Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1201 Bureau (Third update)

This was a provocation coming to the door. Qin Lan was also a very unconvinced woman, so she immediately led everyone out.

An Qing came back from playing around and found three little guys playing dice. She was curious, but when she wanted to ask them what was going on, Ling Yun took them out!

Out of curiosity, An Qing also followed and gave the delicious food she bought on the cruise to the little ones, pampering them especially.

Thank you Mom!



You're welcome. An Qing pinched them in amusement. No one else had this kind of skin. She probably really benefited from Wangzi.

Following Ling Yun's lead, the group of them also arrived at the casino!

I saw a big table surrounding the casino, and Qin Lan and four masters were facing each other.

Qin Lan said: Who is your Excellency?




Xi Niu!

The four people introduced themselves one after another. When the little guy heard Xiniu, he laughed!

The person in charge of the cruise ship casino is the gambling king of southern China, Zuo Ning!

He has been fond of gambling since he was a child, and he has become a disciple of many casino masters, combining the strengths of hundreds of schools of thought!

Zuo Ning knew the gambling world very well. When the four of them introduced him, his pupils narrowed slightly. Do they want to make a fortune from his business?

The four of them are all masters in the gambling world, so this is a bit tricky!

I am the general manager of Yuexia Cruise, Qin Lan! Qin Lan smiled!

Everyone who watched it began to swallow their saliva, like a fascinating fairy.

I don't know what you want to do. If you want to gamble, I, Zuo Ning, will accompany you to the end. But if you want to cause trouble, we won't let you mess around. Zuo Ning narrowed his eyes slightly.

Qin Sen: Humph!

This sound, along with the momentum he released, made other people's faces pale slightly, but Nanchang and the others were fine at all and shook their heads with smiles on their faces!

Ling Yun took a look and found that the combined strength of the four of them was about the same as Qin Sen. How could he be afraid!

Isn't opening a casino just for people to relax and gamble? Of course we are here to relax and win a little casually. I have to say that the money comes too easily. ASEAN said.

Qin Lan was so angry that she had to force out a smile: Everyone, how about a million dollars each, and you can play elsewhere on the cruise?

Haha, one million US dollars? That's so much, I've never seen it in my life. Nan Cang was laughing, who are they? We will continue tonight, and tomorrow morning we will have tens of millions, and we will not care about a mere one million.

Hey, if I agree, Lao Niu, will Miss Qin play with me? Xiniu said, always staring at Qin Lan with that lustful look!

Beibei muttered: It's annoying.

Play? Can you afford it? Qin Lan frowned. She had arranged so many talents on the ship, but she was not afraid of the four of them!

I have to say, Qin Lan is so silly and cute, Ling Yun is speechless. Qin Sen is really no match for him.

Beixuan laughed loudly and directly said that he liked such a woman!

Qin Sen muttered: Niece, they are difficult to deal with.

When Qin Lan thought about Ling Yun being here, she smiled: Don't be afraid, they can't make big waves!

I wonder if Miss Qin is interested in playing a gamble! Nancang said.

Qin Lan thought for a while and then looked at Zuo Ning, who nodded!

Okay, let him play a game with you first.

Hahaha, him? I've heard of it, but it will only make you lose even more miserably. Nancang shook his head!

The other three laughed again, clearly looking down on Zuo Ning!

Zuo Ning also had a good temper. He sat down, smiled, and made a gesture of asking for permission!

Nancang threw out 100,000 chips and gently shook the dice on the table!

Whoever rolls the most points wins!

This is a tacit understanding between two gambling masters.

Zuo Ning's ears moved when he was shaking them in Nancang!

The little guy watched, and then said in a sweet voice: Daddy, he's moving, he's moving, he's really moving!

After she finished speaking, she looked embarrassed. A lot of eyes were on her. The little guy shyly grabbed Ling Yun's neck and didn't dare to look!

Qin Lan smiled and took the little guy from his arms, and the latter laughed. This time, she was more playful. As long as she acted coquettishly towards Qin Lan, she could watch him closer.

Beibei pulled Qin Lan and said in a sweet voice, Auntie, I want to hug you too.

I can't hold it!

No, I want to hold her too! Beibei acted coquettishly and kept shaking Qin Lan!

Qin Lan could only sit down and pick up Beibei. The child laughed loudly and came closer to the table this time.

Little Eileen went in directly, there was a hug there, but she stayed at the table and watched.

Zuo Ning waited for the scene to quiet down and then shook the dice vigorously!


you guess!

Little trick! Nan Cang's face was very calm, but he was slightly shocked in his heart. If he heard correctly, Zuo Ning was shaking three sixes and eighteen o'clock!

And he was also at 18, a draw!

The little guy yelled: Daddy, daddy, touch my head!

She wants divine power, and only divine power can penetrate it and see the points, like a 3D clairvoyant eye.

Ling Yun coughed twice and shrugged. Where did he get his supernatural power?

No more, Sissi, please don't move. Ling Yun reminded him, tapping his own eyebrows, and motioning for the little guy to use his spiritual sense to look at it!

The little guy suddenly smiled happily, haha, it turns out that this can still be the case.

She saw them all, they were all 666!

So 6!

Qin Lan laughed because of her milky voice. Since Ling Yun didn't touch Qian Qian's head, then she should!

Nancang opened his own first, then opened Zuo Ning's and smiled!

Next game, Dou Xiao!

Beibei said: There are so many 6's, I can do them too.

Qin Lan blinked, feeling a little strange about what Qian Qian said just now.

Zuo Ning sweated lightly on his forehead and said, Come as soon as you come, as much as you want!

Nanchang threw out another pile of chips, and then said: Add 100,000!


Zuo Ning nodded and started shaking it himself. About thirty seconds later, he smiled proudly!

The little guy saw it again with his spiritual consciousness, and said with a milky voice: It's so amazing.

Beibei pouted and said, I can do it too. Can I win like this?

Little Erin blinked and blinked!

Qin Lan whispered: Don't talk, please be quiet, or I won't hold you.

Oh well!

The little guy pouted, a little unhappy, why couldn't he talk here?

Nancang starts shaking!

He is so good at showing off, another gentle shake!

There was a lot of sweat on Zuo Ning's face, and it felt like he couldn't wipe it off. This should mean that he lost. He could afford to lose with this little money, but people couldn't afford to lose.

Nanchang said: You lost, do you want to see it?

open it!

Miss Qin, let me give you face. If you let me stop, I can use the chips on the table as one hundred thousand, what do you think?

Qin Lan said: I can afford to lose!

Hahaha, I like your personality, let you give up.

Nan Cang lowered his handle and opened his. It was a dot, a dot on a straight line, arranged in a straight line and stood upright.

Zuo Ning's face turned pale, he had indeed lost!

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