Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1257 One punch OK

Damn it!

Ghost Thirteen was shocked. In his eyes, the powerful bone dragon was killed like this? Now there is no mount for running!

The little one rubbed her eyes and saw that the bone dragon was destroyed, as if her beloved toy had been destroyed. She felt uncomfortable, her mouth was crooked, and she wanted to cry!

Beibei ran over and comforted him: Don't cry, don't cry. Sister, help you teach him a lesson!

So bad?

The evil dragon element just now didn't kill him. Beibei looked so angry that the sky became gloomy!

The little guy nodded aggrievedly and kept mumbling: It's bad, it's bad, the children's toys are all broken.

The old woman comforted her: Little princess, don't cry, just let him know he was wrong!

The sky was covered with dark clouds, the wind was strong, and cumulus clouds began to gather in large numbers. It seemed that Beibei was very angry, and he was no longer the laughing child.

Oni Yaksha looked at the sky, not knowing why, and trembling all over. If this change belonged to the enemy, it would be very tragic.

A dull sound suddenly sounded, Beibei's body suddenly shot out, and punched Li Longzun directly in the face, denting his face on the spot.

The whole person flew backwards and hit the ground heavily. Blood was spitting out of his mouth. The entire bridge of his nose was broken. His face was collapsed and covered with blood. It was too horrible to look at. The Eighteenth Immortal Emperor was killed with one punch!


Seeing the little figure clearly, everyone present took a breath. This child is so awesome. Doesn't she have no cultivation? How could it be possible to explode with such a powerful force and still be able to walk through the air!

Shit, shit, I remembered, isn't she the Dragon King that Black Dragon Lei Ze ordered to find? Zhang Longzun's eyes lit up at this moment, and the original wanted notice appeared in his mind!

When he was excited, everything in front of him frightened him. Li Longzun was dead! ! !

Damn it!

My king, spare your life, we are also from the Dragon Clan. Zhang Longzun came down from mid-air in fear, and knelt down directly, and kept walking on his knees, towards the little guy!

What king?

Gui Yaksha and the others twitched their mouths. What's going on now? They haven't recovered from Wang Longzun's death. Now Zhang Longzun knelt down again, apparently serious.

Wang Longzun was sweating profusely. His face was filled with anger. He pointed at Beibei and said, Who are you?

At the same time, he turned to look at Zhang Longzun's actions, feeling very ashamed, and said angrily: Old Zhang, you should have some control over your greed for life and fear of death. You are not a king, are you thinking too much?

The little guy laughed to himself and kept jumping up and down, shouting in a milky voice: Sister is so awesome, just like daddy.

Beibei didn't hear the little guy's words, but said to Wang Longzun: I am me, different Beibei, hum...

Zhang Longzun has been kowtowing all the time, saying at the corner of his mouth that my king has mercy on me, I deserve death!

Answer me, Lao Zhang! Wang Longzun was so angry that he unleashed his momentum and his strength reached the level of Immortal Emperor Eighteen. A ball of strange fire was thrown down from his palm!

Damn it!

Ghost Thirteen was so scared that he wanted to hug the little guy and run away!

It's over, I'm dead this time.

The old woman closed her eyes in despair. She never thought that Wang Longzun had such a back-up plan. Even Ghost Yaksha, who had been fighting with them, never thought of it!

Unexpectedly, in order to atone for his sins, Zhang Longzun took over Wang Longzun's terrifying strange fire!


It can be heard from the sound that this strange fire is really powerful. Zhang Longzun almost tried his best to block it, and his whole face was almost distorted in pain.

The Ghost King blinked and said, How could he help us?

The old woman opened her eyes with a look of astonishment on her face, and the same question was also in Ghost Yaksha's mind!

Gui Shisan pointed at the little guy at his feet and said, Could it be her? This little princess should be the king of their dragons!

If you don't say anything shocking, you will die. As soon as these words came out, they were all shocked, the king of the dragon?

They thought too low. The kings of demonic dragons are all surrendering. The blood dragon element between the little guy's eyebrows is the king of all dragon clans, not just one race!

At the same time, it flashed in their minds that Pluto was from the Dragon Clan!

Oh my God!

They seemed to have discovered a great secret, and they suddenly took a breath of air.


Wang Longzun's strange fire was blocked, but Zhang Longzun was blasted down. The former was so angry that he already regarded Zhang Longzun as a traitor!

Murderous aura roared in his eyes, and with a flip of his hand, a dazzling shield of true energy condensed, turning into a huge golden sword of true energy, and went straight to the place where Zhang Longzun fell!

this moment!

No one took action, because in the face of this horror, Oni Yaksha was powerless. Besides, they were once enemies, who knows why they killed each other!


Zhang Longzun lay on the ground, smiled, and then said without any resistance: My king, my crime deserves ten thousand death, my crime deserves ten thousand death, hahaha!

The tone became louder and louder, almost roaring!

Oniyaksha was startled and shouted: Stay away, he is going to blow himself up!

Ghost Thirteen and Ghost King joined forces to raise the shield to protect everyone, so that the little guy was fine, but this consumed a lot of their strength.

Beibei kicked her eyes and looked down at Wang Longzun. The dark clouds in the sky were overwhelming. She had been waiting for this moment!

It's your turn, little one. I have to say that you are really strong. It's a pity that even if you are as good as Lin Feng, you will be destroyed. A genius like you cannot keep you alive!

Wang Longzun's eyes burst out with cold murderous intent, and his whole body exuded a chill. The thunderous shouts resounded throughout the world, and Beibei was frightened!

There is a bad old man bullying me... a handsome man... Beibei was scared. He had never seen such eyes before, and he came back immediately with a flash of movement!

She shivered and hugged the old woman's legs. When the little guy saw that Beibei was scared, she hugged him too, so that he would feel safe.

Run? Run away? Wang Longzun said coldly. His body suddenly changed and turned into a huge black dragon. He also swallowed Li Longzun's body and his strength skyrocketed again!

Damn it!

What to do now? Gui Shisan swallowed his saliva, the demon dragon in mid-air stared at him with a pair of scarlet eyes, which made the person panic and sweat profusely.

Oni Yaksha shook his head, there was nothing he could do, he was too weak in front of this demonic dragon!

The little guy's blood dragon essence stopped flashing between his eyebrows. He seemed to dislike the magic dragon. Even the little guy pinched his nose and hated the aura emanating from the magic dragon.

Sister, what should I do?

Help me! Beibei pouted, she was brewing the power of the sky!


That glittering door! Beibei said!

The little guy's eyes lit up, how could she forget this trick to escape!

Aha, let's go, let's go! The little guy stepped on the ground, the Thunder Gate appeared, and she jumped up, expecting praise!

Escape is the only thing she will never forget! !

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