Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1006 Debt Collection (Second Update)

Ling Yun is very innocent, okay! !

But Beibei still says super heart-warming words.

The handsome boy is the best. He is my godfather. I love him so much.

The God Emperor Wu Zu also mentioned the Temple of War. Ling Yun pricked up his ears to listen. He hadn't heard it for a long time.

Probably many people have attacked the War Temple, and they are all former enemies.

The United Army attacked the main hall in one fell swoop, and the War Temple was defeated miserably. But in the end, I don’t know what happened, and the United Army was completely annihilated.

The Temple of War was saved!

The leaders of the joint army were two Immortal Emperors from the 18th century, and they both died tragically.

I just know that Ling Yun knew that it was the afterimage he placed in the main hall. Fortunately, he had kept an eye on it when he reorganized the War Temple.



A middle-aged man appeared in a panic and was sweating profusely.

Second brother, why are you so rude? Emperor Wu Zu said displeasedly. Emperor Tai was his honored guest. Such a rude behavior made him lose face.

Ling Yun and the others all looked at the second prince mentioned by the Martial Ancestor God Emperor. He was a talented man!

Hai Fei is coming!

Only then did the second prince realize that there was actually a Supreme Emperor here. No wonder his father was so serious.

What is he here for? The Martial Ancestor God Emperor responded with a slight frown.

Hearing this name, Su Min's body trembled unnaturally. This subtle move could be hidden from Zhao Xin and the others, but not from Ling Yun.

Father, father! The second prince obviously didn't want outsiders like Ling Yun to hear, and kept winking at the Martial Ancestor God Emperor.

Emperor Wu Zu stood up and said to Ling Yun: My lord, I'm sorry, I have something to deal with. Now you can be taken to lunch by Su Min.

The words have fallen!

Emperor Wuzu cupped his hands, then turned around and followed the second prince.

Su Min got up and took Ling Yun and the others to the side hall for dinner.

It probably takes four or five minutes to walk!

As Ling Yun walked, he followed Ji Wushuang and said, Xiaoji, Xiaoxue has gone back, have you seen it?

Thank you, Emperor, for taking in Xiaoxue. Ji Wushuang performed a gentleman's etiquette.

Ahem... I'll skip this one. Did you forget something? Ling Yun reminded.

Ji Wushuang rubbed her temples. What did she forget? Didn't you forget?

Please make it clear, Emperor.

He couldn't figure it out.

Look at that leaf, does it look like milk powder money...milk powder money, milk powder money...

Ling Yun said very quietly.

Ji Wushuang's mouth twitched. The Supreme God in front of him must be fake.

Got it, got it!

He took out his storage ring, then took out another storage ring and handed it to Ling Yun.

Lingyun's consciousness swept away and he was very satisfied...


He was happy too early. An Qing was holding the little guy and staring at her.

Oh, God, you are so shameless. You want Xiaoxue's child support?

An Qing became scornful, and the little guy slapped Ling Yun, and she said in a sweet voice: How can you accept daddy? Xiaoxue is my sister, how can you do this. to me... Ling Yun was dumbfounded, when did they get here!

Needless to say, we all heard and saw it. An Qing rolled her eyes repeatedly. This is true for Ling Yun. She treats Xiaoxue as one of her own family members, so how can she charge anything.

Ling Yun feels aggrieved. He is a man of his word and will do whatever he says. What did he say when he was protecting Ji Wuxue!

Ji Wushuang said: Don't get me wrong, it should be, it should be. If the emperor hadn't taken in my Xiaoxue, I really don't know what I would have done, and his life-saving grace in the Nine Nether Abyss.

It's a trivial matter, not respectful.

Put it away, Ji Wushuang!! Put it away! An Qing is also a very serious woman.


Ji Wushuang is in trouble!

Their voices caused Zhao Xin and others in front to stop, as if they were quarreling.


Ling Yun was speechless and curled his lips like a little guy. He took a spiritual stone from the storage ring to make Ji Wushuang fulfill his promise.

No quarreling! The little guy spoke now. Is it too slow? I don't know what she was thinking when she scratched her head just now.

No noisy, no noisy! Ling Yun started laughing.

Aha, mine.

While Ling Yun was touching her head, she took the spirit stone and kept covering it. She shook her head and said she would not give it back to Ling Yun.

Ji Wushuang shrugged. If he didn't want it, he wouldn't want it. He would save it. In his eyes, Tai Shenjun had a lot of money anyway.

The side hall has arrived!

The aroma of food that hits your nostrils, although not as good as Ling Yun's, can still make people drool.

Ling Yun and the others discovered that the Martial Ancestor God Emperor was also there, with a young man kneeling in front of him.

The young man stood up one after another, stared at the Emperor Wuzu and said angrily: Uncle, you are really my uncle!

Fei'er, this is Min'er's own business. The emperor once said that she will make the decision in everything. Everything now is also her choice. The Emperor Wu Zu shook his head slightly.

I don't believe that my cousin would do this to me. We grew up together and are childhood sweethearts in the eyes of everyone in Jiuchongtian.

The more the young man talked, the more excited he became, and he began to exert some strength in his body.

Fei'er, calm down! The Martial Ancestor God Emperor frowned and his tone suddenly became louder.

Haha? Calm down? Calm down? How can I be calm? Tell me, this is not true. Why have I been working so hard? Why am I practicing the Nine Layers Art?

Faced with a series of questions from young Liao Haifei, Emperor Wu Zu was speechless, while Su Min on the other side burst into tears.




This was what came out of her mouth, over and over again.

Zhao Xinxin felt very uncomfortable. He had heard a lot of rumors in Jiuchongtian.

An Qing and Ling Yun didn't understand, so they could only watch blankly. The little guy, Beibei and little Irene all blinked.

I have been practicing in seclusion for a hundred years, and I think I have achieved some success. Who knew that this is how I came out of seclusion?

The young man Liao Haifei laughed at himself, feeling very unwilling.

Fei'er, love is free. I have also told you many truths. It is best to love someone through perfection.

No...I am not willing to accept it. My cousin is not like this!

The young man Liao Haifei turned to Su Min's side and rushed over immediately. The second prince wanted to stop him, but the Emperor Wu Zu raised his hand to prevent him from intervening.


Su Min stood there, still crying as before.

Cousin, tell me that you will not like others. You said that you will love me for the rest of your life and never regret it.

The young man Liao Haifei shook his head desperately, his eyes filled with love for Su Min.

I'm sorry, cousin...I...I...I broke my promise.

Su Min covered her mouth, tears streaming down her face, her body still shaking.

Xin Zhao found that he was so redundant at the moment, clenching his fists as if he was the person who shouldn't exist. Ling Yun put one hand on his shoulder and smiled at him.

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