Supreme Crazy Wife

Vol 2 Chapter 97: You are infringing!

"Ah! Why? Aren't those two Miss Leng's and Young Master?" Lu Tao said in a puzzled way, with question marks all over her beautiful face.

"Family honor! The Leng family's tutoring is very strict, so in the face of it, the younger generation of the Leng family does not dare to take advantage of their identity, but it is hard to say in private." Leng Ruoxue explained lightly Tao.

"Miss, then they won't hate us?" Lu Tao said with some worry, ooh...she was so afraid that she would cause trouble to Miss.

"What? Afraid?" Leng Ruoxue raised her eyebrows lightly, somewhat amused.

"No...I'm not afraid! We didn't buy and sell!" Lu Tao thought for a while, and said with a firm will.

"What about jealousy? If they dare to trouble us, they will just click!" The evildoer said disapprovingly.

"Uh!" Leng Ruoxue dripped two drops of cold sweat on her forehead, alas! The evildoer is getting more and more violent, but the Leng family really has nothing to fear.

After Leng Ruoxue and the others finished their meal, they cleaned up briefly, and then everyone walked into the tent where the three little dragons stayed.

After entering the tent, Cheng Wu and the others looked at the three dragons lying on the ground and asked: "Miss, how do you deal with these three dragons?"

"Hmm! I'm taking some blood, and then kill it!" Leng Ruoxue smirked and frightened.

Leng Ruoxue's words were as good as she wanted, and she saw the fear and tears in the eyes of the three little dragons as she wished, which made her feel good, huh! Why does she like to tease these dragons more and more these past two days?

"Woo...Don't kill us, the blood on our bodies hasn't grown yet!" A dragon said with tears in his eyes.

"But, the efficiency of your Dragon Race is too slow. It hasn't arrived yet, and I can't support you for nothing?" Leng Ruoxue's beautiful face was full of helplessness.

"You don't need to spend money, we pay for the maintenance, can we?" Another dragon also said with tears, oh... this devil, for six days, he hasn't given them a meal at all, and he even dislikes them! Is there any reason for this?

"Support? Do you have any money?" Leng Ruoxue's beautiful eyes were shining, well, it seems that the dragon clan seems to like the shiny things the most, but looking at the three of them, will they have good things?

"Money? We don't have money, but we can use things to pay for it." After speaking, the dragon poured out the treasure it had kept for many years from the storage space in his body.

"These are your collections?" Leng Ruoxue looked at the gold and silver objects that were dropped on the ground by the silly dragon and the sparkling spar, a little speechless, well, the things that this dragon collects are really tacky. ! It is either gold or silver, and there are some gems of various colors, which are of no use to her!

"Well, that's all I have collected for many years!" The dragon said very depressed, ooh...Looking at the little devil's expression, it's obviously not satisfied! But, all of its things are here, what can I do? Its blood, its fate!

"What do you two use to pay for the support?" Leng Ruoxue, who was slightly disappointed, turned her gaze to the other two dragons.

When the other two dragons heard it, they quickly poured out their collections and let the little demon in their minds choose, ooh... as long as you don't kill them, it doesn't matter if you take all these things away!

Leng Ruoxue looked at the trash in front of her with a headache and couldn't help but sigh lightly, alas! The taste of these dragons is really bad. These things can neither refine alchemy nor implements, and they are really of no value to her.

"Are these okay?" The three dragons looked at each other and asked cautiously.

"Want to hear the truth?" Leng Ruoxue asked with a light smile.

"Yeah!" The three dragons nodded, but then shook their heads violently.

"Do you want to listen or don't you want to listen?" Leng Ruoxue teased.

"Want to hear!"

"Don't want to listen!"

The three dragons said in different voices, and their opinions were a bit disagreeable. After speaking, they lowered their heads in frustration, woo...

"Haha!" Looking at the pitiful appearance of the three dragons, Leng Ruoxue and the others laughed happily.

Bad guys! Bad guys! A bunch of bad guys! The three dragons were very depressed, oh... they could see it, this little devil just wanted to see their jokes, it was so inhumane, this is Hong Guoguo's animal cruelty!

"Miss, the dragons should be here." At this time, the extremely keen Fengwu reminded in a low voice, although the dragons were about a kilometer away, she had already sensed it.

"Well, let's go out! Little stupid dragons, your clansmen are here, and I won’t be embarrassed by you. Well, I will collect your support from your clansmen!" Leng Ruoxue said very seriously, eh ! She is a good boy and never embarrassed these little girls too much!

After speaking, Leng Ruoxue left the tent with everyone, intending to wait outside for the dragons to come.

After getting out of the tent, they randomly found a place to sit down and looked up at the sky from time to time.

After a while, I saw a group of dragons flying down from the north of the sky. The dragon headed is huge, with golden body and shiny scales. The bright ones can be used as mirrors. The strength of this dragon is an eighth-level super mythical beast. As for the tribesmen who came with it, they were almost all eighth or ninth-level super mythical beasts, and there were nearly a hundred dragons in this group.

Leng Ruoxue looked at the dragons getting closer and closer, and said to her heart that the strength of the dragon tribe should be about the same as that of the Feng tribe, but the members of the dragon tribe are twice that of the Feng tribe, huh! It seems that the dragon clan can give birth!

When she was thinking about it, the dragons had already landed in front of them.

After the leader of the golden dragon led the team to land, the huge dragon eye kept looking around, secretly calculating in his heart, why the people from the Leng family were there? Could it be that Leng Ruoxue really has something to do with the Leng family?

Well, if this is the case, it would be a little troublesome. You must know that their emperor warned the Dragon tribe people more than once. Don't provoke the three super families easily. Therefore, after seeing the Leng family present, it Can't help but feel a little tangled.

"I don't know who your Excellency is from the Dragon Race?" At this moment, a Xuanzun in the Leng family's team asked, alas! How could you meet the dragons here? You know, not far from here is the territory of the Feng clan. It is said that the Dragon and Feng clan do not have any close contacts? Could it be that anyone in the family didn't open their eyes and offended the Dragon Clan, so did people come to Xingshi to ask the crime? Well! Seeing how aggressive these dragons are, it is clear that they are here to seek revenge!

Thinking of this, his heart sank, and he became more worried. If the Dragon Race really came to seek revenge, they probably wouldn't be enough for more than a dozen of them! Ugh! How can this be good!

"Long Hui, the fifth elder of the dragon clan." The golden dragon said arrogantly, and then, the scarlet golden dragon eye kept looking at the Leng family and Leng Ruoxue, eh! The Leng family has a clan emblem on their bodies, but they don’t have them on others. Moreover, it smells the scent of the Feng clan on those people. Therefore, it is very easy to determine, and the other party is exactly it. The goal.

"Hello, Fifth Elder, I am the worship of Leng Family, Yin Liang! I don't know what the Fifth Elder is here?" Yin Liang asked curiously.

"Yin Jifeng, are you together?" Long Hui asked Leng Ruoxue and everyone in the Leng family.

"Uh!" Yin Liang was thinking about how to answer this question, but someone rushed to answer it.

"Of course not, we are the noble Leng family, how can we be with an unidentified person!" Leng Ruxuan rushed. After speaking, she gave a slightly provocative look at Leng Ruoxue and the others.

When Long Hui heard that they were not together, he was so happy in his heart! After all, if it can, it is still unwilling to provoke the Leng family.

"Miss Xuan, you talk too much!" Yin Liang said in a somewhat displeased way. In his opinion, Leng Ruxuan's behavior just now was really embarrassing to Leng's family. He also sneaked a glance at Leng Ruoxue and so on. People, but found that they still look as usual, alas! The gap! Among the younger generation of the Leng Family, the Young Master Leng Wudi could still make shots, and the others couldn't find a decent one. However, this was also beneficial, at least the position of the Young Master Leng was very stable.

"I'm just telling the truth." Leng Ruxuan whispered with aggrieved face.

"Yin Jifeng, I'm here to find them. Since you are not together, please leave immediately!" Long Hui pointed to Leng Ruoxue and the others and reminded.

"Grandpa Yin, let's go quickly! It's too dangerous here!" Leng Ruxuan quickly said, although she is very afraid of these dragons, but she knows that as the Leng family, as long as she doesn't annoy the dragons, the dragons are. Won't move her! However, staying beside these behemoths puts a lot of pressure on her! So, I really want to grow wings and fly away from here now!

"Shut up!" Yin Liang said with a bit of hatred for iron and steel, hum! How can the Leng family be so greedy for life and fear of death!

"Grandpa Yin, let's leave soon!" Leng Ruxuan pleaded again, woo... She doesn't want to be troubled by others. Those dragons are not easy to provoke at first glance, and the Long Wei on them also makes her breathe. difficult.

"Miss Xuan, you are going to camp here." Yin Liang reminded.

"I know, but I don't want to stay here anymore, let's leave here soon." Leng Ruxuan said anxiously, staying, she was really afraid that she would become a punching bag for those giant dragons!

"Yin Jifu, you are right to hear from this young lady, you should leave quickly! I have some accounts with them, so you'd better avoid it." Long Hui kindly reminded that the sword has no eyes, it doesn't want to I accidentally injured the people of Leng's family, so the best way is to let them leave by themselves.

"Grandpa Yin, let's go, what are you doing in a daze? Don't pack your things soon." Leng Ruxuan ordered directly.

"Miss Xuan!" Yin Liang was a little dissatisfied with Leng Ruxuan's proposition.

"Yin worship, don't forget, I am Miss Leng's family. You are only an worshipper of Leng's family. The purpose of your trip is to protect our brother and sister. If we have any accidents, you can bear the blame. "Leng Ruxuan said, holding up Miss Leng's arrogance.

Although, when the parents came, they all told them to listen to the words of the three consecrations, not to contradict them, and their brothers and sisters also respected these three along the way, but now it matters. Their safety! So, she can't let them go! Humph! She wants to let them know now that she is the daughter of the Leng family, and the others, including these three worshippers, are just subordinates of the Leng family!

"Since Miss Xuan said so, let's do what Miss Xuan said!" Yin Liang said angrily, then flung his sleeves, patted his **** and left, while the other two Xuanzun followed closely behind.

"Everyone, keep up." Seeing Yin Liang and the three of them left first, Leng Ruxuan hurriedly shouted to the others, and then dragged her brother to follow.

After dismissing the Leng family, Long Hui turned his eyes to Leng Ruoxue and the others, and asked: "Are you Leng Ruoxue?"

"If I say no, do you believe it?" Leng Ruoxue asked instead.

"I don't believe it." Long Hui said confidently.

"Then what else are you asking!" Leng Ruoxue said impatiently.

"Humph! If that's the case, then you will die!" Long Hui was angry, with serious consequences.

"Wait, I don't want to be a fool. Before killing us, you have to tell us why?" Leng Ruoxue's beautiful face was full of question marks.

"Because you killed Feng Yun, and I came to avenge her." Long Hui said with hatred.

"Feng Yun? Are you her adulterer?" Feng Da laughed, not afraid of death.

"Shut up, I'm not an adulterer!" Long Hui gritted his teeth and stared at Feng Dadao, Nima, where does it look like an adulterer? Is it true that he and Feng Yun are in love with each other?

"Is Fengxian your child?" Feng Wu suddenly said.

"Not bad!" Long Hui said with hatred, **** human beings, killed his wife and children, hum! It must avenge them.

"Long Hui, don't you know that dragon and phoenix cannot intermarry?" Feng Wu said with a displeased face. In order to maintain the purity of blood, Feng people never intermarried with foreigners, especially Long!

"Huh! So what? We even have children." Long Hui said provocatively. Had it not been for the Feng Clan's breaking the rules, it would have been reunited with Feng Yun's family long ago! Therefore, it also has a bit of hatred towards the Feng Clan.

"You..." Feng Wu was so angry that she couldn't speak, hum! The dragon clan is really shameless, this kind of remark can actually be said!

"The fifth elders of the Dragon Clan, since you are here to take revenge, then do it!" After Leng Ruoxue knew the answer she wanted, she didn't want to talk nonsense with them, so she urged directly.

"Huh! Leng Ruoxue, you die! Today, none of you can escape!" Long Hui said confidently.

"Well, that's what I want to say, I will send your family together." Leng Ruoxue promised, well, since people want revenge, she can't stop him, but she also doesn't want to die, so among them There can only be one winner!

"Give it to me, kill these humans!" Long Hui was furious when she heard Leng Ruoxue's words! Then, he ordered directly to his subordinates.

"Yes, Fifth Elder." The dragons responded loudly, the deafening sound resounding in the ears of Leng Ruoxue and others, shocking their eardrums a little.

"Cut, what's so great about the voice, we will beat you down, you dragons! I'm afraid there will be no return!" Feng Da joked with a smile.

"Miss, do we still have a contract with these dragons?" Cheng Wu asked with bright eyes, well, he already has a phoenix. If there is a dragon as a contract beast, then what a bull! He thought happily.

"Whatever, if you are not interested, then sell them. Well, with the strength of these dragons, you should be able to sell them for a good price." While Leng Ruoxue said, Mei Mou kept looking up and down. Looking at those giant dragons, it seems that they are weighing their true value.

"Damn it, you're dead!" A certain dragon was irritated by Leng Ruoxue's gaze, and shouted directly, unbearably.

"Let's do it! Remember! Don't waste the dragon blood and dragon scales for me, miss, I'm useful!" Leng Ruoxue reminded again before the fight.

"Okay!" Cheng Wu and others responded, and then ‘brush! The beasts and beasts were shown collectively, and the appearance of many phoenixes flashed the huge dragon eyes of the dragons. At the same time, they couldn't help being stunned.

Uh! How is this going? These phoenixes are so familiar! The dragons were full of doubts.

"Damn it, you dare to betray Yun'er!" Looking at the phoenixes that appeared before him, Long Hui was so angry! Because these phoenixes are Feng Yun's henchmen! It has a close relationship with Feng Yun, so it is very clear to her subordinates, huh! Yun'er died of these things that were eaten inside and out, but they were very spineless and took refuge in the enemy, which is really damnable.

Unfortunately, Long Hui didn't get any response to what he said. In fact, those phoenixes were also wronged! After all, they are not voluntarily recognizing their masters, but now the entire Feng Clan is grown-up, and they have signed a ‘master-servant contract’ with these humans, so they naturally have to stand on their master’s side!

"Elder Long Fifth, this is called knowledge practice." Leng Ruoxue said provocatively with a light smile.

"What are you doing in a daze, don't you hurry up!" Long Hui was so angry that he was about to vomit blood, and shouted at his subordinates.

"The Fifth Elders are not calm!" Cheng Wu said clearly, and then winked at Feng Da and the others, and then acted first...

The two parties quickly fought together...

Cheng Wu and the others are flexible and constantly shuttle between the dragons, so they quickly made those huge dragons feel dizzy! Well, who made those dragons too big, so it’s too easy to attack them...


"Wow! Who pierced my ass!"

"Damn it, you hateful humans!"

Screams and cursing sounded together, Cheng Wu and the others only used a small dagger to play these inconvenient dragons between their hands. At this moment, the dragons really hate their hugeness. The body shape is now, oo... I knew that they were smaller. Originally, they changed back to their maximum state mainly because they wanted to give these humans a psychological threat. However, who knows that they are hindering their actions now, and, as long as they are one When you turn around, you will immediately hit your partner’s ass...

Compared with the depression of the dragons, Cheng Wu and others are in a very happy mood. Moreover, they don't even use profound skills, but they stabbed these dragons from time to time, shed some blood, and went to scale, hehe! How comfortable this fight is!

"Damn it, what are you doing!" Long Hui, who was watching the battle, almost vomited blood after seeing the situation in front of him, alas! Are these dragons usually very powerful? Moreover, they can be regarded as elites in the clan, so why are they so off the chain today! It feels that its face has been lost!

"Fifth elder, this place is too small, we always crash!" A certain dragon who had just been stabbed, said very aggrievedly, ooh... they are so depressed to death! Lived for so long, the first time I fought so uselessly!

"You can't fly? Wings are for fun!" Long Hui cursed, and the golden dragon scales were a little discolored with anger.

When the dragons heard Long Hui's words, they became even more depressed. Woo...Do you think they don't want to fly? These humans are bleeding them and removing scales from below, while the phoenixes are staring at them on top of their heads!



Accompanied by several screams, I saw dragon scales larger than the washbasin rushing to the ground like a piece of paper. At this time, Leng Ruoxue also removed her beasts from the bracelet...

As soon as the mimic beasts came out, they immediately rushed to the dragon scales. Suddenly, they saw small palm-sized beasts dragging dragon scales dozens of times larger than their own bodies, fighting on the battlefield. Leng Ruoxue kept shuttle back and forth...

"Haha, girl! They cooperate well!" Seeing this situation, the little old man smiled happily and curled his eyes, huh! So many dragon scales can refine a lot of equipment!

"Well, who is the fifth elder of the Dragon Clan?" Leng Ruoxue asked Long Hui who was jumping with anger and chuckles.

"Of course it belongs to me! The dragon's skin is so thick that it's not suitable for girls! So, you just have to rest on the side, and leave the old dragon to me!" said unreasonably, eh! The dragon skin is thick and thick, so it should be more resistant to beating!

"Well then!" Leng Ruoxue said helplessly, alas! See Wu's interest is so high, this battle is probably nothing to her and the enchanting evildoer, but there should be more opportunities for this kind of opportunity in the future, so she is not in a hurry.

"I'm going." Without hearing Xue'er's words, for fear that she would regret it, she ran to Long Hui without daring to delay, and then looked at it provocatively and said: "I hope you can take a bit!"

After speaking, he directly fisted towards Long Hui, with light blue profound energy in his fist...

"Uh! Have you used your fists anytime?" Leng Ruoxue looked at the evildoer with a question mark on her face.

"I don't know!" The evildoer replied with an innocent face, oh... Damn nothing, it actually infringes, the fist is his patent! However, the power of his fist is incomparable. After all, what he uses is dark profound power, and the one that is not used is water attribute. Although water attribute profound power can also be attacked, the effect is comparable. The dark attribute is much worse.

While the two were chatting, Wu on the battlefield had already beaten Long Hui to his nose and swollen eyes, and he kept saying, "Huh! I don't learn a good color dragon, don't find a mother." Dragon, actually went to seduce Phoenix, Dragon Scum! Can't beat you to death!"

"Yes, beat it to death!" I kept watching the lively Feng Wu from the side, and shouted loudly with the same enemy. Then, she couldn't help joining the battle, but she went to scrape Long Hui, and she blinked. After a while, the scales on Long Hui's body were reduced by more than half, and blood was constantly leaking from the wound...

"Wow!" Long Hui cried out in pain, but he still couldn't stop the scales from abandoning it. This was so painful to his heart!

"Fengmiao, is your mother so violent?" Leng Ruoxue not far away was a little dumbfounded. Well, she always thought this was an elegant phoenix, she didn't expect it to be so violent too!

"No, my mother rarely feels so excited, uh! I guess she slept for too long, so she wanted to exercise!" Feng Miao dripped cold sweat on her forehead, said in her heart, mother. ! The image of your lady is all ruined today!

"Oh! Then should I also summon those old phoenixes so that they can also exercise?" Leng Ruoxue muttered to herself.

"Miss, if all the old ancestors come out, then these dragons will have no way to survive." Feng Miao said with a black line, those old ancestors! They are all fighting madmen, so if it’s okay, it’s better not to let them out, lest they cause trouble, she couldn’t help muttering in her heart, but she didn’t dare to say this, otherwise, if you let those who don’t know live The ancestors of many years knew that they had to pluck her hair and cook her!

"That's right!" Leng Ruoxue nodded, then gave up the idea, and then turned his gaze to the battlefield.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" After a few loud noises, the dragons reacted like domino cards, and fell to the ground one by one. Moreover, each dragon's body was scarred. Tired, most of the scales fell...

Wu, who was beating Long Hui wildly, heard the voice and looked back at the situation behind him. Then, he beat Long Hui a few times, and Long Hui, who was unable to fight back, fell softly to the ground...

"That's not going to work? It's really useless!" Wu kicked Long Hui, slightly dissatisfied, alas! It's so disappointing.

Long Hui fell on the ground without a piece of skin, let alone a trace of strength. After hearing Wu's words, he was so angry that he spouted a mouthful of blood, and then fainted with his eyes wide open!

"You are infringing!" The evildoer had returned to them very seriously, but he had obviously not beaten Wudao.

"Uh!" Wu Wu was stunned, speechless.

"Waste! What a waste!" The little old man also said with regret looking at the dragon blood sprayed on the ground.

"It doesn't matter, today we have collected a lot of dragon blood." Leng Ruoxue said disapprovingly, huh! Earn it now!

"Girl, how do you deal with these dragons?" The little old man looked at the giant dragons all over the floor with a headache, and said in his heart, these dragons take up some space!

"You have a contract!" Leng Ruoxue said, and then directly domesticated the dragon lying on the ground, of course, except for Long Hui! She can let go of these little girls, but she won't let go of their heads!

After Leng Ruoxue was domesticated, Leng Qingtian and others each found a relatively pleasing dragon and signed the'master and servant contract'. After the agreement was concluded, they were taken into the beast space, and the dragons on the ground After disappearing, they became more spacious before their eyes.

As for Long Hui, who passed out, since Leng Ruoxue has decided not to keep it, it has naturally become a snack for all the pythons. Now, it can be regarded as a family reunion.

After dealing with all this, Leng Ruoxue left here with everyone...


Thank you pro jenhui for the flowers.

Thank you Xiaoyue Xiaoyue, Ohman, Luo Min luomin, lq72929, zhy831113, Faye Wong 3267, Dream Good, Maple Woman, Gaobao 74108520, peng0069, kang Linger, yyexpress for your votes. ()


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