Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1022: Trapping the God Emperor (Third update)

The people who survived in Jiuchongtian began to feel at a loss, just like unemployed young people. Many people cried softly. Many relatives and friends must have died.

The second prince mobilized his guards and began to slowly repair the broken Nine Heavens. Such a project was too big, time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Emperor Wu Zu said: You don't know about the cursed holy sword?


Then why do you still want it?

This emperor is not afraid.

Your daughter is holding it, so you let her accept the curse.

Old man, you don't understand, curse? Haha! Ling Yun smiled dismissively.

The cursed holy sword is just a sword with overwhelming demonic energy. The sword spirit is very evil and will devour the owner's lifespan and power.

In the final analysis, it is all caused by the evil sword spirit, and the luck of those who hold this sword will be reduced.

Emperor Wuzu was speechless. He was so angry that he wouldn't listen to anything he said.

Ling Yun said: They are back, it's time for you to get busy.

The Martial Ancestor God Emperor knew what Ling Yun was talking about. The Nine Heavens had been destroyed like this, so was he still the Lord of God?


What are the wedding team doing back? Now that there is no threat, it is time to continue to the Blue Water Planet, and time has been delayed.

Ling Yun smiled, then raised his brows slightly, winked at the Martial Ancestor God Emperor and said, Old man, I will help you reopen the Nine Heavens. How many spiritual stones are you going to pay?

Emperor Wuzu was startled, and secretly wondered whether Ling Yun was joking, and how true were his words? How fake is it?

Ling Yun seemed to be smiling, but he was not sure.

Are you kidding? God Emperor Martial Ancestor asked back.

Tell me, how much, I will consider it. Ling Yun said as he walked.

It's really not true. The Martial Ancestor God Emperor still didn't believe it: How about 200,000 top-quality spiritual stones?

So little? Old man, a ninth-level heaven, so worthless? You can save it to buy a coffin. The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched.

Ahem...Emperor, you have also seen that I am poor now. How many resources have been destroyed in this disaster, what a loss.

The Martial Ancestor God Emperor was heartbroken when he thought about it. This was his ancestral business and he was ashamed of his ancestors.

That won't work. With such a small amount of spiritual stones, I can't do anything. Ling Yun pretended to be embarrassed, but the Emperor Wuzu hadn't noticed the smile on his lips.

Help, help, help. The Martial Ancestor God Emperor smiled playfully and pestered Ling Yun, almost like a little guy.

Old man, please save it, there is nothing I can do for you.

Emperor, Xin Zhao is your brother. After all, we are all one family.

He is him, and this emperor is this emperor.

My son-in-law is rich, really! The church is developing well.

Don't do this, Xin Zhao is rich in the Blue Mercury? Don't I know this? Ling Yun's mouth twitched.

Then tell me how much you want, as long as it can open up the Nine Heavens. The Martial Ancestor God Emperor shook his head and said.

What treasure do you have in your hand? Ling Yun asked.

It's nothing. Oh, you should just tell me how many spiritual stones you want. I'm so anxious.

Okay, one price, five hundred thousand top-quality spiritual stones.

Ling Yun spoke calmly. The two of them had already seen Zhao Xin's Ark. The outer body was a bit tattered and smoke was coming from the tail.

Five hundred thousand? Emperor, you'd better go and grab it, we are all so familiar.

The Emperor Wu Zu was speechless and rolled his eyes repeatedly.

to be honest!

Five hundred thousand top-quality spiritual stones can open up a realm similar to the Nine Heavens, which is a huge profit.

The tenth and eleventh heavens and above that appear now are simply not comparable to the previous ones.

The barrier is not big, it is weak, and the space is small.

The Martial Ancestor God Emperor shook his head, he had to think twice.

Thinking time!

The major sects before Jiuchongtian came, and they all wanted to ask about the mountain peak they bought? It was agreed at the beginning that the sect would stay in Jiuchongtian to develop and be protected by the Martial Ancestor God Emperor.

it's good now!

Everything was gone, many disciples of the sect died, and many years of foundation were destroyed.

The losses are self-evident.

The Emperor Wuzu was forced to stay, and a group of people were chasing him.

Ling Yun ignored him and didn't look at the eyes he was looking at. Five hundred thousand was the lowest price. If he wasn't familiar with the Martial Ancestor God Emperor, he wouldn't have helped, even though it was easy.

Daddy, daddy!

From far away, I could hear the little guy's voice wanting to cry.

There were a lot of sounds of joy around, and the little guy's milky sounds attracted Ling Yun the most.

An Qing hugged her and walked straight down, comforting her: Did you have a nightmare? Your father is here and hasn't gone anywhere.

Daddy and sister don't want me. The little guy rubbed his red eyes.

An Qing: ...

The guards who escorted Su Min came down from the Ark, immediately opened a passage and laid out a red carpet, still with the same ceremony.

Ji Wushuang walked in the front, followed by Zhao Xin and Su Min. The two held hands and seemed a bit envious of others.

Fortunately, she was only a few meters away, and the little guy started to tilt her mouth and reach out to ask Ling Yun to hug her.

Sissi is crying, do you want a photo taken? Ling Yun joked.

After the little guy nuzzled into Ling Yun's arms, he shook his head: No, no.

An Qing touched the little guy's head and said, She was like this as soon as she woke up. I don't know what happened.

Ling Yun smiled and said: It's okay, leave it to me.

He knew in his heart that the little one must have been affected by the dark and evil power of the evil Buddha. After all, she had not yet adapted to it.



I'm afraid.

What are you afraid of, hmm! Ling Yun kissed her forehead, and the latter was a little listless.

An Qing was still worried: Is everything okay?

It's okay, Sissi, I'll give you the spirit stones, look at it. Ling Yun took out five top-quality spirit stones and flashed them in his palm.

The little guy blinked: Aha, mine.

An Qing smiled, this is the lively little girl she used to be.

The little guy put away the spirit stone happily, his eyes turned gloomy.




It's really gone.

The little guy murmured, unable to trick Ling Yun. He could only look at An Qing. In her memory, it seemed that An Qing had many spiritual stones.


Haha. An Qing suddenly laughed. It's not a good thing for this little money man to roll his eyes.

Ling Yun put her down, pointed to the ruins not far away, and said, Beibei is there. She found a lot of good things.

Huh? Really, sister...sister... The little guy ran over with his short legs and was so cute.

I have something to do, you follow her. Ling Yun said directly.

An Qing: ...!

Something is wrong with her too.

have no choice!

She looked at Chiba on the side, who shrugged and followed the little guy. She had nothing to do anyway, so she seemed redundant here.

Emperor Wu Zu promised those sect leaders that he would definitely give them an answer within tomorrow, so he was able to escape, which gave him a headache.

Xin Zhao came to the front of the Martial Ancestor God Emperor, knelt down and said: Father, I'm sorry.

He and Su Min had already married and were now a couple, so the title of Emperor Wuzu must be changed.

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