Supreme Crazy Wife

Vol 2 Chapter 87: I want that bracelet

"Come in, I want to see if this city is worth the money." Leng Ruoxue said with a light smile. She didn't expect that the guards at the gate of the city were all cultivated by the Emperor Xuan. Now she is really looking forward to this movie city. ! I hope she will not be disappointed!

"But, with so many of us, the entrance fee is not a small sum!" Lu Tao said with some worry,'s not easy for the lady to make some money! She had to pay hundreds of thousands at once, and she felt distressed thinking about it.

"Miss, how about you send us into the space!" Cuizhu thought.

"No, if that's the case, you can only stay in the space after entering the city, not in the studio." Feng Miao explained.

"Girl Xue'er, every person who enters the city has an identity card, if not..." The little old man was only half of his words, but he believed that girl Xue'er would understand what he meant!

"It's okay, let's all go in together!" Leng Ruoxue said with a smile. Originally, everyone had come out to experience. This studio is so mysterious. If you don't let everyone see it, it might be a pity!

"Yeah." Seeing that my lady said so, everyone nodded, and then walked towards the city gate together.

"We are going into the city." At the gate of the city, Ruoxue said coldly.

"A total of three hundred and fifty thousand purple gold coins." The guard of the city raised his eyelids and glanced, and then spoke.

"Three hundred and fifty thousand? There are so many of us, don't you have a discount?" Leng Ruoxue asked with a light smile.

"I'm sorry, we didn't say that we discounted it." The guard frowned lightly, and couldn't help his belly. I have never heard of anyone asking for a discount on the entrance fee!

"Hehe, it's the first time in everything! With so many of us, don't ask for a fraction of it, just collect 300,000." Leng Ruoxue smiled lightly.

"This..." The guard hesitated. Although there is no precedent for discounts in the studio, it was never said that discounts were not allowed. However, a small guard could not do such a thing.

"Huh! Don't enter if you can't get into the city. It's really embarrassing." Just as the guards hesitated, a discordant female voice suddenly came in and looked at Leng Ruoxue and the others with contempt.

After Leng Ruoxue heard this voice, she couldn't help rolling her eyes, and said in her heart, how can she meet this kind of brain-disabled family daughter everywhere! She can't get in, what's up with others! Could it be that she has the words "good bully" written on her face?

"Miss, I seem to hear a dog barking!" Feng Da puckered his ears, pretending to be puzzled.

"Well, don't bother with dogs you don't know." Leng Ruoxue said softly.

"Miss, I'm the best at killing dogs. Do you want me to click her." Feng Miao suggested, her beautiful face was full of fierceness.

"No, it will get my hands dirty." Leng Ruoxue disapproved.

"Oh, too." Feng Miao nodded in agreement, and squinted his eyes to look up and down the reckless woman.

"What do you look at, you are ugly! I haven't seen a beautiful woman!" The woman was uncomfortable with Feng Miao's eyes, and couldn't help but yell.

"Uh!" Feng Miao was stunned. Is the ugly guy talking about her? Ok! She admits that she is not as beautiful as a young lady, and she is not even as good as the **** in the Feng clan, but she is not so ugly, right? What look in this woman's eyes!

As for that woman, Leng Ruoxue and others' eyes were attracted to him in an instant, eh! Have they never seen such a narcissistic woman? Moreover, everyone is also very curious, the appearance of a person who claims to be a beauty.

I saw women not far away, with beautiful appearance, average temperament, and not very high in strength. Moreover, women with such looks and strength can be said to be everywhere on the Vast Sky Continent. Therefore, they really don't know this. What a proud woman is!

After seeing this woman's face, Feng Da and others couldn't help but feel in their hearts. There are people outside the world, there are days outside, and today they finally saw a super narcissistic woman!

And the woman who was surrounded by everyone’s eyes was complacent with the star-bearing gaze, and even raised her chin high, just not raising her tail. If she If yes.

"Miss, let's enter the city quickly! Young Master Lan is still waiting in the city!" At this moment, the guard beside the woman reminded in a low voice, alas! The young lady has no eyesight, and he is not stupid. These people look murderous, and they are not easy to provoke at first sight. Therefore, he had to find an excuse to urge his own lady.

"Why didn't you say it earlier, I can't let Brother Lan wait for a long time, let's go quickly!" The woman complained, and then, after the subordinates paid the entrance fee, she walked into the studio with her head swaggered. However, before leaving, he gave Leng Ruoxue and the others a demonstrative look.

"Miss, just let her go?" Feng Da said a little angry.

"Otherwise? What is there to care about with such a self-righteous woman, I would be ashamed to kill her." Leng Ruoxue said with disdain, alas! There are so many women like this in the world, she can't kill every one of them! What's more, as the cultivation level gets higher, this kind of ant-like woman can no longer be interested in killing, unless she is really looking for death!

"Miss made a point." Feng Da quickly flattered.

"You can pay 300,000 yuan into the city." Suddenly, the guard said.

"Thank you, brother guard." Leng Ruoxue thanked him, and then, after paying the entrance fee, he led everyone into the studio.

The cinema is not big, even smaller than the city where they first visited, Windless City. Moreover, there are not many pedestrians on the street. However, there are many shops on both sides of the street, and you can say that you have everything you need.

Leng Ruoxue and the others had planned to visit the studio first, but within an hour, they walked the studio all over.

"Miss, this studio is really small enough." Lutao couldn't help sighing.

"Well, the studio is small, but it has all the internal organs. The things sold in those shops may not be available even in some big cities." Leng Ruoxue said clearly, it seems that their 300,000 entrance fee It's not in vain! At least, she was very satisfied with the things sold in this city.

"Haha, girl, this movie studio is known as ‘only you can’t think of, nothing you can’t buy!’ Moreover, there are many ugly things here." The little old man lowered his voice.

"You can't see it? Is the thief spoiled?" Leng Ruoxue asked in surprise, could this be the legendary black market?

"Yeah." The little old man nodded.

"Who is the owner of the movie city?" Leng Ruoxue asked curiously. This person is really clever. However, he is not weak in strength. Otherwise, he would not dare to sell the stolen goods. After all, the profit of this kind of transaction is It's huge, but it's easy to offend major families. Therefore, if the owner of this studio does not have a certain power, I am afraid that he would not dare to open such a black market for collecting stolen goods!

"I don't know, the studio has been standing in the Haotian Continent for thousands of years. No one knows who the owner is." The little old man shook his head.

"Oh!" Leng Ruoxue didn't expect the master of this studio to be so mysterious.

"Xue'er, although no one has seen the owner of this movie city, even the three super families will treat people in the Shadow League with courtesy." Wu Qing explained with a smile.

"Shadow League?" Leng Ruoxue's face was full of question marks. Does this sound like an organization?

"Girl Xue'er, the movie league is the manager of the movie city. This movie league is also created by the owner of the movie city. If you want to sell something that you don’t see, just go to a shop and it’s all right. The shops belong to the Shadow League, so no one will know that you sold those things. After all, the reputation of the Shadow League is guaranteed." The little old man reminded.

"Uh! I really have something ugly." Leng Ruoxue said in embarrassment, thinking that when she first came to the Vast Sky Continent, she also robbed others.

"Then let's find a shop and sell it!" the little old man suggested.

"Yeah." Leng Ruoxue nodded, and then led everyone into the shop closest to them.

This is a drug store. At this time, there was only one waiter in the store. After seeing the group of them, he hurried forward to say hello.

"Hello, a few guests. I don't know what medicinal materials I want to purchase. We have the most complete medicinal materials here." The waiter smiled and said very politely, not at all because Leng Ruoxue and the others were dressed in ordinary clothes. Be neglected.

"What medicinal materials do you have here?" Leng Ruoxue asked with a light smile, alas! This studio is really full of talents! The guards guarding the city and the waiters in the shop are all Xuanhuang. How can this make all the great families feel uncomfortable!

"I dare not say that the medicinal materials in our shop can meet the needs of the lady 100%, but I can guarantee that at least 90% of the medicinal materials the lady wants can be bought from me." The waiter said confidently. .

"Oh, Grandpa Du, what other medicinal materials do you need?" Leng Ruoxue turned her head to the little old man and asked.

"Girl Xue'er, let's take all the medicinal materials he has here!" The little old man thought for a while. Among them, there are four alchemists. The demand for medicinal materials is quite large, especially common medicinal materials, so, If you can buy it, of course buy more.

"Okay, pack all the medicinal materials here!" Leng Ruoxue turned to the waiter after listening to the little old man's words.

"Uh! Miss, the medicinal materials in our store will be slightly more expensive than the outside. If you pack all of them, it will cost a lot of money." The waiter kindly reminded him that he had never met before in managing the store for so long. Have been to such a bold guest! Although, there are many people from all major families who come here to buy medicinal materials.

"It's okay, as long as the value for money is good." Leng Ruoxue said calmly, if she was in other cities, she really didn't intend to buy so many medicinal materials at once, but she didn't have so many here. Worries, after all, cinemas are different from other cities.

"Don't worry, Miss will never regret it, everyone, please follow me." The waiter promised, and then took Leng Ruoxue and others to the warehouse.

The warehouse is located in the backyard of the drugstore. It is a very inconspicuous small room. There is nothing but an iron cabinet in it.

"Miss, all the medicinal materials in our store are here. Please take a look first. If there is no problem, as long as you pay, these medicinal materials are all yours." The waiter took out a few storage rings from the cabinet and said Passed one of them to Leng Ruoxue for inspection.

Leng Ruoxue took the ring and penetrated into it, then nodded in satisfaction and said: "Well, it's good, I want it."

"Here are some relatively expensive medicinal materials, and the price is naturally higher." The waiter handed over a ring again.

Leng Ruoxue took the ring, confirmed it, and then passed the ring to the little old man. After seeing it, the little old man nodded in satisfaction.

"How much do these medicinal materials add together?" Leng Ruoxue asked.

"It needs 1.58 billion purple gold coins, but the lady can give 1.5 billion." The waiter smiled and said, hehe, he has made a big business, and he is in a good mood. Who will let him This pharmacy hasn’t been opened for a long time, ooh...

"Well, I will stay in this city for a few days. If I haven't left yet, if you have new medicinal materials, remember to let me know." Leng Ruoxue ordered. After speaking, she gave a copy of the common medicine on the Haotian Continent. The silver card was handed to the waiter, and there was exactly 1.5 billion in it.

After receiving the silver card, the waiter confirmed the amount above, and then handed Leng Ruoxue a black card, and said happily: "Definitely, surely, miss, this is the VIP card of our Shadow League With this card, you can stay in the studio for free and enjoy priority."

"Thank you!" Leng Ruoxue took the silver card and put it in the bracelet, and then said to the waiter: "I heard that you also accept things here, right?"

"Uh! Yes, but it must be valuable." The waiter nodded suspiciously, and muttered to himself, does this lady want to sell something? What a surprise! It's really rare for such a beautiful lady to have something ugly!

"Can you look at these things?" Leng Ruoxue took out a storage ring from the bracelet and handed it to the waiter.

"Miss, I can't be the master of these things. Wait a minute and I'll invite the butler." The waiter took the ring and glanced at it, then said to Leng Ruoxue with embarrassment.

"Okay." Leng Ruoxue nodded, and then went to the living room with the waiter, and found a place to sit down, and the waiter went to the housekeeper in his mouth.

However, after waiting for more than half an hour, the waiter has not returned.

"Miss, this waiter won't be out!" Seeing that the guard was gone, Feng Da couldn't help teasing.

"This is originally the site of other people, what is there to run away." Leng Ruoxue said a little funny, hehe! If she guessed correctly, the housekeeper is probably raising money! After all, what she wants to sell is worth a lot of money.

"Haha, I'm sorry, let everyone wait a long time." As soon as Leng Ruoxue's words fell, a very bold voice rang in their ears, and then a burly middle-aged man stepped forward. Stepped in.

This middle-aged man has a fortified appearance, a burly figure, and extraordinary momentum. At first glance, he is a man of high position.

Leng Ruoxue lightly raised her beautiful eyes and looked at the middle-aged man, but she did not see his cultivation level. However, according to her guess, the strength of this person should be higher than the Profound Emperor.

"It's okay." Leng Ruoxue and others stood up from their seats and nodded slightly.

"Haha! Please sit down, everyone," the middle-aged man said very enthusiastically.

"My name is Yutian, and I am the housekeeper of the studio." The middle-aged man introduced himself again.

"My name is Leng, Yu Butler, I have something I want to take out." Leng Ruoxue said straightforwardly.

"Well, I heard, but I have to put the ugly words first, the price of our studios is not high, so if you think it's not cost-effective, you don't have to sell it to us." Yutian told the truth. To be honest, the expression is very sincere.

"I know, but if you don't sell it to you, I'm afraid no one on the Vast Sky Continent would dare to buy these things." Leng Ruoxue said clearly.

"Haha! Miss Leng is right." Yutian said happily. He still admires the refreshment of the stunning woman in front of him. After all, their studios do business, and they have always adhered to your wishes. In principle, unless they are in a good mood and willing to discount, they will not accept bargaining.

"Then steward Yu, please take a look at these things first!" Leng Ruoxue handed the ring she had left outside to Yutian.

"Okay." Yutian took the ring and got it through. However, even though he had already prepared for it, he was still frightened by the contents inside and his heart was pounding. After all, is there anything inside it? There are few things that make every big family crazy, and those things can't be bought with money.

"Miss Leng, there are some valuable things in it, are you really willing to buy it?" Yutian asked uncertainly after reading it.

"Of course, the things in there may be invaluable to others, but to me they are useless." Leng Ruoxue said indifferently. If it weren't for those things that are useless and occupy space, she wouldn't. Want to sell them.

"Since Miss Leng said so, then I can rest assured, Miss Leng, I will give out 20 billion purple gold coins for the stuff in it, do you think it is okay?" Yutian asked tentatively. What they fear most about buying things is the seller's afterthought. Regret, as if they took so much advantage, but Leng Ruoxue’s reaction made him a better impression of Leng Ruoxue, and it made him only intend to sell 15 billion purple gold coins. It was changed to 20 billion.

"Well, yes." Leng Ruoxue nodded. The price is already higher than she expected, so she has nothing to dissatisfy.

"Then let's trade! There are 20 billion in it, please confirm Miss Leng." Steward Yu gave Leng Ruoxue a silver card after he finished speaking.

After Leng Ruoxue took the silver card and confirmed it, the transaction between the two was officially ended.

"Haha, Miss Leng, if you have anything else to sell, remember to come to me. Our Shadow League is absolutely innocent and fair." Yutian received the ring, and then he gave Leng Ruoxue again. Tao.

"Well, if there are good things, I must think about the housekeeper." Leng Ruoxue promised.

"Miss Leng, do you have anything else you want to buy? Our studios should have a ruler!" Yutian asked very friendly.

"Yes, there are some more." Leng Ruoxue nodded.

"Haha! Just tell me what Miss Leng wants to buy, I will send someone to get it, so that Miss Leng will not find it by herself." Yutian said very considerately.

"Then thank you butler Yu in advance. Actually, I still want to buy some refining materials. Besides, I don't know if you can sell mystery skills here?" Leng Ruoxue wanted to ask after thinking about it.

"There must be refining materials, but mystery skills! I don't know what attributes Miss Leng wants?" Yutian couldn't help asking, but she was surprised. I didn't expect this Miss Leng to buy refining materials. , Is there still a master among these people?

"I need earth-level and sky-level mysterious skills of various attributes." Leng Ruoxue said, now she only has the wind-attribute earth-level and sky-level mysterious skills sent by Yulin in her hands. No, woo... They are almost all Profound Kings, but they haven't collected all the profound skills yet! And it's not that she didn't want to buy, mainly because she didn't sell it.

"Miss Leng, you really asked the right person. We really have various types of earth-level and sky-level mysterious skills, but the price is also very high." Yutian said very honestly.

"The price is okay." Leng Ruoxue said disapprovingly. The higher the level of mystery, the fewer people will sell it. Therefore, it is really not easy to buy everything.

"Haha, if that's the case, then I will give you a discount. All the mysteries of all attributes add up to 10 billion purple gold coins." Yutian thought for a while.

"Girl, I don't think you have to buy fire attributes at all." The little old man suddenly said.

"Well, you don't need to buy wind and water attributes either." Wu Ye said.

"Uh!" Yutian glanced at the two people who made a noise, wondering in his heart, who are these two people? Why can't he feel the cultivation level of these two people? Moreover, the more he looked at the little old man, the more familiar he became, but he just couldn't remember where he had seen him.

"Housekeeper Yu, if you have three earth-level and sky-level profound skills of wind, water, and fire, if we don’t have them, I will buy them too." Leng Ruoxue said with a light smile, other profound masters may only be able to practice. There are one or two sky-level mysterious skills, but she has no such restrictions.

"Okay, I'll send someone to fetch it, so that Miss Leng will go through it first." Yutian said, and then ordered the waiter in the drugstore to prepare.

When the waiter went to fetch things, the housekeeper Yu accompanied Leng Ruoxue and others to chat with the sky and the sky. Moreover, his original intention was to spy on the reality of these people in front of him, but who knew that after nearly an hour of chatting, he Not only didn't ask anything, but he explained the eight generations of his ancestors clearly, ooh... he is depressed! Fortunately, he doesn't know who the owner of the Shadow League is, otherwise, I'm afraid that even the parents of his clothes will have to confess.

Just when Yutian was extremely depressed, the waiter finally came back, and behind him were two waiters who were equally dressed.

"Steward Yu, Miss Leng, I brought people." The waiter said quickly, and took a peek at the face of the steward, and couldn't help but wonder what happened to the steward. Very happy? Could it be that he came back slowly? However, he can't be blamed for this!

"Miss Leng, please have a look!" Yutian said dullly, and then motioned to the other two to deliver the things.

Leng Ruoxue checked the things the waiter had handed over, and then, after another glance at Xuan Ji, he bought everything for 12 billion purple gold coins, because the steward Yu sent someone to take it. The three mysterious abilities of wind, fire, and water that came over were just different from Wuhe's little old man.

After a pleasant shopping, Leng Ruoxue and the others left the drug store and, accompanied by a waiter, went to stay in the studio's largest guest shop, the "photo studio".

After shopping again, Leng Ruoxue and others have been upgraded to senior VIPs in the studio. Therefore, their board and lodging in the "photo studio" are free.

In the inn’s room.

Feng Da bitterly, looking at the cheerful Leng Ruoxue, couldn't help but say: "Miss, why are you so happy after spending so much money?"

"Otherwise, do you still cry? I sold 20 billion of those rags, and I spent 13.5 billion on these things. In general, we still dislike it, of course I am happy!" Leng Ruoxue said with a smile.

"Girl Xueer, you treat those things as tattered, but many aristocratic families regard them as treasures. Well, if the Shadow League sells them, they can earn twice as much after changing hands!" The little old man reminded.

"It doesn't matter! Since they have taken a certain risk, they should make some money." Leng Ruoxue said very understandingly, alas! Who made those things not visible, otherwise, she would have thrown them to the auction house long ago.

"Haha, girl! You really want to think about it." The little old man nodded in satisfaction, he liked the girl's free and easy character.

"Grandpa Du, let's go downstairs and have something to eat soon! Try the specialties of this photo studio." Leng Ruoxue said very curiously. On the way here, the waiter did not say anything about the dishes in this photo studio. It was so delicious that it aroused her curiosity.

"Don't wait a while, let's go down now! Old man, I'm already hungry." The little old man said hastily.

"Good." Leng Ruoxue nodded, and after speaking, everyone went to the dining hall on the first floor.

As soon as they walked into the restaurant, the waiter hurriedly greeted them, and then took them to the table separately and went to prepare food for them.

"Hey, it's really weird. Why did he leave without asking us what we ate?" Feng Da who had just sat down was a little puzzled. He was about to order food, but the waiter ignored it.

"Anyway, we don't need to spend money, what to eat and what to eat!" Lu Tao said disapprovingly. In fact, she felt that the waiter should be afraid that their lions would open their mouths, and the food they ordered was too good to eat at the hotel's own store. , So I didn't dare to ask them.

"You can eat pig food too?" Feng Da said silently.

"Cut, will such a big inn eat pig food for customers?" Lu Tao asked with a question mark on his face.

"It's hard to say, it costs 10,000 purple gold coins to enter the city. The shops in this city are all dark." Feng Da grumbled a bit. He was still thinking about the 10 billion purple gold coins that Miss spent! Woo...Miss doesn't frown when the flower is gone, but he is a little bit painful.

"Uh! If it doesn't taste good, then let's not eat it!" After listening to Feng Da's words, Lu Tao was a little scared, eh! This studio is indeed black!

"Haha! Xue'er, your subordinates have a lot of imagination." Wu, not far from Feng Da, couldn't help but a little amused as he listened to the conversation between the young couple.

"Uh! Yeah!" Leng Ruoxue said embarrassingly, with cold sweat dripping on her forehead, alas! These two guys, there are so many words to eat, how could it be possible to eat pig food for the guests here! Anyhow, they are also VIPs!

Fortunately, there is no waiter in the restaurant at this time. Otherwise, if you hear Feng Da and others' comments, you will have to vomit blood, ooh... these people are high-ranking VIPs! Don't talk about eating pig food, they don't dare to neglect them!

After a while, the waiter and a group of people walked in with food.

After all the dishes were served, the waiter came to the table of Leng Ruoxue and others, saluted respectfully, and then said: "Miss Leng, these are the signature dishes of our photo studio, please use it slowly."

After speaking, the waiter retreated to the side with training, so as not to disturb Leng Ruoxue and the others.

Leng Ruoxue glanced at the dishes on the table, the dishes were rich in variety, which seemed tempting, but she didn't know how they tasted? She dubiously picked up a piece of tender meat and put it in her mouth, eh! The meat melts in your mouth and has a strong fragrance, which is quite delicious.

After taking a few bites of the dishes on the table, Leng Ruoxue put down his chopsticks and stopped moving.

"Xue'er, are you full?" Wu Jian Xue'er only took a few mouthfuls and stopped using his chopsticks. She couldn't help but ask with concern, well, although the dishes here are not as good as their own, but in the Haotian Continent The above is pretty good.

"Well, eat it!" Leng Ruoxue nodded, then lowered her head and looked at the little red snake wrapped around her wrist.

Xiao Huo has been jealous these past few days, because Xiao Huo Ginseng no longer needs it as much as before, so the little guy can't stand the gap, and simply entangled her wrist to pretend to be dead, hehe, but it's pretty pretty. of.

"Brother Lan, I want that bracelet." Suddenly, a slightly familiar voice rang in the ears of Leng Ruoxue and others.

Leng Ruoxue raised her head curiously and looked at the source of the sound. After that, she couldn't help but sighed slightly, alas! I don’t know if this counts as Yuanjialuzhai! The woman who made the noise was the one they met at the gate of the city, and the blue brother in the woman's mouth was actually an acquaintance, because that blue brother was not someone else, it was Lan Lie, the young master of the Lan family!

However, Lan Lie shouldn't recognize them, but I don't know if Lan Lie will recognize Grandpa Du? Leng Ruoxue glanced at the little old man. To be honest, she didn't want to recognize Lan Lie, so she could only pray that Lan Lie's memory was not good.

"Min'er, don't be self-willed, it's someone else's thing, how can you want it!" Lan Lie's voice also rang in Leng Ruoxue's ear at this time.

"Brother Lan, you love me the most, buy it for me!" A woman named Min'er pulled Lan Lie's arm and said coquettishly.

"If I buy it for you, will you return to Blue Cloud City immediately?" Lan Lie frowned slightly, and the impatientness on his face disappeared in a flash.

"Yeah." Min'er nodded obediently, but she couldn't help thinking in her heart. She agreed first. After the bracelet got her hands, it was not her decision to leave.

Seeing that Min'er had agreed, Lan Lie walked directly to Leng Ruoxue, and said embarrassingly, "Can you sell me that bracelet? I can pay a big price."

"Bracelet?" Leng Ruoxue was a little puzzled. She only wore the'Universal Bracelet' on her wrist. However, the woman's eyes were not staring at the'Universal Bracelet', so she was really curious, this woman Which bracelet do you look for?

"I want that red snake-shaped bracelet." Before Lan Lie answered, Min'er rushed to speak, and then looked at Leng Ruoxue provocatively.

"Snake-shaped bracelet? Are you sure?" Leng Ruoxue asked speechlessly. He was so insightful that he actually fell in love with Xiaohuo, but how could Xiaohuo be so easy to buy?

"Xue'er, since this young lady likes your snake-shaped bracelet, you can sell it to her!" Wu Qing said with a smile, and couldn't help but snickered in his heart, haha, what kind of look is this person! Actually thought Xiao Huo was a bracelet, that little guy was not good-natured.

"This..." Leng Ruoxue was weak, uh! Xiao Huo can't be sold, even if she wants to sell, I'm afraid Xiao Huo is not happy.

"You can make a price for how much! I'm going to order this bracelet." Min'er said arrogantly, hum! She is bound to get this bracelet.

"It seems that you are not the one who paid the money!" Leng Ruoxue swept across Lan Lie's eyes, and said with a slight sympathy, although she didn't know what the relationship was between this woman and Lan Lie, but she looked at Lan Lie's face The expression on the face is clearly unwilling to drop, alas! Poor Lan Lie!

"Brother Lan, you tell this woman that you will buy it for me no matter how much it costs." Min'er took Lan Lie's arm and said coquettishly.

"Uh! Miss, please make a price!" Lan Lie said somewhat depressed. He just wants to get rid of the pestering fly quickly, so he really doesn't care how much it costs.

"One hundred billion purple gold coins!" Leng Ruoxue lion said with a big mouth.

"What? Are you robbing? How could this broken bracelet be so expensive." Min'er roared a little fiercely.

"What? Can't afford it?" Leng Ruoxue said with a smile.

"Don't buy it if you can't afford it! It's really embarrassing." Feng Miao added fuel to the fire, but his eyes looked at Min'er with sympathy.

Not only her, Feng Da and others were also full of Hong Guoguo's sympathy.

"You ugly monster, there is no place for you to speak!" Min'er immediately shouted angrily when he heard it.

"Min'er, right? I found that you not only have problems with your eyes, but also have a big problem with your aesthetics! As long as you are not blind, I am afraid you can see that I am more beautiful than you, but in your eyes I am actually ugly here, which is really ridiculous." Feng Miao is speechless, alas! She is such a person who doesn't pay much attention to appearance, and she has to pay attention to it in front of this woman, which shows how much influence this woman has.

"Nonsense, obviously I am more beautiful than you, Brother Lan, tell me, am I more beautiful than them?" Min'er took Lan Lie's arm and asked Lan Lie to judge her.

As for them in Min'er's mouth, naturally they included Leng Ruoxue and other women present.

"Yes, yes." Lan Lie replied a little impatiently, but naturally he couldn't hear the loving Min'er.

"Hmph! You heard it!" Min'er said with a slight pride, and then clenched his fists, demonstrating like Leng Ruoxue and the others!

What she said made Leng Ruoxue and the others speechless.

"Miss Min'er, don't you want to buy this bracelet?" Leng Ruoxue couldn't stand a certain narcissistic woman, and quickly changed the topic to the bracelet.

"Yeah! You make a price!" Min'er said quickly, hum! She must get this bracelet, who made her like it at first sight!

"I said 100 billion!" Leng Ruoxue reminded.

"Brother Lan!" Min'er asked for help and looked at Lan Lie again. As soon as she heard the price, she knew that Brother Lan would not buy it for her.

"Miss, we want to buy it sincerely. Give it a real price!" Lan Lie said straightforwardly.

"I'm also selling sincerely! Buy it at a price, if you can afford it, otherwise, don't play my'bracelet' idea." Leng Ruoxue said in a very cold tone.

"Min'er, that bracelet is too expensive, let's not buy it!" Lan Lie couldn't make sense when seeing the beautiful woman in front of him, so he had to persuade Min'er, although he wanted to send Min'er away, but , Can't spend 100 billion to buy her a bracelet! Not to mention that he can't get so much money, even if he can get it, he can't be taken advantage of.

"Brother Lan, you promised to buy it for me." Min'er said with tears in her eyes, very aggrieved.

"That bracelet is too expensive, even if I sell it, I can't afford it." Lan Lie finally ran out of patience. After speaking, he went upstairs and returned to the room without looking back.

" waited for me, provoke our Lan family, there is no good fruit for you." Seeing Lan Lie go upstairs, Min'er dropped a seemingly threatening word, and followed Lan Lie.

"Oh! Miss, we were threatened again." Feng Da sighed helplessly.

"Well, hurry up and eat! Rest early after eating." Leng Ruoxue said disapprovingly. Didn't the Lan family never provoke her, she would still be afraid of a woman's threat!

This episode did not affect the mood of Leng Ruoxue and the others. After eating, everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

late at night.

Leng Ruoxue and the evildoer were sleeping soundly in the bed.

Suddenly, the door to their room was opened, and a man in black sneaked in by Guigui Chongchong. After the man in black sneaked up to the bedside of the two of them, his eyes were staring at Leng Ruoxue. The blood-red, pierced bracelet on the wrist, and then he stretched out his hand and was about to take off the bracelet...

"Ah!" Then, a scream rang from the mouth of the man in black. The man in black quickly shook his hand, and then fled Leng Ruoxue and the evildoer's room very embarrassedly...

"What's wrong? What happened?" At this moment, Feng Da and others rushed in from their room after hearing the screams!

"Miss, what's the matter with you, wake up soon!" Lutao stepped forward and pushed her own lady, but Leng Ruoxue did not respond. Seeing this situation, she couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

"Lvtao, don't worry, I have already asked Lin Yuan to find the shopkeeper." Feng Da quickly comforted, with an anxious look on his face.

Not long after, the awakened shopkeeper followed Lin Yuan and trot all the way to the room of Leng Ruoxue and the evildoer.

"What's the matter?" The shopkeeper glanced at the two people who were unconscious on the bed, and felt clear.


Thank you for the flowers from Qin Heng Li Xun. ()


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