Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1261 Being discovered

His eyes didn't dare to look at the fake Lingyun at all, and his heart beat faster!

Fake Lingyun moves forward step by step!

The two guardians of Pisces were back to back, with pale faces. Facing Pluto, they even wanted to commit suicide. Pluto was notoriously cruel.

Hahaha, you feel proud now, Dog Pisces! The Ghost King burst into laughter!

Neither he nor Ghost Yaksha intends to let go of the Pisces protector and let the tiger return to its mountain? They are not that kind! !

Beibei smiled and then signaled the fake Lingyun to speak!

Take out all your valuables.

The fake Lingyun’s loud voice turned out to be a woman’s voice!

Everyone was dumbfounded!

How could Pluto's voice be that of a woman? The little guy's mouth twitched and he was dumbfounded. She was responsible for the Five Elements technique, while Beibei was responsible for creating souls!

Seeing the little guy's eyes staring at her, Beibei lowered her head in embarrassment. She had mistaken the soul and created a female soul. How embarrassing!

Pisces Black Protector suddenly frowned and began to doubt in his heart, is he really Pluto?

Lord Pluto, Lord Pluto? The Ghost King asked a few questions!

At this time, the fake Lingyun still had a female voice, her eyes narrowed, and she said impatiently: Hurry up, what are you talking about?

Pisces Black Protector planned to make a bet that it was Pluto and they couldn't escape, but what if it wasn't? Then everyone on the other side will die!

Are you Pluto? Haha... I naturally have good things in my hands, but you must also be able to take them. Don't think you can scare people with some tricks!

Hearing this, Protector Pisces White also nodded subconsciously. His elder brother was right, Pluto's voice is not like this, and he would never say such things!


Would a man who frightened the strong men of the Twelve Realms care about what they had on them?

Hahaha, are you stupid? You have forgotten the true face of Lord Pluto? You are seeking death!

Although he didn't understand why Pluto made this voice, the Ghost King firmly believed that this man was Pluto!

Ghost Yaksha also had the same idea as the Ghost King, so he shouted coldly at Protector Pisces: Should you be more conscious, or should we take action first? No matter what, you are doomed.

Pluto? Hahaha, I don't believe he is. Even if he is, I'm not afraid. The worst is death. If you die as a man, just die. It's no big deal.

At this moment, the Pisces Black Protector was unusually calm. He firmly believed in his judgment that the man in front of him could never be Pluto, and it could not be true.

Pisces bastard, you have such a funny mind. Haven't you seen them? As a former protector of the Pisces Star Territory, you should be familiar with them. Ghost Thirteen stood up and pointed at the two little guys next to him, his eyes Xie looked at the two Pisces guardians with a sneer on his face.

Princess of the God Realm, daughter of Hades!!

Pisces Black Protector was startled, feeling unconfident in his heart. The daughters of Pluto were here, and the man in front of him was Pluto. There was no doubt about it, but he didn't dare to believe it all!

Brother, what should we do if they are looking at us? Protector Pisces Bai was not as calm as his elder brother, and he was extremely flustered at this moment.

Don't be afraid, just die. If you can fight Pluto, it's worth dying.

After the Pisces Black Protector finished speaking, he immediately sealed his bloodline. His body no longer trembled like before, but instead, his blood was filled with energy that could shatter rocks on one side.

Now Beibei was murmuring with the little guy again, couldn't he fool them? I definitely have to think of another way!

The sky suddenly became dark again, and layers of dark clouds began to gather together!

The old woman and Ghost Thirteen's eyes lit up, this couldn't be the power that destroyed the world just now.

Everyone looked up and saw that the clouds in the sky slowly formed a circle, and then formed a vortex, which looked like the eyes of the clouds, filled with dense thunder and lightning.

Pisces Black Protector frowned, and then looked coldly at the fake Ling Yun!

Lord Pluto, is this your move? Is it too slow?


Just as he finished speaking, several divine punishments rained down from the sky and hit him!


A deep pit as big as a basketball court appeared. Protector Pisces White was about to say, isn't that the divine punishment from the Supreme God! So scary.

The divine punishment from the Supreme God, ahem...

The Pisces Black Protector in the pit stood upright, his body completely blackened, and he kept coughing blood from the corner of his mouth, and there was a smell of barbecue.

Ghost Yaksha and Ghost King laughed, this is not the consequence of disobedience, they have to be forced to do something.

The Pisces White Protector's eyes narrowed. Seeing that his elder brother was almost dead, he had to do something, and then he attacked the fake Ling Yun!


This fake Lingyun was immediately shattered by the Pisces White Protector's kick for the first time!

The laughter stopped suddenly!

Ghost Yaksha blinked his eyes, Ghost Prince twitched his mouth, Ghost Thirteen was dumbfounded, and the old woman scratched her head, all of them had no idea!

What happened to Hades?

Broken to pieces!

Beibei was embarrassed. It was so disappointing to be broken into pieces so quickly. A divine punishment came down from the sky again, and the Pisces White Protector tried his best to avoid it!

There was no blood on his face. Did he crush Pluto's body just now? The latter is not dead.

Depend on! !

He knew it wouldn't be that simple. God's punishment was coming, which proved that Pluto was fine.


boom! !

Several consecutive divine punishments fell again, and the Pisces White Guardian, who had dodged several times, finally failed to escape. He was blasted next to the Pisces Black Guardian in the same deep pit!

The little guy laughed loudly and muttered: Hit it, hit it!!

The old woman looked shocked. The two Pisces guardians were killed like this? It's too easy.

The Pisces bastard is finally dead, thank you Lord Pluto! The Ghost King burst into tears and was as emotional as a woman!

Oni Yaksha breathed a sigh of relief, having avenged many people on Oni Island!

Pluto... Sir, hehe! You show off, you come out and show off again...

Pisces Black Protector's voice sounded again. It sounded like he had recovered a lot, but he was not dead. His body seemed to be reborn from the ashes.

Black Reef's body was shimmering with golden light, and traces of golden light appeared from the deep pit, making it look extremely strange and terrifying.

The Ghost King's eyes widened and he followed the deep hole and said: Quick, Lord Pluto, he is not dead!!

Ghost Thirteen muttered: Abnormal!!

Pisces Black Protector laughed loudly: Pluto? Are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid? There is no Pluto here at all, you are deceiving yourself!!

He already knew very well that just now his brother's kick had broken Hades, and now the body was not reunited at all.

It's impossible, he's obviously here, and God's punishment is... uh...

The Ghost King was dumbfounded. When did the sky return to calm and the divine punishment disappeared without a trace!

I don't study well, don't bully me because I don't understand. The Pluto just now was like an afterimage. Now that he has disappeared, there will be no divine punishment.

Pisces Black Protector said in a very firm tone!

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