way, is he here? The Ghost Emperor's eyes suddenly lit up. There should be a Devil Cry here, but he has always been the first to Devil Cry!


Oni Yaksha and the others asked at the same time!

Devil May Cry!

Lord Devil May Cry? Not here! Ghost Thirteen replied directly.

Damn it!

Without him, Ghost Island would really be doomed. The Pisces King would definitely kill himself later. Thinking of the latter's terror, the Ghost King trembled all over.

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