Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1029 Secret (first update)

Boss Bai punched him directly!

Depend on!

If you have something to say, why do you hit someone? The old man's eyes were darkened.

What are you adding? Who are we? Get out of here. Sancha got angry and beat the old man again.

In the Dragon Lock Tower, all the prisoners are suppressed by the tower and are in the period of transcending tribulation.

The same goes for Boss Bai and his group!

After a violent beating, Sancha Ku felt relieved.

Hei Zai, why don't you fight? It's not like you.

My hand hurts. Ling Yun twitched the corner of his mouth, pretending to be tired! Every move seemed to be watched.

Zhengren stared at Ling Yun, his brows knitted together again unconsciously. He always felt that the handsome man in black robe had changed.

Who are you? Why are you all in the tribulation stage? Are you so outstanding? The old man lay on the ground looking helpless, and his whole body ached when he moved.

Ignorance, fight against the five scum. Sancha bitterly despised the old man, full of disdain for his words.

Old man, do you want to live? Tell me how to get to the next floor?

Are you going to the second floor? the old man asked uncertainly.

Of course! Boss Bai replied.

They didn't come here just to enjoy the scenery and tease the prisoners.

The prisoners hiding in the dark did not dare to come out easily, and at the same time they were slightly shocked.

I don't know how to get to the second floor. The old man lowered his head.

Boss Bai has such amazing eyesight. Can he deceive them with words like this? nonexistent.

Okay, you take us to find the floor leader. I want to see if the floor leader of Infernal Hell is an acquaintance. Boss Bai raised a smile on his lips, not afraid of being plotted at all.

Four big shots, please come with me. The old man smiled mysteriously.

The people in the dark nodded to each other and then disappeared.

After walking for five or six minutes, Sancha felt unhappy and impatient.

Your uncle, why didn't you arrive for so long? Old man, you must be itchy.

Sanchaku raised his fist and aimed it at the old man, who shivered all over.

No, it just took so long. The old man looked aggrieved.

Bai Laodaodao: Old man, stop pretending and let them all come out. They have been hiding under there for too long.

The words have fallen!

Dozens of figures emerged from the ground, each as strong as a cow. They stared at Ling Yun and the four of them.


Sancha Ku felt like he was being deceived, and then punched the old man away.

Ling Yun said: Is this a trap?

Boss Bai laughed loudly: None of you recognize me?

Seeing the old man being beaten away, they couldn't hold back and prepared to take action.

Identify you as a pig, and the dead can see the floor leader. A middle-aged man roared fiercely, with a fierce look on his face.

Boss Bai was very angry. He was so famous in ancient times, but the people imprisoned here were blind and did not recognize Mount Tai.

It's a pity, just die, if you don't take us to find the floor leader, then I will kill him until he comes out to see me. Boss Bai was furious, and his momentum alone knocked many people away.

Ling Yun watched the show and didn't take any action. Everyone was killed by Boss Bai. Everyone died, and Sancha laughed bitterly.

Boy, you're dead, the floor leader won't...



Can't you mother? Boss Bai's anger has not disappeared, and a few more people died under the palm of a flaming palm.



Several unsociable voices sounded, and Boss Bai stopped and looked into the distance.

Sancha Ku looked around cautiously. Zhengren drew his sword. If the situation was not right, he would strike with the sword.


A roar came out.

The scene around Ling Yun changed. Each of them was on the grassland, and then they arrived in the desert under the scorching sun.

Haha, are you willing to give it up? Boss Bai didn't even notice the floor leader's tricks.

Sancha shook his head bitterly...

Boss? Is it you? Are you still alive??

The floor leader’s voice was shocked!


He immediately appeared in front of Ling Yun and the others.

The owner of the floor is a young man with a discerning appearance.

You? You're still alive, Xiaosi!! Boss Bai's tone also sounded shocked.

Sancha Ku’s head is full of black lines, and Boss Bai really knows the floor leader.

Ling Yun also had to pretend to be surprised, otherwise his secret would be exposed.

Xiaosi was particularly excited, nodding his head wildly, and even complained to Boss Bai.

This first-level leader was Boss Bai's subordinate back then, ranking fourth, so they all called him Xiaosi.

Xiao Si, I thought you were dead, but I didn't expect you to be caught here by the gods and suffer. Boss Bai sighed.

Who says it's not the case? It's all Emperor Mortal's fault! Xiao Si's eyes were full of anger. The one who captured him alive was the Mortal Emperor who ruled the God Realm.

Fandi? It's him. Okay, after I complete my mission, I will definitely help you seek justice. Boss Bai clenched his fists and said.

Sancha smiled bitterly: I'll help you too, don't worry.

Xiaosi was surprised: Thank you so much, boss.

You're welcome. After all, you were my subordinate back then. Boss Bai didn't take it seriously, feeling that this matter was insignificant.

Ling Yun frowned, Emperor Mortal is not dead? So he is in the Demon Sea?

So what happened to the Alliance of Gods? No one knows!

Didn’t the Mortal Emperor die together with the Devil’s Forbidden Code? How could it be in the Demon God Sea? Ling Yun's head hurts and he can't think clearly.

We are going to the next level, Xiaosi will lead the way.

Boss Bai's tone was an order!

The people in the Infinite Hell opened their eyes one by one to see why their floor leader was so respectful to a man in white clothes.

Xiaosi leads the way with a smile!

Just after entering the second floor, a huge roar sounded.


Boss Bai's face turned pale, and then he warned: You stay here, Zhengren and I will go take a look.

No problem, money counts separately. Zhengrenjun said calmly, it's easier to do things if you have money.


The sound of explosions came, and Boss Bai's face gradually began to look bad, and he immediately went with Zhengrenjun.

Xiaosi said: Boss, I'm going too.

You stay.


Sancha smiled bitterly and said, Boss Bai is here, so don't worry.

Xiaosi asked: What's the boss doing here?

Sanchaku belongs to the talkative category, and he immediately replied: Free the Dragon Lock Tower.

Ling Yun's eyes widened, nothing could happen to the Dragon Lock Tower!




With a scream, Ling Yun walked over and smashed his right hand into Xiaosi's chest, causing the latter to drip with blood.

Xiaosi's eyes widened and he looked at Ling Yun with an evil smile on his face. He was in pain and unwilling to do so. Floor Master!

Sancha Ku was startled, and immediately attacked Ling Yun, and said angrily: Hei Zai, what are you doing?


His punch passed over Ling Yun's immortal body, and the latter smiled mysteriously, resembling death.

You're not a black guy! Who are you, you bastard? Sancha pointed angrily at Ling Yun.


The fastest way to commit suicide is to point at Ling Yun and scold him!

Sanchaku was directly crushed by Ling Yun, and his Yuanying was squeezed out. He was in excruciating pain, and all the moves he used before his death were useless.

It’s so difficult to live in front of Ling Yun!

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