Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1062 Speeding Race (First Update)

Fan Tong relied on this trick to be confident. Now that Ling Yun discovered it, the entire stele trembled inexplicably.

A ball of sword energy appeared in Ling Yun's right hand, which was terrifying to the naked eye. In his left hand, there was the power of thunder and lightning.

Holy shit! Fan Tong cursed fiercely. He immediately combined his strength in the stone tablet and prepared to fight against Ling Yun.

Since Ling Yun knew where Fan Tong was, there was no need to delay. He didn't want to know how the stone tablet and the Demon Gu Sect colluded. Anyway, the Demon Gu Sect had already perished.

Okay, okay! The stone tablet suddenly appeared in front of Ling Yun, and it didn't play any tricks.

Lord Xi and Old Man Fan stared at the stone tablet with their eyes widened.

What's so good about it? Ling Yun's strength exploded, and the stone tablet refused to retreat. He really didn't know what to say, but he was still confident.

I can also fight to the death with the dignified Supreme Lord. I am happy. Life or death depends on my ability. Fan Tong burst out laughing.

A showdown of life and death?

Ling Yun's mouth twitched, is Fan Tong worthy? It's rubbish, it just relies on the temporary power of the stone tablet, what the hell.

bring it on!

Fan Tong burst out with astonishing power from the stone tablet, the void trembled, and the aura of terror began to spread around.

On its body, veins intertwined, inscriptions emerged, and then a golden light curtain burst out from its stone tablet, which was full of scriptures and the profound meaning of the flowing road. No one present could understand it.

The power within the stone tablet drives the world-shattering murderous intent towards Ling Yun.

Ling Yun combined his hands without using the first god form, and sneered at the corner of his mouth. He didn't believe that such a big move couldn't defeat an ant bucket? Then it’s okay if he, the Supreme God, doesn’t do it.


A pillar of light soared into the sky, carrying terrifying power soaring straight to the top of the sky, and the surrounding area was like daylight.

All the land on the ground was swept away and the earth shook. Xishenzun and the others were unable to stand steadily and almost fell down.

Xishenzun and Old Man Fan desperately resisted these aftermaths, while the little guy stared blankly with beautiful eyes.


The sky once again illuminated one side, but the power was weakened. The side of Lingyun was filled with thick smoke, making it difficult to see what was going on.

Although the situation cannot be clearly seen, there is sound!

Fan Tong said: Okay, okay, today I have obeyed the Supreme Lord, hahaha!



The thick smoke gradually dissipated, and Fan Tong himself was seen looking up to the sky, spitting out two mouthfuls of blood, swaying, and finally fell to the ground.

Ling Yun frowned, looked into the void, and muttered dissatisfiedly: Even if you run fast, you are really a piece of trash, let it be used.

The stele has escaped!

This was what Ling Yun was most angry about. Killing a scapegoat was nothing, it was a waste of his ultimate move.

However, he also knew that the stone monument was severely damaged and could not be restored for hundreds or even thousands of years.


Ling Yun took action again, blasting Fan Tong's corpse to pieces with a blast of sword energy, leaving a patch of blood and bones, as well as some black energy on the ground.

Xi Shenzun and Old Man Fan came over with the little guy with lingering fear. The latter made a sweet sound and said: Daddy, give me a hug.

Are you afraid? Ling Yun asked, hugging her funny and letting her crawl into his arms.

Don't be afraid. The little guy shook his head and clasped Ling Yun's neck with his little hands, rubbing against him.

Emperor, are you okay? Xi Shenzun asked.

Ling Yun rolled his eyes at him and said displeasedly: You should ask if he will die.

Xishenzun was suddenly embarrassed...

Old Man Fan just wiped his tears and didn't speak.

The little guy rolled his eyes and asked, Dad, did you take that big black stone?

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, he didn't take it, he ran away. The thought of the stone tablet slipping away from his eyes made him angry.


Are you lying to the kids? The little guy shook his head in disbelief!

Ling Yun was really helpless and let the stone tablet run twice today.

Really, such an evil stone tablet is not a treasure, Sissi, you know you must destroy it when you encounter it in the future!

Ling Yun said this, the little guy nodded and reluctantly believed it.

While Lord Xi was comforting Old Man Fan, Ling Yun looked around to see if the stone tablet was lurking around, waiting for an opportunity to move.

Daddy, are we still going to play?


It's all dark. The little guy pointed to the sky, which meant that it was getting dark.

Yeah! Right now!

Ling Yun nodded, and then said to Lord Xi: Old boy Xi, please inform me to rebuild a Maple Leaf City. Make arrangements for the Fan family to contact various places in the God Realm. Maple Leaf Lord is a hero.

this late!

Huh? Ling Yun frowned!

Xi Shenzun immediately changed his words: Don't worry, it's all right.

The little guy laughed!

Xi Shenzun was speechless in his heart. If a good city must be destroyed, why can't we do it outside the city? And a big move!

Ling Yun walked a few steps, and then said softly to the little guy: Shall we drive back together? Let's compete!

Want to play? Okay, okay! The little guy nodded excitedly.

Ling Yun took out a children's toy four-wheeled vehicle, which was almost the same as the one the little guy got on the second floor of the Death Tower.

The little guy happily took out hers and sat down. She said in a sweet voice: If you want to fly, I want to fly first.

Ling Yun is funny, I can only let her go rogue once.


With a loud laugh, the little guy flew out of sight, his speed was not ordinary fast.

Ling Yun felt uncomfortable sitting on it. Would someone see him and make fun of him?


No matter what, in order for the little guy to get out of tonight's depression happily, Ling Yun would go all out.

Xishenzun and the others are right behind, okay?

Both of them were holding back their smiles...

Ling Yun turned around and glared: How can you ordinary people understand this emperor's world? Old boy Xi, you don't understand love!

The corner of Xi Shenzun's mouth twitched and he looked at Ling Yunfei without a trace. What does it mean that he doesn't understand love? He will be alone for the rest of his life, if you understand? Why is it still...!


The little guy's voice filled the sky, and from a distance it looked like a shooting star streaking across the starry sky.

When she resisted the strong wind and looked back to peek, Ling Yun was not far behind her. She muttered: Bad daddy, cheating again.

Then she charged again, since there was no one in the sky, she could do whatever she wanted.

Many people were curious and chased him for a distance. They found that there was a warning from the divine consciousness, and then they ran away without a cigarette.

The chase between the two fathers and daughters lasted more than half an hour, and the little guy had a great time.

Papa, is it in front? the little guy asked.

Well, I'm going back. Ling Yun nodded.

Return to the shrine!

Beibei ran over immediately and said excitedly: I want to play too!

The little guy shook his head and pointed at Ling Yun behind him!


Let's give it another day. It's very late today and Beibei will be scolded.

... Beibei curled her lips and looked back at Qin Xianglian, who was walking slowly over, speechless.

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