Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1095 Another Pill Tribulation (First Update)

During the Ten Thousand Tribes Conference, everyone saw that the little guy took out the Tai Chi Seal and lent it to Zhao Xin at the time.

Although at that time, the gods were all explaining that it was not true, and that in order to deceive their little princess in the divine world, the Supreme God created a simply refined artifact, a high imitation!

Who believes this?

There is no airtight wall in the world. Murong Taishan and the others secretly investigated and found out that this was true. The Tai Chi Seal, one of the top ten ancient artifacts, was in the hands of the little guy.

Tai Chi Seal? Hahaha, there!! Although it is not my favorite, but now that I know it, then? It belongs to me!

The evil king's tone of questioning was very hot, and he could hear that he was very excited, and the black energy began to wander around.

It's in the hands of the Supreme Lord's daughter. That little one, I heard she has the most treasures. Shangguan Patriarch replied viciously, with a greedy look in his eyes.

Jiejiejiejiejie, the artifact guarded by the immortal dragon clan in the past has the power of immortality. It has been a long time since I last saw it. It belongs to me. Listen up, Doutian. It belongs to me. Do you understand?

Doutian Zhanzun said: My subordinates know, don't worry, I will make arrangements.

Murong Taishan and the others looked slightly surprised. Doutian War Lord was so powerful, but he was the subordinate of Evil King Wen Zui. So Evil King Wen Zui was really unusual.

Hmph... Those old immortals in the Demon God Sea don't share good things when they have them, which makes me unable to show my true face to others. They also laugh at me for not overestimating my abilities. I want to prove to them that the Dragon Locking Tower can be liberated!

Every time he thought about the faces of the old monsters from the major sects in the Demon God Sea, he became angry.

He just doesn't understand, what do those people have? He's not an ancient figure. Compared to him, he's a lot more rubbish.

If he hadn't been seriously injured that year and was sealed in the Demonic Sea. His injuries have yet to recover and his strength is not as good as before, would he have been laughed at?

To be honest, when he was killing everyone in the past, the characters in the Demon God Sea are still talking about it.

The reason why the Demon God Sea was called the Demon God Sea back then was that it was a sea area of ​​its own, and people who were not tolerated by the ancient laws of heaven would choose to escape into it.

After entering, they could not come out, and some were sealed by the so-called gods of ancient times and suffered torture.

At that time, the Demon God Sea was a chaotic place with no one in charge, but now its development is no worse than that of the Twelve Regions, and their Immortal Emperors are as numerous as hairy dogs.

My king, why do you care about those freaks? Isn't it because of that pill that they can live? We don't have to envy you. You can also live a better life. You are no worse than them, let alone others. They can’t even get out because of the evil king, can they?”

Doutian Zhanzun's flattery almost made Xie Wang Qin Zui go to heaven.

Doutian still understands me, hahaha. When I get the Demon Sword, they will all surrender. The evil king asked the crime and laughed wildly in the sky, with an icy chill running through his body.

Murong Taishan and the others trembled violently.

Several of them were discussing how to kill Ling Yun and seize the treasure from the little guy.

This time Doutian War Lord came out, in addition to liberating the Dragon Locking Tower again, he also wanted to find out the whereabouts of the Heavenly Demon Sword. This was the evil king's concern.

Murong Taishan patted his heart and said that he could help find the Demonic Sword. In the Twelve Regions, they also had many connections in the Holy Land, so it would be very convenient to do things.

In order to ensure that this plan is foolproof, they first want to get rid of the Supreme Lord. Even if they cannot kill him, they must make him unable to be the Lord of God, so that it will be easier for them to act.

After the discussion is over!

The Evil King didn't care about the crime, and he could only hand over the rest to Doutian War Lord, who still belonged to the Alliance of Gods. He smiled sinisterly in his heart, and a more perfect plan was born in his heart.

Since the Alliance of Gods is still here, they should show the value of their existence.

Ling Yun worked hard until the afternoon, and he finally perfected all the formations. It was not easy.


There was a lightning strike, and a pillar in a certain room was broken, and the house almost collapsed.

Ling Yun suddenly appeared and stopped everyone. The corner of his mouth twitched, what did the little guys do?

Oh my God!

It’s incredible, that must have been a mortal calamity just now, who refined the elixir, it was against the heavens!

Everyone also noticed it, so they all ran over and shocked the Dan King who was healing the prodigal son Jian Wuying!

As soon as he saw Ling Yun, he immediately turned around. He didn't doubt it, he just thought it was refined by Ling Yun. He was too perverted and couldn't bear the blow, so he walked away in despair.

Ling Yun was also embarrassed and explained that he refined it!

When everyone left, Ling Yun went in with a dark face. When he saw the little guy smiling happily, his face suddenly became gentle.


Who refined it? Ling Yun picked up the little guy with a curious look on his face, and he had a lot of guesses in his mind.

I have a share!

It was obvious that the little guy's words were not refined by her.

The baby has it too!

There is no doubt that it is Beibei who loves to play!

This child has refined a breeding pill with zero impurities, a strong fragrance, and an intoxicating pill halo. No wonder the heavens are jealous and want to send a pill calamity!

The Heavenly Tribulation did not dare to strike, so it pretended to be powerful and struck the pillar...

Handsome, please praise me, I want a lot of handsome boys.

Beibei held the elixir and protected it carefully!

That cute look really made Ling Yun and Long Yanran dumbfounded.

Beibei is so awesome. You can't be proud, so Wangzai is gone.



Although the little one didn't get Wangzai, he could always stay excited. Ling Yun helped her keep this elixir, which was a testimony of their growth and shouldn't be eaten by pets casually.

And little Irene licked her mouth. She rarely ate soul crystals recently, but changed her taste. Just now Beibei refined a low-level feeding pill, and she secretly tasted one. It was amazing, and it was very sweet. She regarded it as a pill. Eat the candy.

If others knew that she was so wasteful, they would be so angry that they would bleed out.

You should practice more if you have nothing to do recently. There will be a pill competition in a few days. I will show you when I have time. Yanran needs to work hard. There will be a lot of rewards for the top three in the competition.


We can play again.


The three little guys became excited again and were sweating profusely.

Long Yanran's eyes lit up and she asked curiously, Can I also participate?

Of course, I have the right to recommend places, and the Dan Shen Sect will give face.

Then I want to participate. I think I can do it. After all, you are my master. Long Yanran narrowed her eyes and smiled!

Wow! Auntie is so shy! Beibei clapped her hands.


Beibei's skin is itchy? Long Yanran rolled her eyes.

The Alchemy Conference that Ling Yun mentioned was only organized by the Alchemy Sect and was very different from the Alchemist Guild. The former was for attracting talents, while the latter was for making money.

When he was processing the memorial, he focused on the top three rewards from the Dan Shen Sect. The first place was like a ball of strange fire.

It is said that it is the elixir fire left behind by the death of a certain great master of the Alchemy God Sect. It is very domineering and its whole body is red.

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