Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1259 A short break (second update)


These words frightened Gui Shisan so much that the pills in his hand fell to the ground, and he subconsciously picked them up again!


This action was so funny that the little guy kept holding his belly and laughing, thinking to himself: Isn't this Grandpa Six's rubbish elixir? The kind that causes diarrhea after eating it!

Beibei shook her head. She didn't know if it was true. Anyway, it was just a pill. She didn't know what kind of pill it was. Just take it out.

The Ghost King stepped forward to take a look, then sniffed the elixir to his nose, then frowned and said: This elixir is Peiyuan Dan, which is used to strengthen the body in the early stages of cultivation. It will have no use if you take it. It’s not healing.”

Ghost Thirteen's face turned dark. Fortunately, he didn't eat. What's the point of coming here if he wasn't recovering from his injuries!

Ah ha, it's so fun here. The little guy stared at the skull of the evil villain, who squatted down stupidly!

Oni Yasha suggested to rest for a while and prepare to go to the new city of Gui Yasha. Oni Shisan was not injured, so he was sent to see if there were any living ghost guards nearby!

Before leaving, Gui Shisan repeatedly promised to protect the two little guys, while the old woman patted her chest and promised that as long as she was here, even if she died, she would not let them lose a hair.

In the absence of any healing elixir, Oniyaksha and the others found a lot of medicinal materials in the ruins, which they used to temporarily apply the wounds while meditating and running exercises to heal the wounds.

The little guy murmured, Why don't daddy come? You're already hungry!

Beibei said: Come on, come on, here you go, half for each of you!

She took out a large watermelon and asked the old woman to help open it. Beibei also gave a small piece to the old woman. The latter saw the watermelon for the first time, so she was curious!

After Beibei divided into a small piece, she kept shaking her head and said in a milky voice: Not much, not much...

Everyone's lips twitched. It wasn't that they wanted it, but that they wanted such a big watermelon to be divided into small pieces? He didn't say much, which made them dumbfounded.

The little guy was holding the watermelon, but still had a look of grievance on his face. It would be nice if her father were here, and there would be hot food to eat, but now there is nothing, cold fruit, and I am tired of eating it!

After the old woman finished eating, her body's injuries showed some signs of recovery. She was smart and immediately thought of the watermelon!

Yaksha, what they eat can heal your injuries! The old woman looked excited and looked at the little guy drinking the watermelon from Beibei's hand, her eyes were different!

Ghost Yaksha shook his head: What are you talking about? Are you hallucinating?

He didn't believe that the fruit could heal his injuries. Isn't this a daydream? It's not a spiritual fruit.

The corner of the ghost prince's mouth twitched, and he became speechless secretly. The old lady must be going crazy because she wants to eat. Can she recover from her injuries? He doesn't believe it either!

The old woman suddenly became anxious, that was true, she didn't want to eat it!

Really, really, look at it, I was seriously injured before and couldn't even muster any strength, but now I'm recovering a lot.

In order to convince Oni Yaksha and the others, the old woman gritted her teeth and smashed the rocks next to her with one palm.

Damn it!

The corner of the ghost prince's mouth twitched again. Really or not, who knows if the old woman had no strength before. Anyway, he didn't believe it, and his head shook slightly.

Oni Yaksha frowned slightly. He was a little convinced, and then he stepped forward and asked the little guy: Little princess, why don't you eat?

Don't eat, don't eat, you bad daddy, you haven't come yet!

This child looks very cute when he is angry, and his cheeks are bulging like a puffer fish!

Is this good? I have a lot of spiritual stones in my hand. How about using it to buy this red fruit in your hand? Gui Yaksha immediately poured out the top-quality spiritual stones from the storage ring. There was a sufficient amount of them. It’s hundreds!

The little guy showed a money-obsessed look in his eyes, nodded wildly, and then sucked it all into the space with his palms, giggling all the time!

Oni Yaksha took away the watermelon as he wished, and the old woman looked excited. That fruit was really good.

Ghost Yaksha gave a piece to the old woman, and then he gnawed it all, even the rind of the watermelon!

Beibei's head is covered with black lines. Did he eat all that watermelon rind? Who are they?

After a while, the old woman smiled again. She was indeed right. That fruit can really heal injuries!

Oni Yasha was even more excited. He ate the most, and the injury on his arm began to heal. He immediately meditated and performed the exercises to speed up absorption, striving to recover from the injury as quickly as possible and regain his peak strength!

Hahaha, come on, we will definitely reach the new city of Devil May Cry this time! Oni Yasha opened his eyes, his eyes were so sharp that they seemed to be able to penetrate the mind.

The Ghost King rubbed his eyes, and then asked uncertainly: Really?

Ghost Yaksha nodded and replied: Why are you lying to me!

Holy shit, baby... are there any more? That red fruit? The ghost prince immediately became uneasy and ran to Beibei and asked!

Beibei blinked!

The Ghost King was anxious and couldn't wait to ask: I also have spiritual stones, are these enough?

The amount of ghost yaksha he took out from the storage ring was more than double. Beibei laughed loudly. After accepting the spirit stone happily, he shook his head gently, watermelon? there is none left…'s too difficult for me!

Crows of crows flew over the ghost prince's head, but they were gone. They had stolen so many spiritual stones from him, but he couldn't care about that much at the moment. It was unknown whether he would be alive tomorrow or not!

The old woman laughed secretly, and then said: Your Majesty, forget it, this fruit is just ordinary, how can it restore the injury?


Ghost Yaksha and Ghost Evil laughed so loudly that Ghost King Hui's intestines turned green.

No, I'll give this to you!

Beibei suddenly took out a peach and handed it to the Ghost King. The latter's heartbroken look touched Beibei, otherwise she would not have given it to him!

Can this restore the injury? Ghost King asked with his eyes shining.

Beibei shook her head, she didn't know, she usually eats this kind of fruit, but the little guy said with a milky voice: Yes, my daddy grew it!

Hearing this, the Ghost King's heart trembled a few times. Did Pluto plant it himself? Even if the injury cannot be recovered, it is not a loss to buy these hundreds of spirit stones.

Ghost Yaksha also came over to see what kind of fruit this was? What he saw was a peach. He had doubts in his mind. Isn't this kind of peach ordinary? It can also heal injuries.

The fact is such a slap in the face. After the ghost prince finished eating, he really recovered from his injuries. Now the ghost evil man looked at the little guy eagerly!

The little guy said: Come here and let me knock your head!

The evil ghost was very happy, and then he sat down and let the little guy knock his head!

Dong Dong Dong…


After playing for a while, she had enough, and generously took out three peaches. Beibei curled her lips, originally planning to cheat some more spirit stones, but ended up losing money!

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