Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1019 Changes in the Nine Heavens (Third Update)

In an instant, the sky was filled with golden light and shadow, surging up like a river, making people's hearts and souls tremble and tremble uncontrollably.

Ling Yun smiled playfully!

Ant, let me show you what the gap is.

A pair of wings appeared behind Ling Yun, and the evil Buddha was frightened and trembled all over.

Who are you? It's impossible to exist. How could you be so powerful?

True God! True God, how could you exist in the Twelve Realms!! Evil Buddha was frightened, his voice full of trembling.

You're just an ant, why do you know so much?

Ling Yun squinted his eyes, and with one move, he broke the terrifying martial arts move of Evil Buddha just now, and there was a loud noise all around.

The terrifying wave rippled through the sea of ​​​​stars and swept around like waves, and many uninhabited planets exploded.

I don't believe it. It's fake. I am the strongest. Just go to hell. The evil light shines everywhere.

The evil Buddha said angrily, his entire body doubled in size, and a layer of fire appeared around him, becoming more and more intense. When his two big palms came together, bursts of bright light erupted, which was so terrifying.

Oh! Show? The Buddha's light shines everywhere.

Ling Yun clasped his hands together gently, curled his lips, and his hands emitted a golden light.


this moment! !

The terrifying aura shook the sea of ​​​​stars, and stars thousands of miles away roared.

The evil Buddha with a golden body and a ferocious look screamed in agony, and fragments of the film fell. The scene was extremely horrifying.

Just wait for me, I will come back again, wait, wait, wait...

The last unwilling voice of the evil Buddha's afterimage echoed across the sea of ​​stars.


The evil Buddha who was going to the Demon God Sea spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body fell straight into the Demon God Sea, muttering: Damn it, you will make you suffer forever. Don't let me meet you in the Demon God Sea. You must use Secret techniques improve cultivation, and true gods do not exist in the twelve realms.

A sound of falling water...

Become a Buddha with one thought, become a devil with one thought, that's what you are like, haha.

Ling Yun sneered and disappeared.

Nine Heavens!

Emperor Wuzu and Emperor Yang were in the middle of a fight, and there were blood stains on the corners of their mouths.

Second brother, you gave me a big surprise. The Martial Ancestor God Emperor said coldly.

When he and others broke through the gate to the Nine Heavens just now, they were actually struck back by the power, and everyone with him perished.

And he was injured a little, and the person standing opposite him was not the enemy he thought before, but his second brother who he had the least suspicion about.

The entire direct family of Emperor Wuzu and Emperor were detained and trapped in the heaven and earth cage controlled by Yang Erhuang.


All of them had expressionless faces, just like puppets, at the mercy of Emperor Yang.

Not surprising enough, you will be even more surprised later.

Yang Er Huang said expressionlessly that according to his plan, the evil Buddha would kill Tai Shengjun and the others. This was the biggest surprise.

He was excited just thinking about it. His brother's beloved Su Min died tragically?

I wonder what the Martial Ancestor God Emperor would do if he knew about it? Will he vomit blood and die without a fight? It's really possible.

Don't you just want the position of God? If you say it, I will consider it. Why do you play so many tricks?

Emperor Wu Zu said angrily. At the same time, he thought of Su Min and became so angry that he spit out a mouthful of blood.

Don't get excited, maybe she's not dead, haha. Yang Erhuang mocked, that look made people want to punch him.

Humph, the Supreme God is here. The Martial Ancestor God Emperor calmed down and his breath became much calmer.

Haha, maybe. Yang Erhuang picked his ears, shook his head and smiled disdainfully.

Your layout is really deep. Were you responsible for the death of the Tianmen elder last night? asked the Martial Ancestor God Emperor.

Yes, that old man is actually cowardly. He promised well in the first place, but he can only be blamed for being ignorant. Yang Erhuang had no need to hide it, there was no one from Tianmen here.

The people from Tianmen went after Zhao Xin, and the two sides were fighting now. It was planned, so Yang Erhuang believed that Zhao Xin and the others would definitely die.

Even if you escape from the hands of the evil Buddha, you can't escape from the gate of heaven with so many people.

Second brother, are you still the second brother I know? You plotted against Tianmen, the Supreme Lord, the Guiying faction, and you plotted against me!

The Martial Ancestor God Emperor was heartbroken. His hair, which was originally half white, was all white now. It was a huge blow to him, as if he just couldn't accept the fact.

Haha, you are wrong, I also plotted against the interstellar pirates.

Haha, in terms of strength? I'm worse than you in that respect. Tell me, why do everyone in the Nine Heavens and Twelve Regions know you, but don't know me?

What kind of drug did you give your father to pass the throne to you? Didn't you have any idea?

You forced me. The Hecun girl liked me back then. Why did she choose you? And why did she die?



Say it?

Yang Erhuang bared his teeth and asked a series of questions, looking very ferocious, holding his head in his hands and crying uncontrollably.

The Martial Ancestor God Emperor was so angry that he retorted speechlessly. He covered his heart with his right hand, reverting to his old habit.

Say it. Yang Erhuang struck a terrifying wave with one palm.

The Emperor Wuzu hurriedly dodged, and then took a deep breath and said: You misunderstood the matter about Hecun Girl. She likes you.

You are lying. You want to live, right? It's impossible for me to tell you. Give me the seal of God quickly.

Yang Erhuang's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he kicked out. The Martial Ancestor God Emperor activated his physical skills and resisted without any pressure.

Listen to what I have to say. He Cungu was suffering from an incurable disease back then. When she learned that her time was running out, she just asked me to cooperate with her in acting.

The Martial Ancestor God Emperor explained weakly, his face gradually turning pale. After all, he was still old and useless.

Ling Yun stood aside and listened quietly. He started to make tea. He was leisurely and had no intention of taking action yet. Let Yang Erhuang play with it.

You've come to this point and you still want to lie to me, haha, my good big brother.

You... The Martial Ancestor God Emperor was so angry that he asked him to explain, but he didn't believe it after he explained!

Ling Yun shook his head, he was another poor man who was crazy about love.

However, this Yang Erhuang still had the intention to seize God, and it was not because he was deprived of love by a sword that his mind was confused.

I have said that before you want the position of God, you can tell me. Are you going to destroy the Nine Heavens? It will not be possible to destroy the tens of millions of years of our Yang family's foundation. God Emperor Wuzu looked like he hated iron. expression.

Yang Erhuang didn't care, he risked his life, and kept attacking the Martial Ancestor God Emperor with his terrifying footwork, causing the surrounding world to be violently shaken.

After dozens of rounds!

Emperor Wuzu was panting, and Emperor Yang was almost the same. The two brothers fought half a circle around the Nine Heavens, and everywhere they went was unsightly.

Half of Jiuchongtian was destroyed.

Hmph, if you fight back and don't hand over the Seal of God, don't blame me for being ruthless.

Yang Erhuang looked at Yang Dong and the others. The fourth prince in the heaven and earth cage was trembling, but the others were relatively strong.

The royal family of Wu Zu Shen didn't have many families. There was a main wife, Mrs. Yang Dong, a side wife, Concubine Zhao, and seven girls. Five of them were married, leaving only Su Min's fifth and sixth sisters!

Three of the five sisters also came back, but they went back after Su Min left Jiuchongtian.

There are four sons. The eldest prince died, and the third prince joined the sect to practice and did not come back.

The eldest prince has an orphan, a son, who has also cultivated in the tribulation period, and is also trapped at the moment.

There are also several other family members.

Yang Erhuang said that after one minute, the Emperor Wuzu couldn't make a choice and he would operate on the family of the Emperor Wuzu and force him to submit.

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