Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1265 The Pisces Guardian died tragically (second update)

Wait, Beibei, come here! Yan Xuefei couldn't leave Beibei alone, she wasn't sure whether that was Ling Yun yet!

Hahaha, it's coming, it's coming!!

Beibei had already punched eighteen magic fists, and was sweating profusely. In a flash, she was in Yan Xuefei's arms!

Let's go? Let them all die! The energy ball of the Pisces protector came towards Gui Yaksha and the others!


The divine fists all over the sky are not just for decoration!

Beibei shouted in Yan Xuefei's arms: Go, Xiangyu Shibazhen!


Everyone was speechless, why did they become eighteen again?

Divine fists in the sky impacted the black energy of the Pisces protector, shattering the sky and destroying the earth.


boom! !

It took fifteen divine fists to completely eliminate the energy ball power of the Pisces Protector, but the latter was shocked!

No, no, no, how is it possible? You are fake. Why do you still have so much power? Protector Pisces looked at the three divine fists rushing toward him, and he began to despair.

No matter how much I think about it, I can’t understand it. I’m really frustrated to death.


The last power of the Pisces protector broke the first punch, and then the second and third divine fists crashed into his body.


The Protector Pisces looked up to the sky and sprayed blood, with blood droplets floating in the air. His body fell down, all the meridians in his body were broken, and his eyes widened with unblinking eyes. Why was he the one who died, and no one on the opposite ghost island died?

He hates it!

The news of the ghost beads here was not told to the Pisces Lord.

There was also a lot of movement here, but the arrogant Pisces monarch thought it was his subordinates who did it, and smiled slyly.

This bastard is finally dead. The Ghost King was frightened to see it!

The fake Lingyun was also shattered on the ground, affected by the two powers, and turned back into dust again!

Where is he? Yan Xuefei put down Beibei and immediately returned to the place where she was looking, her eyes seemed to be red.

Hahaha. Beibei looked up at the sky at 45 degrees, looking invincible.


When she did this, no one knew it was her ultimate move, so how could she be invincible?

Only the little guy felt like he couldn't bear to look at her, covering his face and snickering.

Are they all dead? The Ghost King came over and saw only the body of Protector Pisces, and the figure of Pluto was gone.

Oniyaksha smiled bitterly: Don't look, he's not here, that's not him, it's some method of Pluto to protect the two of them.

Ah... Ghost Thirteen was dumbfounded. Something had come out earlier, causing him to be frightened all the way.

It's really not him? The Ghost King muttered to himself, dumbfounded!

Yan Xuefei was surprised and disappointed when she heard that it was not Ling Yun.

Sissi and Beibei, why are you here?

The little guy shook his head. She didn't know how she ended up here, so she replied with a milky voice: I don't know, it just came with a whoosh.

Yan Xuefei's head was full of black lines: You...where is your father? Where is your father?

I don't know. You haven't come to me for a long time. I'm already hungry. The little guy's aggrieved eyes looked very pitiful.

Good boy, come here, we will prepare delicious food for you when we get to Xincheng Devil May Cry City. Yan Xuefei couldn't bear it, and she immediately felt sorry for the little guy and Beibei!

The old woman said: They want to drink milk!


Yan Xuefei looked down at her heart, and her face suddenly turned red. There was nothing wrong with what the old woman said. She always drank Wangzi.

After a short rest, this time the group of them finally set foot on the road to the new city of Devil May Cry.

Soon after, the man in white armor came here and found the dead Pisces Protector, and told the news to the Pisces Protector, who was furious.

Send the order, the whole army will attack the new city of Devil's Weeping City, and kill everyone except that woman!!

The Pisces Monarch was sitting on the highest stone in the ruins of the main city, his eyes filled with strong murderous intent.

He accidentally killed two guardians, whose strength was still second only to his own. He had been wondering in his mind who killed the three Dragon Lords and his guardians.

Yes, my lord!

A certain young general responded respectfully!

Hahaha, dead cat, you are finished. Your protector is dead. How can you escape? Devil May Cry must be back. That kid is back. You are all going to die. The Ghost King's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, but he still laughed loudly.

Shut up! You old guy, if I didn't think you were worthy of my pride, I would kill you with one blow. The Pisces Lord became even more angry after hearing this.

Come on, kill me, you dead cat. If you don't kill me, you'll be a dead dog. Damn you! The Ghost King cursed fiercely, his eyes filled with traces of hatred, wanting to bite the Pisces Lord in front of him to death.

Presumptuous, you are seeking death!

In anger, the Pisces Lord clapped his hands, and immediately beat the Ghost King until he vomited blood again and almost lost consciousness.

The Ghost King was so angry that he wished he could eat the Pisces King alive and destroy the Ghost Island that existed in ancient times in his hands.

I have to lament the passage of time. The waves in the Yangtze River push back the waves behind, and a new generation replaces the old ones. He himself is a remnant of the ancient times, but he is still not as good as this rising star.

When he was clearly majestic in the twelve realms, the Pisces monarch didn't know where to play in the mud.

At this moment!

The Lu Changlong who kidnapped little Irene is finally here!

Let go of the baby... hum! Little Eileen's little body kept twisting and was being carried forward by Lu Changlong.

Meet the Lord!

Lu Changlong knelt on the ground with excitement on his face and blocked little Irene's cultivation to prevent her from breathing fire or escaping.

Who are you? The Pisces Monarch's eyes narrowed. He had never seen the person in front of him before!

It belongs to Lu Changlong, a soldier leader under General Qu of the Eastern Expedition. Lu Changlong said truthfully.

Who is she? The Pisces monarch frowned. He was originally in a bad mood, but now all the cats and dogs came to see him!

After looking at the two of them up and down, I was quite interested. A powerful Immortal Emperor Seventeen was actually an unknown leader under the general?

My lord, she is a golden dragon. I heard you need her before, so I just caught her when I saw her. Lu Changlong said obediently.

What? Is it really... really... really a golden... golden dragon? The Pisces Monarch's eyes widened, his mouth started to tremble, and he spoke hesitantly, almost unable to believe what he heard.

I never say anything false! Lu Changlong nodded and replied!

Hahaha, good, good! The Pisces Monarch looked at little Irene up and down, then bit the latter's little finger, tasted a mouthful of little Irene's blood, and then laughed to the sky!

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...Brother! Little Irene was sucked a mouthful of blood, and it hurt so much that she began to twitch slightly and cry.

The Ghost King's eyes were very swollen, but he reluctantly opened his eyes. No matter how much he opened them, there was only one line!

why you!

As soon as he looked at it, he saw little Irene, and he felt a knot in his heart. Isn't this child related to the Supreme God? He always played with his daughter!

Dead Cat, you're done. If you catch her, you don't even know who she is. Your death is not far away. A smile appeared on the Ghost King's mouth, and then he lost consciousness completely.

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