Supreme Crazy Wife

Vol 2 Chapter 36: Leng Ruoxue's decision!

Leng Ruoxue sat in the main seat, thinking for a long time, and then his eyes lingered on the robbers in the middle of the hall...

The robbers in the hall, including the chief butler and the second steward, could not guess what Leng Ruoxue was thinking, but each of them was a little uneasy, as if their destiny was about to change in some way. It seems that this makes their hearts very uneasy.

"Housekeeper, I don't seem to know what your name is?" After a long while, Leng Ruoxue looked a little bit amused, looked at the embarrassed robbers in the hall, and asked.

"Miss, the subordinate's name is Wang Long, fifty-five years old this year, unmarried, no bad habits, height..." The housekeeper heard Leng Ruoxue asking his name, wishing to confess all his ancestors for the eight generations, but, Was stopped by Leng Ruoxue.

"Stop! I'm not going to marry you, you don't need to confess so clearly." Leng Ruoxue said with some helplessness with several black lines hanging on her forehead.

"Uh! I thought the young lady wanted to know more clearly!" Wang Long said with some embarrassment. By the way, the robbers who snickered with their eyes and mouths were a little depressed, ooh...he was embarrassed again!

"I only need to know your name, Second Butler, how about you?" Leng Ruoxue continued to ask.

"Miss, my subordinate is called Wang Ren. Although the housekeeper and I are both surnamed Wang, we are not related by blood. This is pure coincidence!" The second housekeeper grinned.

"I know." Leng Ruoxue was a little speechless, she found out, why are these robbers so stupid, alas! With two such off-line masters, can these bandits be shrewd?

"Housekeeper, you can arrange a quiet place for us. We don't like being disturbed!" Leng Ruoxue then ordered.

"Miss, the back mountain is the quietest, but no one has lived there for a long time, so..." the butler said with embarrassment, he only said half of the words, so he dare not go on!

"Is it deserted?" Leng Ruoxue said clearly.

"Yes, it has been deserted for a long time." The housekeeper said frankly, there will always be beasts to make trouble in the back mountain, so over time, the back mountain will be uninhabited.

"It's okay, so many of you, it will be quick to clean up." Leng Ruoxue said disapprovingly.

"Well then!" the housekeeper replied. Although he didn't want Leng Ruoxue and others to live on the deserted mountain, but since the young lady wants to live, he can't just let him live!

"Miss, it's a bit late today. Why don't you just stay here for one night? I will take them to clean up during the day tomorrow. Then, are you moving in?" After thinking about it, the housekeeper cautiously asked Leng Ruoxue again. opinion!

"Well, you can." Leng Ruoxue nodded and agreed.

"Haha, please come with me, young lady and masters." The butler saluted and said respectfully.

Leng Ruoxue and the others followed the butler to their residence, and after making arrangements for them, the butler retired very wittily.

In the cold room.

After the housekeeper left, Leng Qingtian and others all came here by coincidence.

"Xue'er, the burden of these bandits is not small!" Leng Qingtian said helplessly. Although he had been here for less than an hour, he also had a general understanding of the situation here.

"Girl, you don't plan to raise these people for nothing, are you?" The old man couldn't help asking.

"I'm not the savior of the world, I'm not close to them, why should I raise them for nothing?" Leng Ruoxue said speechlessly, it's not easy for her to get some money! Not enough of my own people! How can she care for others? What's more, what she hates most is people who have hands and feet, but want to get something for nothing. Therefore, those people want to count on her to raise them, but there are no doors! But well! She can think of ways to make money for them, and it can be regarded as making them self-reliant. After all, the robbed business is not easy to do now!

"Girl, haven't you already subdued them?" The old man asked in a puzzled manner. In his opinion, subduing should be his own meaning, right? Why does the girl's meaning seem to be different from what he thinks?

"I'm talking about taking in. It's such a big place, and our own people can't use so many places, and they have nowhere to go. That's why we take them in here and continue to live." Leng Ruoxue explained, although , Those robbers are all profound masters, and their strength is not bad. Moreover, with such a power, I dare not say that I can walk sideways on the Haotian Continent. However, it is definitely not to be underestimated. However, she is right. Those people are not too satisfied, because she can't see the qualities of being a strong or wanting to be a strong in those robbers!

"Oh, that's good." The bad old man was relieved, to be honest, those people still can't get into his eyes now, even if their strength is above him.

"Girl Ruoxue, what are you going to do with these people?" Lin Liang couldn't help but ask.

"Tomorrow, I will be asking the housekeeper about the situation in Wanshan City in detail. Let's make a decision!" Leng Ruoxue thought for a while. What the little old man told them before he left was only the general situation of Wanshan City, so it was specific. She had to ask the housekeeper about the situation.

"Okay, let's rest early today!" Leng Qingtian said, and after speaking, he was the first to leave Leng Ruoxue's room, followed by others.

After Leng Qingtian and others left, Leng Ruoxue entered the bracelet with the evildoer.

"Haha, Xue'er, those robbers are really not suitable for you." Wu appeared in front of Leng Ruoxue and the evildoer, and said with a chuckle.

"Yes!" Leng Ruoxue also regretted it, those robbers were not her food, but since they have been taken in, she can't drive them out!

"Xue'er, you want to know the situation of Wanshan City, I can also tell you some." Wu said with a smile.

"Let's talk about it." Leng Ruoxue's curiosity was aroused.

"Wanshan City is very mysterious. No one knows how this city composed of mountains appeared. However, Wanshan City has its own rules for Wanshan City. For thousands of years, I don’t know how many families want to monopolize Wanshan City, but, However, they were all unable to succeed. Therefore, there are many forces in Wanshan City, and they are also very messy. Like the bandits on this mountain now, their strength is not bad, but their power in Wanshan City can only be regarded as unsuccessful. ."

"Every year, strong or profound masters come to Wanshan City to settle down. Some of them are for the opportunities in Wanshan City, and some people come here for refuge because they have offended certain aristocratic families. The terrain here is very complicated, so , Even if those aristocratic families stretch their hands long, it is not easy to find someone in Wanshan City." No explanation.

"The commerce in Wanshan City is monopolized by the five major forces. If other forces want to survive, do they have to depend on the five major forces?" Leng Ruoxue thought for a while and asked.

"It should be. These five powers are estimated to have been operating in Wanshan City for many years, and their forces have long been deeply rooted. Therefore, they can stand for many years in Wanshan City and not fall. Hehe, girl, you don't want to replace them, do you?" Wu Qing raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked calmly.

"I have this idea, but I don't know whether those robbers have this courage." Leng Ruoxue said with a light smile.

"They definitely don't, otherwise, they won't have to live and live their lives all the time." The evildoer said clearly. In his opinion, it is not easy for the robbers to change their minds, alas! What a waste of their qualifications!

"Talk to the two housekeepers tomorrow. If they want to be the same as before, don't blame me for letting go." Leng Ruoxue said cold-bloodedly.

"It's okay to talk to them, I hope they know how to seize the opportunity." Wu agreed, with a faint smile on his extremely handsome face.

"Well, let's rest first." Leng Ruoxue said, after finishing speaking, he pulled the evildoer into the purple bamboo house.

The next day.

Early in the morning, the two butlers led the robbers to the back mountain and helped Leng Ruoxue and the others clean up their houses.

It took nearly a day to finally clean up a few decent houses.

After packing up, the butler took Leng Ruoxue and others straight to the back mountain, and after leading them around for a while, the butler was a little nervous and asked, "Miss, are you still satisfied?"

"Make it right!" Leng Ruoxue looked at the bare back mountain and the several thatched huts on the mountain, then glanced at the look of the housekeeper's expectation, and reluctantly spoke, alas! This back mountain is really not ordinary desolate! The house is actually built with straw. Can this be strong?

"Miss, the time is too tight and I can only make do with it first, but don't worry, I have let my subordinates go down to find the timber." The housekeeper assured.

"It doesn't matter, just use this house to make do!" Leng Ruoxue said indifferently, anyway, they wouldn't really live in this room.

"Miss, then you will live here for the time being, and I will send someone to deliver the food." The housekeeper said.

"You don't need to worry about our food, but I have something to say to you." Leng Ruoxue glanced at the two butlers and said.

"Uh! Miss! Please tell me something." The butler respectfully said, but his heart beats the drum, because he really doesn't know, what does Leng Ruoxue want to say to him? He has no bottom!

"Housekeeper, you can tell me about the situation in this cottage. Except for those I saw, I want to listen to the truth." Leng Ruoxue took the evildoer, found a clean place and sat down, and then told the housekeeper. Tao.

"This...this..." The butler screamed for a long time, without knowing how to speak.

"Miss, let me say it!" The second steward said.

"Good." Leng Ruoxue nodded slightly.

"There are more than 1,500 people in our entire cottage, basically relying on robbery and hunting to make a living, so..." The second steward can't say anything, because this is really shameful, and the dignified master will be hungry Belly, if this is spread out, it will make people laugh to death!

"It's a problem to fill your stomach, isn't it?" Leng Ruoxue said unsurprisingly, so many people are guarding a mountain, it is strange not to sit and eat the sky!

"Uh! I'll be hungry for two meals occasionally." The second housekeeper whispered.

"Only occasionally?" Leng Ruoxue gently raised her eyes and asked faintly.

"No, I often get hungry." The second housekeeper wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and told the truth, ooh...the young lady puts him under a lot of pressure, why is that? The young lady's strength is obviously not as good as his.

"Although I don't know why you came to Wanshan City to settle down, but I can tell you that as a profound master, it is really a failure to mix with you." Leng Ruoxue said frankly, the profound master was here. The status on the Haotian Continent is very noble. With their strength, no matter which family they join, they will get a good treatment, but now they often can't even eat!

"We had a good mix at first, but then there were more and more people in the cottage, so..." The second steward wanted to plead, but he couldn't continue after only half of the words.

"There are more and more people eating idle meals, right? Don't tell me, those old people, children and young women don't have to work, just wait to eat every day?" Leng Ruoxue guessed.

"Of course they don't need to work anymore. It's a man's job to support the family!" The second housekeeper took it for granted. On this point, he and his eldest brother have the same idea.

"Are their bodies so weak that they can't do anything?" Leng Ruoxue said silently. Although there are not a few profound masters among those people, all of them, including children, are spiritual masters, and there are still a lot of spiritual masters. God, you must know that the spirit **** is already the strongest person on Lingfeng Continent. How come here is so weak that it is a problem that it is even self-reliant!

"That's not true, but they are family members!" The second steward couldn't help but explain.

"The family members don't need to be self-reliant?" Leng Ruoxue was a little surprised, well, is there a problem with her ability to understand?

"It is the man's responsibility to support the family." The second housekeeper whispered, obviously lacking in confidence.

"Really? You can listen to me clearly. Since I am in charge now, I will tell you that starting from today, I will not raise them in vain. If you want to live a good life, you must be self-sufficient." Leng Ruoxue somewhat She was angry and didn't have much patience. She really accepted the ideas of these men. She obviously couldn't support her family, and she still liked swollen face to fill up fat people so much.

"Miss, this can't be done!" the housekeeper said hastily.

"Except for the five major forces in Wanshan City, it is difficult for other forces to survive. Unless they are attached to a certain force and become its vassal, otherwise, it is not allowed to do business in Wanshan City. The shops that the forces belong to can't make much money." The butler went on to explain, alas! People who do not know the real situation of Wanshan City will not know how difficult it is to live on their own in Wanshan City!

"So, there are still forces in your situation?" Leng Ruoxue said in an inconceivable way. These profound masters are too bullying, right!

"Yes, in fact, when many profound masters first came here, they hoped to create a career, but I didn't expect it to be so difficult to survive here." The housekeeper sighed. He just came here. Time was also full of ambitions, but time had already smoothed his edges and corners, and his biggest wish now was that his brothers could live well, then he would be satisfied.

"Have you ever thought about it?" Leng Ruoxue asked tentatively.

"Yes." The butler nodded and said honestly.

"What if I give you such a chance?" Leng Ruoxue said with a light smile.

"Uh! I don't understand what the young lady meant?" the butler asked stupidly.

"If I didn't guess wrong, your biggest wish right now is that your subordinates can live, okay?" Leng Ruoxue said somewhat clearly.

"Yes." The housekeeper nodded.

"If you want them to live well, you can only become one of the five powers, or become an existence beyond the five powers. Do you have that courage?" Leng Ruoxue asked with a light smile.

"Of course I know this, but this is impossible. No one can replace the five forces." The butler said in surprise, his face full of incredible.

"Remember, there is no one in this world who can't be replaced. No one can shake the five major forces so far. It can only show that the people who want to replace them are not strong enough. Now, I can give you this opportunity. If you can't grasp it, it's up to you to see if you have the courage." Leng Ruoxue said calmly.

"Miss!" The butler was about to speak, but was interrupted by Leng Ruoxue.

"You don't need to say anything now. I only give you one day to think about it. If you think about it, come here to find me! However, if you still want to maintain the status quo, I won't force it, but your subordinates are me It won't be for nothing." After Leng Ruoxue finished speaking, she leaned on the evildoer and closed her eyes without saying anything.

"Yes, miss, I will consider it carefully." After the chief butler finished speaking, he left with the second steward.

"Xue'er, do you think they will agree?" After the two butlers left, the evildoer asked curiously.

"Yes." Leng Ruoxue opened her eyes slightly and said very positively.

"Why?" The evildoer was a little puzzled. Although those people's strengths are good, they are just like scattered sand. They are used to it at will. If you want them to do something earth-shattering, I'm afraid it will not be easy!

"Monster, you said, since survival is a problem here, why are there so many powerful people wanting to live here? With their strength, they will get good treatment in any family they go to." Leng Ruoxue Asked.

"Xue'er, it seems that the little old man lives here very well, so this can only show that it is not the survival here that is the problem, the real problem is themselves." The evildoer thought for a while.

"That's right, so if they can recognize their problems, they can still be saved, otherwise, just wait and eat the mountains and sky! Don't forget, I said I won't care about them." Leng Ruoxue smiled lightly. Tao.

"Xue'er, with their current strength, I am afraid it is difficult to compare with the five major forces, but they don't know our hole cards. If they retreat, then..." The evildoer deliberately said half and kept half.

"That can only mean that they didn't have that luck. However, although the butler looks stupid, he is actually very shrewd. That's why I am so sure that he will agree to it." Leng Ruoxue explained.

"I hope so." The evil spirit raised his eyebrows.

"Monster, I'm sleepy." After Leng Ruoxue finished speaking, she closed her eyes again.

The evildoer shook his head helplessly, then picked up Leng Ruoxue and walked directly into the room.

The next day, as soon as it was light, the chief butler and the second steward came to report.

In the cold room.

"Miss, we have already thought about it. We are willing to do it for the future life, but, miss, do you really have a way to help us?" As soon as he entered the room, the housekeeper couldn't wait to ask.

"All you need to do is trust me, that's enough." Leng Ruoxue said lightly.

"Yes." The housekeeper replied. He thought for a long time yesterday and discussed with his brothers before finally making a decision.

"The first thing you have to do is to collect several nearby mountains within three days!" Leng Ruoxue gave the first order.

"Miss, this...this is very difficult!" The butler said quickly, almost in a cold sweat.

"What's the difficulty? Isn't it just a few sacred beasts?" Leng Ruoxue said disapprovingly.

"Miss, it's not a sacred beast, it's a super sacred beast. We have five mountain peaks. The owners of the other four are all super sacred beasts. Therefore, it is very difficult to deal with them." The housekeeper wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and explained. Tao.

"A ninth-level super mythical beast?" Leng Ruoxue asked curiously.

"Uh! That's not it. The strength of those super mythical beasts should be equivalent to that of the human Profound Emperor. Therefore, I don't have full confidence in dealing with them." The housekeeper said speechlessly, alas! Nine-level super mythical beasts are so easy to encounter!

"Then what are you afraid of? I ask Bai Xu to go with you, is there any problem?" Leng Ruoxue asked.

"Is that white tiger? Uh! There is absolutely no problem." When he heard that there was a helper, the housekeeper was relieved. If he added that white tiger, there would be absolutely no problem with the super mythical beasts.

"Then you go now!" Leng Ruoxue summoned his beasts and said.

"Uh, miss, they..." The butler looked at more than a dozen small and cute beasts in front of him, and asked dumbfoundedly, what does miss mean? He is confused!

"Silly big guy, let's cheer for you!" The baby lay in Leng Ruoxue's arms and said with a smile, hehe, in fact, they are strongly requesting that they want to watch the excitement.

"Uh! There is also a cheering group!" The butler was a little depressed, and took these cute little animals to fight. Does he still have to protect their safety?

"Housekeeper, you don't care about them, they will take care of themselves." Leng Ruoxue saw the idea of ​​the housekeeper, and comforted that her beasts are not vases, they can only be used as beautiful decorations.

"Yes, the subordinate understands." The housekeeper replied. However, although he made it clear, he still decided in his heart to protect these cute little guys, except for the white tiger who likes to mimic cats.

"Girl! You can't forget us! We have to go too." At this moment, the old man and the others walked in from outside and looked at Leng Ruoxue with a bit of resentment.

"Whoever wants to go, let's go together!" Leng Ruoxue said helplessly, alas! These old men are really afraid that the world will not be chaotic!

"Miss, they want to go too?" The housekeeper said with a bitter face, ooh... He found that he was even more depressed. It was not enough to take care of these little beasts. Now there are more old men. They are all Miss's family. ! If there is a mistake, he can't explain it to the lady!

"Housekeeper, rest assured, we won't trouble you, we can take care of ourselves." The old man quickly comforted, alas! It seems that they are regarded as troubles, I really don't know who is the real big trouble!

"Well, the housekeeper, they don't need you to control." Leng Ruoxue said with a smile.

"Uh! I know." The butler said, but he couldn't help his belly, saying that I don't care about it. If there is any danger, I can ignore it!

"Can we go now? Butler, you only have three days! Hurry up!" The bad old man urged, seeing him appear to be more anxious than the person involved.

"Miss, then we set off." The butler bit his head and said helplessly.

"Yeah." Leng Ruoxue nodded, holding back a smile.

Then, the big butler and the second steward led a cheering group composed of small beasts and old men, and set off in a mighty manner...

Their first destination was the mountain closest to their cottage. The owner of this mountain happened to be a white tiger.

At the foot of the mountain.

The crowd and the beast stopped.

"Little cat! The owner of this mountain is your kind, hurry up and call it out and let the master appreciate it!" Feng strategically flew in front of Bai Xu provocatively, and said with a smile.

"You dead bird, let me die. Lord now doesn't want to see you." Bai Xu said madly. He was already very depressed by his master to do such a small thing, and now he has to be stinked by this one. The birds laughed, really angry, ah no, they are angry!

"Uh! Don't quarrel, let's go up the mountain to find it!" The butler came out to make a round. The super mythical beast is different from humans. The mountain peaks occupied by the super mythical beasts are not guarded, so if humans accidentally break in, As long as the super mythical beast is not disturbed, there will be no life-threatening.

"No need to worry, just let this little cat howl, hehe!" Feng Zhan said with a smirk, as the saying goes, there is no room for two tigers in a mountain. If the white tiger in the mountain knows that there are similar provocations at the foot of the mountain, it will definitely be nothing. Hesitantly popped out!

"Huh! If you let the master howl, the master will have to howl! That master has no face." Bai Xu twisted his small face and said arrogantly.

"No howl, right? Hehe!" Feng Zhan spewed out a ball of fire without saying a word, which burned Bai Xu's ass...

"Oh!" Bai Xu, who was not prepared at all, yelled in pain. Suddenly, the roar of tigers resounded throughout the mountain stream...

After seeing this scene, the housekeeper immediately shed cold sweat on his forehead, said in his heart, isn't it? That's okay, that little red bird is so courageous that he dared to burn the tiger's ass, uh! Everyone knows that a tiger’s **** is not touchable, what about burning a tiger’s ass?

However, before the big butler had time to continue his crazy thinking, he heard a roar from the mountain: "Where can the junior dare to come to this king's territory to make trouble?"

Immediately afterwards, a white shadow that was as fast as lightning appeared in front of the people and the beasts...


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