Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1250 Caught (Second update)

The little guy is injured, and things may change in the Twelve Realms!

Maybe it’s not possible, but it’s definitely going to change!

After staying in the gourd for so long, the Sixth Protector finally knew that Pluto's untouchable inverse scale was his precious daughter!

These immortal emperors are all stronger than him!

The leader, Lu Changlong, has been waiting for an opportunity to get the attention of the Pisces King. Now the opportunity is right in front of him, how could he let it go!

Old man, are you going to hand them over, or are we going to do it after killing you? Lu Changlong said in a cold tone, his eyes flashing with gloom!

Stop talking nonsense, we can only fight. The Sixth Guardian stood up and protected them behind him, with muscles rolling on his face!

As soon as the words fell, the Sixth Guardian was already ready to fight.

Lu Changlong stopped a certain Immortal Emperor from coming forward, and then whispered in his ear: I'm here to stop this troublesome old thing, you help me capture them, are you clear?

Go ahead, this old man is no match for you. If you lose... bah... bah... you will definitely win. A certain long-haired immortal emperor said, still feeling a little worried in his heart.

After the discussion, Lu Changlong frowned, extended his middle finger to the Sixth Guardian, looked at him with contempt and muttered: Trash!

The Sixth Protector laughed loudly, instead of being angry, he smiled and pointed his fingers at Lu Changlong: Come on, let me see your courage as a bad guy.

Aha! The little guy clapped his hands to watch the show, and he and Beibei simply sat on the ground!

Lu Changlong was the first to take action, waving a gun in his hand and firing a shot at extremely high speed, killing him. However, the Dark Sky Palm of the Sixth Protector was not a vegetarian. Although his strength was slightly inferior, he still drove away Lu Changlong!

Old guy, that's not bad. I wonder how many of my shots you can block? Lu Changlong chuckled and started fighting again!

In order not to hurt the three little guys, the Sixth Guardian immediately increased his strength and fought against Lu Changlong after telling little Irene!

The remaining Immortal Emperors walked over leisurely, and a glint flashed in the eyes of the Sixth Protector. Lu Changlong noticed it, and shot the floating cloud, which shocked the Sixth Protector into a cold sweat and almost killed him!

Princess Eileen, you have to be careful. The helpless Sixth Guardian could only remind her loudly, fearing that little Eileen would be at a disadvantage if she was too young and ignorant, and lacked combat experience and life experience!

Little Irene nodded, and then said to the four immortal emperors who came over: Don't come over, the baby can also do magic fists!

Hahaha, little kid, you are so funny, a little dragon dares to be so rampant!

That's right, come here, are you dragons too? A certain Immortal Emperor pointed at the little guy Beibei and asked!

The little guy shook his head, looking confused as to what he was doing.


Isn’t it in heaven? !

Beibei's eyes were round, and then he said: Look, there is a flying saucer!

The four Immortal Emperors turned their heads and looked behind them at the same time, but there was nothing!

Beibei ran away with the little guy and little Irene. At the critical moment, how could she get out of the sky burial if she forgot about it? ?

Even thinking about it, she probably wouldn't dare to use it. The enemy is right next to them, and they won't be immune to the disaster once the sky burial appears!

Just because little Irene is here and they are not wearing artifact skirts, Beibei is so cowardly without artifact skirts! !

The expressions of the four Immortal Emperors changed, their movements moved, and then they surrounded them!

A certain Immortal Emperor stared at Beibei coldly and said: Little one, you really know how to play!!

Bah... Beibei put his hands on his hips and looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle!


Little Erin couldn't help it and immediately breathed fire at them!

The four Immortal Emperors frowned and took a few steps back!

Look how much power you have, can you keep squirting?

They felt that this heat was not something they could bear, so they did not dare to act rashly for a while, but it was impossible to wait and see what would happen.

The four Immortal Emperors took turns to fight. One tried to get closer, but after being burned by the fire, another one was replaced. Just like this, little Irene was sweating profusely, and her face gradually turned bad. After all, she was still a child!

Little Irene is at the peak of the Immortal Emperor's strength and can compete with the Pisces Monarch, but she doesn't know how to adapt. At this moment, her true energy has been exhausted.

Hahaha, baby, you are too young. A certain Immortal Emperor smiled!

The Sixth Guardian was covered in sweat, and he couldn't bear it any longer. He had been paying attention to the little guy's side, and was kicked a few times by Lu Changlong.

Old guy, do you want to go there? I'll send you away! After Lu Changlong finished speaking, a huge force penetrated the Sixth Protector's body, and the latter went straight towards the little guy!

Seeing the unknown object attacking here, little Irene suddenly thought it was an enemy attack, and then an evil dragon roared and severely injured the Sixth Guardian, almost ready to receive a box lunch!

Beibei was dumbfounded and kept shouting: Grandpa Six...Grandpa Six...

The little guy was so cute, was this an act? It was so real, so when she thought it was an act, she started laughing. She also praised little Eileen, saying she had acting talent, and they wanted to film a movie together when she got back!

Everyone laughed, what an unexpected result!

Little Erin knew she was wrong, lowered her head, and imitated the little guy with her little fingers, making circles when she did something wrong!

Beibei was angry, with terrifying power hidden in his palms, and then slapped the nearest Immortal Emperor, who was still laughing!




Damn it, what's going on? Lu Changlong's eyes widened!

The Immortal Emperor and his teammates were lying on the ground, with their bodies in their huge palms, and their Nascent Soul was shattered.

is her?

A certain Immortal Emperor was trembling, his eyes full of fear, and then he shook his head. He didn't believe that such a ridiculous thing could happen. There was a little kid opposite him, how big a wave could he make!

The death of his companion was definitely an accident. The little kid opposite must have had the life-saving means given by his family!

Don't go one by one, let's work together. Even if she has any means to save her life, only one or two can catch that little golden dragon! Lu Changlong waved his hand, and then the remaining three immortal emperors swarmed forward!

Beibei didn't know how to fight at close quarters. She was in a hurry, and with the absence of the Sixth Guardian, she was completely confused. The only close quarters swordsmanship was Liufeng Thirteen, which Ling Yun personally taught her!

At this time, Beibei couldn't take care of the little guy anymore, so he showed off his powers and beat down the bad guys on the other side.

So at the critical moment, without a sword, she imitated Ling Yun and picked up the branches on the ground, soft and soft!

Bad guy!

Beibei merged the human sword into one and instantly killed an immortal emperor who came to her. Lu Changlong was shocked. That child used the human sword to merge into one. Was he dazzled?

not enough time!

At the same time, the little guy swallowed a blood dragon essence between his eyebrows, and she herself was frightened to the ground, because the immortal emperor's movement was like a ferocious dragon, and the little guy's face instantly turned pale with fright!

Two companions died at once, and Lu Changlong was very angry, with a ferocious and cold expression on his face.

The time has come, catch her, she is a golden dragon!!

Just as Beibei stood firm, Lu Changlong seized the opportunity and shot him with such terrifying speed and accuracy that Beibei was panicked and stunned!

puff! !

The Sixth Guardian tried his best to rush over and block the shot for Beibei!

Lu Changlong withdrew his moves, and he and the remaining Immortal Emperor captured little Irene, not daring to stay any longer. Beibei's combination of human and sword and the little guy's eyebrows made them afraid!

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