Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1025 went smoothly (third update)

The black hole disappears…

Everything is quiet...

Ling Yun murmured to himself: Qianye, I hope you have a better destination, I am not suitable.

Xin Zhao came over and reminded Ling Yun: Brother Yun, we have reached the depths.


Ling Yun threw a jade slip towards the sea of ​​​​stars, a burst of golden light flashed, and a formation slowly unfolded in the sea of ​​​​stars.

This large-scale penetrating formation requires a lot of materials, is expensive, and is a one-time consumable, which makes Ling Yun feel a little pained.

no way!

It's not possible to use the Thunder Gate. The huge ark will disturb the space flow, which is very unsafe.

Xin Zhao shouted: Everyone obey the order and move towards the center of the golden light.

All five arks sailed in instantly, and a formation immediately appeared above the Blue Mercury at the other end.

There were ripples like water ripples, and five arks suddenly emerged from the void.


The little guy, Beibei and Irene immediately ran to the bow of the boat and looked down at the entire Blue Mercury from here for the first time, and their eyes were stunned.

Daddy, look quickly.

Look, it's a big bead.

This child regarded the Blue Mercury as a treasure and was extremely excited.

Stupid, this is a glowing treasure. Beibei said in a sweet voice.

An Qing next to her was speechless!

Can I get it? Little Eileen asked innocently.

Ji Wushuang: ...

After more than ten minutes of rapid progress, the five arks finally arrived above the Zhao family in the Gods and Demons Continent.

same time!

There was a sensation in Fengyue Ancient Country.

Hearing that Zhao Xin of the Zhao family, the Holy Lord of the Holy Church, had married the seventh daughter of the Martial Ancestor God Emperor of the Nine Heavens, this bombshell news shocked the eyes of the people of the country.

I thought it was just a rumor, but I didn't expect the wedding team to actually come. Five arks, all gave Xin Zhao a thumbs up.


Emperor Guapi and Long Jiani from the Zhao family immediately ran out to confirm why they arrived so quickly. They arrived an hour early according to the time.

Depend on!

After Emperor Guapi confirmed that it was correct, he complained fiercely. He should have thought that Ling Yun, a pervert, could ignore ancient etiquette.

The news immediately spread throughout the Gods and Demons Continent, and many people came to join in the fun.

Long Hua and Ren Wuyan from the War Temple also came. When they saw Ling Yun's Supreme Lord, they trembled on their feet, and the latter smiled lightly.

Ye Fei didn't disappear at all, and he didn't know whether it was because he was practicing or because he didn't know about Xin Zhao's happy event.

Xin Zhao's happy event went smoothly in Bishui. The biggest sensation was Ling Yun's identity as the Supreme God. This was truly a once-in-a-millennium event.

There was still no change in the backward Bishui Star. Zhao Xin vowed that it would change in the future. He told all the residents of the Gods and Demons Continent.


Fireworks were set off all night in Fengyue City, the imperial capital. The little guy laughed so hard that he refused to sleep.

In Ling Yun's yard, the little ones looked up at the stars, with the fireworks in their eyes, while Ling Yun was sitting on the table chatting with An Qing.

Long Jiani came to ask Ling Yun something.

Brother Lingyun, why hasn't my cultivation improved? I've worked very hard. Long Jiani asked with a confused look on her face.

An Qing was very conscious and watched the fireworks with the little guy, and did not eavesdrop on the conversation between Ling Yun and the others.

I'm sorry, I hid some selfish motives at the beginning. The power of that red bead is your power in this life. Any further cultivation will be in vain. Ling Yun replied truthfully.

After Long Jiani heard this, she took three steps back in shock. She could hardly believe that now that she had cultivated to the level of Immortal Emperor Fifteen, she could not beat the Immortal Emperor Sixteen who had revived his spiritual energy.

Seeing Long Jiani's wet eyes and covering her mouth, Ling Yun quickly said: Don't be like this, I have a way.

He is speechless. Can you please let him finish?

The little guy noticed the situation, curled his lips and looked at Ling Yun. An Qing pulled her back and said, Look, it's here again, how beautiful it is.

The little guy smiled happily again and forgot what she wanted to do just now.

Nizi, don't be like this, Sissi saw it, she will beat me when I wait. Ling Yun said half-jokingly, instantly making Long Jiani laugh.

Long Jiani said: That's it. With such a level of cultivation, others can't envy you. I won't force it anymore.

No, everyone can forget it, but you can't. If you don't have the strength, it will be difficult for you to do what you like. Think about it for yourself. The key is that you are still Xiao Xinzi's biological sister.

Ling Yun refused, and it was not a big deal to forcefully help Long Jiani get rid of the sequelae.

Long Jiani thought about it and realized that it really made sense, but she was still hesitant, worried that Ling Yun had paid too much and had too many concerns.

Ling Yun stood up, casually arranged a formation, and then forcibly instilled cultivation skills into Long Jiani. The little guy and Beibei immediately ran over with curious expressions on their faces.

Long Jiani couldn't react for a moment, her body felt light, and then her whole body ached, and her head was about to explode.


An Qing knew the heart-rending screams.

The little guy was trembling with fear. Fortunately, An Qing was holding the three of them and explained to them that this was a medical treatment.


The little guy scratching his head and screaming is a cure? No, it’s her father who treats people’s illnesses by pressing them on their heads!



She can do it too, and her eyes suddenly turned gloomy.

Three minutes later!

Long Jiani was sweating profusely, her face was pale, and she was lying on the ground, breathing only.

The little guy ran over and stared at her, who smiled at her and then fainted.

Daddy, Auntie is asleep.

He's asleep. Look, they're all on the floor. Beibei replied.

Ling Yun said: Let her rest.

The little guy scratched his head and was carried back to the room by An Qing to sleep.


The little guy refused to sleep, watching the fireworks.

Ling Yun, think of a way.

An Qing had no choice but to ask Ling Yun to remove the formation, then call the maid to take Long Jiani back.

Ling Yun shrugged. He had many methods: Would you like to listen to a story? It's very interesting.

The little guy asked: Daddy, tell me, how nice is it?

Ling Yun: ...

Ha ha!

Beibei and little Irene both laughed.

After taking them back to the room, Ling Yun began to tell a story. After only one minute, the voice full of magical sounds put them to sleep.

And Ling Yun was so happy that he refused to sleep? nonexistent.

Immediately, he and An Qing also went to bed. After working for so long, they could finally have a peaceful sleep.

late at night!

The Tianyang Mountains of Blue Mercury were roaring and very unsettling.

Ling Yun opened his eyes, and An Qing was awakened. She asked, What's wrong? You've been struggling all night.

Ahem, it's okay, just go to sleep.

Did something happen? You don't look like you're fine.

It's nothing, it's just a tide of beasts.

Ling Yun frowned. The guy hiding in the dark is really annoying. Who is it?

The beast tide in Tianyang Mountains was so sudden, could it be?

Chiba! !

Something happened to the demon clan! !

As Ling Yun muttered to himself, An Qing sighed and asked Ling Yun to find her.

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