Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1046 Shock (Third update)

Could it be Beibei did it?

Long Xingtian was shocked when this idea came to his mind.

Qin Xianglian cried: Beibei, mom misses you so much.

Mom, don't cry. Beibei was holding Qin Xianglian's head.

After Long Xingtian woke up, he shook his head and then stood up.

Xianlian, do you believe it? This world is not simple. It is not surprising that there are twelve realms. I have told you that I have been there once.

Yeah, Mom, there are so many people over there, so many treasures, and so many delicious foods. Beibei drew a few circles in the air, making them dumbfounded.

Beibei, why are you here?

Qin Xianglian's eyes were solemn and she had many questions in her heart. She knew a lot about capable people and strangers, but she knew that Long Xingtian couldn't reach her immediately.

Haha, that's it, swoosh! Beibei pointed to the rooftop, and the Thunder Gate appeared where she pointed, shining with golden light.

Depend on!

Long Xingtian's heart twitched violently, such an awesome spell really belonged to Beibei.


Qin Xianglian must be tricked into going to the Twelve Realms. He also wants to learn. Beibei is better than him. How can this be done? this? Did you come from here just now? Qin Xianglian's voice trembled, it was the first time she saw such a strange thing.

Beibei muttered, looked up at the sky at a forty-five degree angle and replied: Mom, this is what the handsome squid taught me, and I'm smarter now.

Qin Xianglian was shocked. How old is Beibei to know such powerful skills? I’ll get it again in the future!

She didn't know that Beibei and the little guy were the most awesome, and the only thing she couldn't afford to mess with was their diapers!

Mom, why don't we go? My sister is waiting for me. I'll cry if you can't see me. Beibei muttered, making a milky sound.

Xianlian, go, the scenery over there is very beautiful, the scenery you have never seen in your life! Long Xingtian's eyes lit up, he didn't believe that the father and daughter could not handle her!

Beibei is acting coquettishly again, her eyes are watery, which makes people feel distressed.

Lingyun's side!

He went to Ling Mansion and only visited a few people. The first one was Ling Rufeng.

Since he went into seclusion for three months, there has been no news about Ling Yun. Ling Rufeng is not in good condition, even though his strength has reached the legendary level.

Ling Yun didn't attend his engagement party, so he canceled it. Occasionally he went to college, but mostly he stayed in Ling Mansion.

In the pavilion!

Ling Yun suddenly appeared and patted Ling Rufeng on the shoulder. The latter instinctively found a counterattack and was caught by Ling Yun with one punch. As a result, the two brothers laughed.

Brother, where have you been these days? Ling Rufeng asked with a very excited tone.

I went to the outside world, Rufeng. The outside world is very exciting. I'm sorry, I couldn't attend your engagement party in time. I'm sorry.

What are you talking about? I canceled it.

What's going on in your head?

I'm still young, so just postpone it for a few days. Don't worry, she has no objection. Ling Rufeng shrugged, with an indifferent attitude.

My return is very tight. You are now very strong in Blue Star. When necessary, you must know how to take action and not let outsiders bully us. Ling Yun patted Ling Rufeng on the shoulder and said seriously. want to leave here? Are you not coming back? Ling Rufeng asked repeatedly, his face suddenly turned pale with shock, and he was quite surprised.

Come back, I will come back, I just don't know when. Ling Yun shook his head. He and An Qing's plan was to live in the God Realm and occasionally return to Blue Star.

Come back? Leave? Brother...I want to go too! Ling Rufeng suddenly thought of something and pulled Ling Yun's shoulders.

No... you are still young now, so you can train hard at Blue Star. If you want to come back in the future, I won't allow you! Ling Yun suddenly smiled, which was meaningful, and there was an unfathomable meaning in his eyes.

Brother, please train me. I want to grow up quickly.

Teaching? The best training is to let nature take its course.

Ling Yun started fooling around, and at the same time his eyes lit up and he spoke again: Of course, you can also be a high-ranking member of the Dragon Group.

Me??? I can do it too? Ling Rufeng's eyes widened and he pointed at himself.

Okay, I'll talk to Long Xingtian later. Ling Yun secretly rejoiced. Long Xingtian is gone. The dragon team can't survive without the leader. Ling Rufeng will definitely be able to take on a big responsibility.

Xu Le?

He is still with the US Bureau, and he doesn't know what task Longshi has given him. It has been so long and it has not been completed yet.

Are you serious? Ling Rufeng asked a little uncertainly.

Ling Yun smiled and nodded, editing text messages on his cell phone and sending them to Long Xingtian.

It’s time to go boating!

Ling Rufeng also laughed, it was just for training. Besides, the senior members of the Dragon Group had such an awesome status that no one in the Ling family knew that he was in the legendary realm.

Play pig eat tiger?

he likes!

Brother...when do you plan to deal with the Bai family's matter? Ling Rufeng asked.

He's still doing little things behind his back? Ling Yun frowned.

I have secretly observed that one thing is to bribe some desperadoes.

Haha, you want to stand up? Rufeng, tomorrow we will cut off most of the funds of the Bai family and kill all the desperadoes. Ling Yun smiled playfully, without money, let's see how they make trouble!

Hey, this is a great trick! Ling Rufeng nodded.

Have you met your fourth uncle in the capital?

I came here once, and he asked where you were. I knew you were there at that time. Now only our Ling family knows about his existence. Grandpa is worried that the people of the island country will go crazy after knowing about it, especially the Toyotomi family!

What Ling Rufeng said is also very reasonable. If you are not afraid that they will do something secretly, it will be impossible to guard against it. It is good to be more cautious!


There is another mole in the Ling Mansion, won't he expose this matter? For what purpose, Ling Yun had no idea.

Probably because of money, haha! Who knows.

After Ling Yun briefly told Ling Rufeng to pay attention to something, he left the pavilion. The latter's phone rang immediately. It was Long Xingtian's! ! !

He was really fast, and he made arrangements right away. His position was the agency leader, the highest position. Ling Rufeng was shocked when he heard it. Can he take on such an important position?

Ling Yun turned invisible and secretly glanced at Lin Qiuyan and Ling Tianyang. The two elders must have disappeared for a long time without Ling Yun and his family. They were worried and looked very haggard.

He took out his cell phone!

Call Lin Qiuyan...

Ring ring ring…

Yes... it's my son!! Lin Qiuyan's eyes widened and she became more energetic. Her eyes instantly turned red. Ling Yun saw everything.

The moment the phone was connected, Lin Qiuyan cried.

Ling Yun gave a confused explanation and spent a lot of time to deal with the two elders.

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