Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1055 So terrifying (Third update)

The eyes of the divine guards were filled with deep anger, and there was a terrible murderous intention on their bodies. They were completely angered by the man in black.

All of a sudden!

The two sides fight again!

The strength is good. The one who refined you is really talented. Ling Yun had to admire him.

At this moment!

Gu Zhi Maple Leaf Tianzun's power has not diminished at all, and he can fight against the relaxed Ling Yun.


But at this time, the power of the Gu Corpse Maple Leaf Tianzun was obviously increased, and Ling Yun immediately noticed something was wrong, the stone tablet? It’s related to Gu corpse!

As soon as Ling Yun exerted his strength, Gu Corpse Maple Leaf Tianzun's body suddenly retreated hundreds of meters with a muffled grunt.

Apart from retreating, he did nothing. His physical body was indeed terrifying. He could compete with the bloodthirsty maniac.

Beibei said: You're so cool. You're covered in braggadocio. There's nothing wrong with you at all.

Can it still be like this? the little guy asked curiously, blinking his big, smart eyes.

Beibei, go clean up the garbage below. Ling Yun said with a smile, the divine guards were injured a lot, all affected by the evil energy of the stone tablet.

Beibei nodded, she wanted to play!

After the little guy rolled his eyes, he said in a sweet voice: Daddy, let's clean up too, they are so annoying.

It's rare for a little guy to be so proactive, Ling Yun couldn't wait to do it.

Ling Yun looked at Gu Corpse Maple Leaf Tianzun quietly, the two were facing each other!

I originally thought it couldn't speak and was just like a puppet, but Ling Yun was shocked!

The Supreme...the Emperor...the Lord...

Interesting, what about soul magic? It's just a small skill! Ling Yun half-squinted his eyes. He knew how to do such evil skills. How ironic!

Beibei and the little guy and little Erin are sneaking around!

Beibei said: Remember, black is the bad old man, and the others are...oh...who are they!

She immediately scratched her head in embarrassment. She had never seen these divine guards before.

have no idea!

have no idea!

The little guy and little Erin don’t understand either!

Beibei twitched the corner of his mouth and said: I don't care!

This tone!

She shouldn't be messing around, she can't tell the difference between friend and foe!

Aha, look at me!

A ball of golden energy appeared in the little guy's palm, slowly growing in size.

Aha, baby, add more fire, oooo, ah hoo!

Little Erin was sweating profusely, but she still felt that it was not enough. Anyway, the energy ball was getting bigger and bigger!

Beibei rubbed her temples and thought again, would it be okay to put a set of compressed sword skills into Sissi's energy group?

Just do it!

This child is not very smart, and his swordsmanship is Liufeng swordsmanship, which is very low-level.

She controlled her strength very well, and the sword energy was compressed several times repeatedly, and she was sweating profusely.

But she smiled very happily, because there was countless sword energy in Sissi's energy group!

Depend on!

The divine guards looked back with wide eyes, such terrifying energy? Suddenly slip away! Leave some distance first before talking.

The men in black were stunned. They had no reason to escape. Besides, it seemed that the energy group was targeting them.

The little guy laughed and was satisfied this time. She also put a few balls of fire in. It was really lucky that there was no explosion.

Go, do you see? Your enemy is there, you are already a mature black man.

Beibei pointed at the man in black not far away, and said with a milky voice, the black words in her mouth were energy balls.

I saw the energy group appearing next to the man in black in an instant, without any warning, making everyone jump in shock!

A terrifying aura filled the air, and an aura that seemed to be full of destruction was released.


boom! !

The energy group bloomed, and the traces of power that overflowed from it were violent and cruel.

The terrifying power ripples swept away in all directions like a flood that broke a bank, and the surrounding trees fell down one after another.

The God Realm shook violently, Ling Yun's eyes widened, what is this?

What does Sissi want to do? What does Beibei want to do? What is little Eileen going to do?

Are they going to destroy the entire God Realm? This power surpasses Ye Lingyun!

Depend on! ! !

When Gu Corpse Maple Leaf Tianzun turned around, he was immediately illuminated by black energy and turned into ashes!

Ling Yun took action to block part of the violent energy, and half of the temple behind him was destroyed. No matter how strong the formation was, it would be fake to death in front of the power of the little guy's energy group.

too strong!

If it is not stopped in time, the entire God Realm will be destroyed!

Ling Yun frowned, this cheating kid is going to die.

In an instant!

Everything in the divine world is still!

Ling Yun absorbed most of the energy and picked up the three little guys at the same time. They laughed, but they were a little surprised that there was no movement around them!

And Ling Yun looked everywhere but couldn't see where the mysterious stone tablet had gone!

Daddy, I have a share.

Yeah, yeah, Beibei's swordsmanship is awesome!

The baby also has fire.

Ling Yun: ...

Damn it!

He just discovered that the nearest Xuanwu City was destroyed? And the divine guard who slipped away behind is also dead!

What a pit!

That city was completely destroyed like paper! The divine guards were even more wiped out.

no way!

Ling Yun must use the power of time to make up for everything. Time needs to go back four seconds. It hurts!

Are you guys going to make me mad?

After everything was done, looking at Xuanwu City as before, every little guy in Ling Yun was struck on the forehead!

Aha... I don't dare anymore!

The little guy lowers his head!

Why is it so weak? Beibei muttered, scratching his head and thinking hard.

Ling Yun's mouth twitched when he heard it. He had withdrawn most of his power. All the woods below the shrine were destroyed. Isn't that small?


Half of the shrine was destroyed, An Qing must be furious, Ling Yun was not going to excuse them and let them do whatever they wanted.

This terrifying fluctuation attracts people from all directions. Ling Yun and the others don’t want to be monkeys and be watched by others!

Those who wanted to know what happened and were worried about the shrine all came over and were stunned to see the half-destroyed shrine.


The attentive Beibei saw a trembling man. He was one of the men in black who had slipped through the net!

Handsome Shuai Shuai Shuai, don't let him run away. Beibei pointed excitedly at the shivering man in black lying on the ground not far away.

I know, I can't run away. Ling Yun said with a smile, he was quite surprised.

The man in black didn't know if he was lucky or not. During the battle with the Divine Guards, he went to the convenience store. When he came back, he escaped, but was discovered by Beibei again!

All in all, very bad luck!

Wouldn't it be nice to die? Being looked down upon by Ling Yun makes life worse than death just thinking about it.

Aha, I caught one. The little guy said in a milky voice.

Spare my life. The man in black also knew that he had been exposed, and begged Ling Yun for mercy again and again.

Who are you? Are you here to play? How many treasures are there? Beibei stared at the man in black and began to interrogate him!

Ling Yun's mouth twitched, who taught her this! The little guy and little Erin both had money-obsessed eyes.

Man in black:……

There was a hint of ruthlessness in his eyes, and he planned to catch Beibei who was in the distance, so as to blackmail Ling Yun and get a chance to escape.

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