Supreme Crazy Wife

Chapter 109: Wake up, the tofu flies to the mouth!

Leng Ruoxue's beautiful eyes stared vigorously, and she was very depressed in her heart with something less than an adult's palm, don't tell her, this is the Wannian Fire Lotus, this... is clearly a cat cub! And it's still a kitty that hasn't opened his eyes.

The kitten in his hand is all flaming red, and the whole body is fluffy. On his small head, there is a red fire lotus the size of a nail. The nose, mouth and small paws are all pink and tender.

Leng Ruoxue looked suspicious, looking at the small fire lotus that could not be in the little fire lotus, thinking in her heart, could this little fire lotus be the fire lotus ten thousand years, and this cat was given as a gift?

Just when Leng Ruoxue was puzzled, Leng Qingtian and others were also full of question marks, eh! What a cat! Is the spirit of the Secret Realm playing with them?

"Is this the Wannian Fire Lotus?" Ming Huan looked curious and asked everyone's doubts, is he dazzled? Wannian Fire Lotus is obviously a plant, but it is clearly a small animal!

"This... is this a cat?" Leng Ruohan said with some uncertainty.

"This is a cat." Leng Ruoxue said, holding back his anger.

"Girl, don't be angry, this is really Wannian Fire Lotus." The butterfly flapped its wings and flew over.

"You think I don't know cats, don't you?" roared coldly.

"Niu, it is already a fire lotus for ten thousand years, of course it may be in this state! Moreover, it is not a cat, it is the spirit of fire lotus for ten thousand years." Butterfly quickly explained that both are elves, and its induction is absolutely You can't go wrong.

"The Spirit of the Ten Thousand Years Fire Lotus is actually a cat?" Feng Moran said with an incredible expression, this is really amazing.

"Are you sure? The ball, what do you think?" Leng Ruoxue didn't believe in Butterfly too much, and turned to ask the ball lying on his shoulder.

"Yes, very sure." Butterfly assured.

"Sister, it's a baby." Qiuqiu glanced at the red kitten in Leng Ruoxue's hand and said with certainty.

At this time, the little kitten in Leng Ruoxue's hands suddenly opened her eyes, her big pink eyes, moist and shiny, and incredibly beautiful.

The kitten sniffed around with her pink nose, then raised her head, and yelled sweetly at Leng Ruoxue: "Mom."

With a cry of ‘mother’, Leng Ruoxue broke out in cold sweat, and instinctively flicked her hand, and the red kitten was thrown out of the air directly.

"Ah!" Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed, and they all squeezed a cold sweat for the little guy in their hearts.

Suddenly, a red figure rose into the air and caught the kitten who was about to fall to the ground.

"Good risk!" Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mom!" The little cat's beautiful big pink eyes were filled with tears, looking at Leng Ruoxue pitifully, ooh...Does my mother hate it?

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean it." Leng Ruoxue, a little guilty, took the cat with tears in her pink eyes from Feng Zhan's hands, eh! She was just scared!

"Does mother hate fire?" The cat said sadly, the tears in his eyes tended to flow out at any time.

"Uh, I don't hate it, I don't hate it." Leng Ruoxue hurriedly coaxed, dripping a few drops of cold sweat on her forehead, sighing in her heart, ooh...Why does she always coax the children?

"Does mother like fire?" Kitty asked very persistently.

"Uh! I like it." Leng Ruoxue said honestly, this little guy is really cute, but if you don't call her mother, she will like it more!

"Huo'er likes mom too." The cat said happily.

"That fire! Can't you, don't call me mother!" Leng Ruoxue said with black lines on her forehead, ooh...there is no married woman yet!

"Why? Mom is the first person Huo'er saw when he opened his eyes, so you are Huo'er's mother." Huo'er said very stubbornly.

"Um... Huo'er, you can call my sister!" Leng Ruoxue coaxed patiently.

"No Huo'er, mother is mother, ooh...Mom hates Huo'er." After saying that, the tears in Huo'er's pink eyes poured out of her eyes, dripping on the ground like pearls.

"Well, don't cry. If you are crying, I really don't want you." Leng Ruoxue threatened with a headache.

"I'm not crying, mother don't want others." Huo'er quickly stopped his tears, and crouched on Leng Ruoxue's palm very well-behaved.

"This is good." Leng Ruoxue touched Huo'er's soft fluff.

"Haha, **** girl, I have already given you the Wannian Fire Lotus that you want, you have to take good care of it!" The mechanical voice rang out again with a slight triumph.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of it." Leng Ruoxue said with some gritted teeth.

"What about our other rewards?" Leng Ruoxue asked again.

"Each of you can get 25,000 points. This is the reward for the top two. In addition, you can get out." The mechanical voice said, a ring floated to Ming Huan's hand, and then the voice completely disappeared. Up.

"Miss Leng, we have divided the first and second prizes equally." Ming Huan said.

"No, we don't need it, but I really want to know, what are the two sacred beasts?" Leng Ruoxue said curiously.

"Let me see." Ming Huan shed blood to recognize the Lord, and then penetrated the gods.

"Uh, it's a snake and a scorpion." Ming Huan said after reading it.

"Snake King and Scorpion King?" Leng Ruoxue said coldly, squinting her beautiful eyes.

"Uh! Yes." Ming Huan replied with some trepidation, but he was puzzled in his heart. Could it be that Leng Ruoxue has enemies with these two beasts?

"Ming Huan, I need some snake venom and scorpion venom, please let them out and vomit some!" Leng Ruoxue said with a light smile.

"Okay." Ming Huan knew that he took the biggest advantage, so he couldn't refuse Leng Ruoxue's small request at all.

The snake king and the scorpion king were released from the ring. I don't know why, looking at Leng Ruoxue not far away, the two beasts actually had fearful thoughts in their hearts.

"Fill me with your poison!" Leng Ruoxue took out two small jade bottles and put them in front of the two beasts, commanding that could not be refused.

"Uh!" The two beasts looked at each other, but none of them moved.

"Didn't you hear what my master said?" Feng Zhan narrowed his dark red phoenix eyes, and said a little displeased.

"Yes, my lord." The two beasts were so frightened, they began to vomit venom.

"Xue'er, how can you hold such a small bottle like this?" Leng Ruohan asked in a low voice, somewhat puzzled. He has been vomiting for two hours. The King Snake and King Scorpion are almost exhausted from exhaustion, but, that Xiaoyu It's incredible that the bottle is not full yet.

"Of course it can be installed, but it was refined with a special method, which is equivalent to a space inside." Leng Ruoxue explained simply.

Hearing what his sister said, Leng Ruohan felt a little sympathetic to the King Snake and King Scorpion, alas! What a pity! However, who made your subordinates offend our little princess! You deserve to be tired!

About an hour later, the king snake and king scorpion were still spitting venom into the jade bottle...

"Okay, let's do it! It seems that you are pretending to be dissatisfied." Leng Ruoxue said somewhat dissatisfied, with expressions of contempt on her face, as if saying, ‘you are so useless’.

When the two beasts heard that they didn't need to be vomiting, they squatted directly on the ground, panting for breath. If it weren't for them to be too tired, if they were cold Ruoxue, they would have to vomit blood.

With some helplessness, Ming Huan retracted the two half-tired beasts into the ring, and then said to Leng Ruoxue: "Miss Leng, let's get out of here!"

"Okay, please please first!" Leng Ruoxue said politely.

"There will be a period later." Ming Huan nodded to Leng Ruoxue and the others, and then left the place with the team.

"Grandpa, shall we leave?" Leng Ruoxue asked after Ming Huan and the others left.

"Let's go!" Leng Qingtian nodded.

Everyone walked towards the teleportation array together.

"Girl! Which one do we choose?" The old man asked curiously, wondering where his next destination would be?

"Right!" Leng Ruoxue thought for a while, Ming Huan and the others chose the left, so they had to choose the right.

After the selection, everyone set foot on it.

Another burst of light flashed, and when the light disappeared, Leng Ruoxue and others had been teleported into the mountains.

"Niu, the mountains are not bad!" The butterfly flew in front of Leng Ruoxue and said happily.

"Yeah." Leng Ruoxue nodded, looking at the towering clouds in front of him, starting from halfway up the mountain, the steep mountains filled with white mist, a heroic sentiment emerged spontaneously.

"Grandpa, let's spend the night outside the mountain today, let's go in tomorrow morning!" Leng Ruoxue thought for a while, and said to Leng Qingtian and others.

"Well, we are already hungry." Leng Qingtian nodded in agreement.

They sent everyone back to the bracelets, and after everyone had eaten together, they went back to their rooms to rest.

Leng Ruoxue came to the Zizhu house with her small mink in her arms.

Looking at the evildoer lying on the purple jade bed, Leng Ruoxue's mood is very complicated.

"Xue'er, what's the matter with you?" Seeing that Xue'er's mood was a little depressed, Silver Little Sable couldn't help asking.

"I want to save the evildoer." After a long while, Leng Ruoxue said leisurely.

"With the Ten Thousand Years Fire Lotus, as long as you refine the Fire Lotus Pill, he can wake up." The silver mink said happily, oo... he can finally wake up, it's really not easy.

"But, that Wannian Fire Lotus actually..." Leng Ruoxue was very entangled. The spirit of the Wannian Fire Lotus was already born and looked so cute, so she really couldn't handle it.

"Xue'er, he can't wake up without the fire lotus pill." Silver Little Sable pointed at the evildoer.

"You are right, the evildoer is more important to me." Leng Ruoxue was cruel, Huoer, I'm sorry, for the evildoer, I had to sacrifice you.

After making up his mind, Leng Ruoxue left the Zizhu house and went to find Huo'er.

"Mom." As soon as Huo'er saw Leng Ruoxue, he rushed over and threw herself into her arms, acting spoiled.

"Huo'er, what are you doing?" Leng Ruoxue asked curiously.

"They were playing with me, and they told me a lot about my mother." Huo'er pointed to Feng Da and others, gruffly.

"Oh!" Leng Ruoxue replied softly, looking at Feng Da and the others with some discomfort.

"Uh! Miss, we went to bed." Feng Da and others saw that Leng Ruoxue's eyes were a little uncomfortable, and they rushed away in fright.

"Mom, do you need Huo'er to make alchemy?" Huo'er's pure and clear pink eyes looked at Leng Ruoxue without blinking and asked.

"Uh..." Leng Ruoxue didn't expect that Huo'er would ask this question. For a while, she didn't know how to answer. She needed Huo'er to refine alchemy, and she had already made up her mind, but she saw Huo'er. With her simple and cute appearance, she couldn't bear it again, ooh...what should she do?

"Mom, Huo'er wants to save Dad, you can use Huo'er to make alchemy!" Huo'er said very seriously with tears in his eyes, and there was full of dismay in his beautiful pink eyes.

"Huoer!" Leng Ruoxue's eyes were hot and tears welled up. She didn't expect Huoer to ask to sacrifice herself. Although she didn't care about the blood on her hands for the enchantment, but for such a cute little Huoer Guy, she couldn't do anything cruel.

Little Mink, who was following Leng Ruoxue, was moved when he heard that Huoer was willing to sacrifice himself to save him, especially when the little guy called him father. He was really in a mood, I don’t know how to describe it...

Is it really necessary to sacrifice this little thing? He also hesitated a little, he admitted that with a sound of dad, his always cold heart softened...

In fact, think about it carefully. Although he can't return to his body now, he is at least alive and has not been separated from Xueer. If this little thing is really refined into a pill, it will not survive. Up...

"Xue'er, or... we're looking for other fire lotus!" The silver little mink was entangled and said, alas! For the sake of this father, let him be soft-hearted!

"Mom, Huo'er is the best fire lotus, so let's use Huo'er!" Huo'er said, it has already been decided, who makes it like its mother so much!

"Huo'er, do you know what alchemy is?" Leng Ruoxue asked with tears in her eyes.

"I know! As a member of the treasures of heaven, material and earth, I know very well that my destiny can be refined into an elixir by my mother. Huo'er is very happy." Huo'er raised his fluffy little head. His face is full of reluctance.

"Huo'er, if you make a pill, you will die." Leng Ruoxue couldn't help but remind.

"I know, but even though Huo'er is dead, Dad can survive!" Huo'er said happily, it wants to save Dad!

"Huoer!" Leng Ruoxue was speechless.

"Sister!" Qing Jue suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Qing Jue, what's the matter?" Leng Ruoxue raised her eyes to look at Qing Jue.

"Sister, it doesn't need to die, you only need a drop of its blood to refine the Fire Lotus Pill." Qing Jue said. After observing the Ten Thousand Years Fire Lotus Spirit for a long time, he finally confirmed his guess.

"Really?" Leng Ruoxue and Xiao Miao looked at Qing Jue together.

"Well, it is not an ordinary Wannian Fire Lotus." Qing Jue said with a mysterious face, hehe, my sister's luck is so good, even such a good thing can be obtained.

"Wannian Fire Lotus actually has ordinary ones?" Leng Ruoxue felt that she was too ignorant, woo...

"Of course there are fire lotuses of ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years or even millions of years, but they are all collectively referred to as ten thousand years fire lotus." Qingjue explained with a smile, hehe, looking at his sister's expression, he knew it My sister is struggling again!

"Oh, Huo'er, how many years have you been?" Leng Ruoxue asked curiously, knowing that Huo'er didn't have to die, she immediately adjusted her mood.

"It's been a long time, Huo'er can't remember." Huo'er said dullly.

"Oh, it's okay." Leng Ruoxue coaxed as she touched Huo'er's fluff.

"Huo'er, give mom a drop of your blood!" Leng Ruoxue continued, she couldn't wait to refine the fire lotus pill.

"Okay." Huo'er was very refreshed, stretched out her pink paw, and handed it to Leng Ruoxue.

Leng Ruoxue took out a special jade bottle, then condensed her spiritual power into a needle, quickly pierced the fire's tender paw, and squeezed a drop of blood into the jade bottle.

"Okay, Huo'er, thank you." Leng Ruoxue touched Huo'er's little head and said.

"Hehe, Huo'er is very happy to be able to help her mother." Huo'er smiled happily, her bright, watery pink eyes narrowed into a gap.

"Qing Jue, Huo'er is handed over to you, elder sister is going to refine the alchemy." Leng Ruoxue handed Huo'er to Qing Jue's hand, and then walked towards the alchemy room in the purple bamboo house.

"Huo'er, I'll take you to replenish blood." After speaking, Qing Jue held Huo'er in his arms and disappeared directly.

After they left, the silver mink jumped onto the stone table not far from the Zizhu House, and lay down, his eyes fixed on the Zizhu House.

Leng Ruoxue in the Pill Refining Room of Zizhu House took out the pill before officially refining the pill. After reading it carefully, the fire lotus pill is a high-level pill. Although she is refining it for the first time, let her It's not difficult to say.

I lit the fire, and after the pill furnace was preheated, Leng Ruoxue put the medicinal materials prepared in advance into the pill furnace one by one, and waited for all the medicinal materials to melt into liquid before dripping the blood of the fire into the pill furnace. Among them, the drop of Huo'er's blood quickly merged with all the liquid medicine, and then it was purified and condensed...

After the pill was completed, the aroma of fire lotus pill was wafting in the whole alchemy room. Leng Ruoxue opened the pill furnace and saw dozens of red pill in the center of the pill furnace, and every pill seemed to be dripping blood. Ruby-like, round and plump, crystal clear!

Leng Ruoxue collected the pill in a jade bottle and counted it by the way. She was surprised that there were more than 80 pills. This was really surprising to her. However, she guessed that it should be the blood of Huo'er, otherwise, it would not be at all. It is possible to refine so many.

Collected the pill, Leng Ruoxue left the alchemy room and came to the bedside of the evildoer.

"You evil man, you can finally wake up." Leng Ruoxue muttered to herself softly, and took out a fire lotus pill and put it on the lips of the evil man.

As soon as the fire lotus pill touched the lips of the evildoer, the heat of the pill immediately melted the thin ice covering his lips, and Leng Ruoxue took the opportunity to send the pill into the mouth of the evildoer...

After a while, the thin ice on the monster began to melt...

After a while, the cold poison in the monster's body was forced out of the body a little bit...

After a long time, the enchanting eyelids moved slightly, but he still did not wake up...

Leng Ruoxue, who was standing by the bed, stared at the evildoer on the bed without blinking, her whole heart raised her throat nervously...

Why haven't you woken up yet? Leng Ruoxue's heart was anxious, she just saw the evildoer move...

I don't know how long I waited, the evildoer finally opened his eyes.

"Xue'er." The evildoer yelled softly, woo... he finally came back!

"The evildoer!" Leng Ruoxue threw into the arms of the evildoer excitedly, and hugged him tightly, tears pouring out of her eyes like a broken pearl...

"Xue'er! Don't cry." The evildoer stretched out his arms and hugged Xue'er tightly in his arms. It was great. He was finally able to hug Xue'er again. However, when he was a small mink, The feeling of being held in her arms by Cher every day is also pretty good.

"Dead evildoer, if you dare to leave me, I will make you look good!" After calming down for a while, Leng Ruoxue stopped her tears and threatened viciously.

"Xue'er, how can people leave you, they have always been by your side!" However, as a small mink, the evildoer added in his heart.

"I don't care, anyway you are not allowed to leave me!" The cold Ruoxue domineering Hedong Lion roared.

"Yes, Mrs. Lady." The evildoer looked like a little daughter-in-law, afraid.

"Lady! I'm so hungry for my husband!" The evildoer then said a little coquettishly.

"Hungry? What do you want to eat?" Leng Ruoxue asked, uh! I should be hungry after sleeping for so long.

"Is it okay for me to eat whatever I want?" The evildoer asked with his moist black eyes, his face still full of expectation.

"Well, what do you want to eat, tell me, I will cook it for you." Leng Ruoxue said very seriously.

"Then... I want to eat tofu!" The evildoer smiled like a sly little fox, her bright black eyes blinking!

"Okay, wait a minute!" Leng Ruoxue finished speaking and ran out directly.

"Uh! Xue'er, why are you going?" The evildoer looked at the empty embrace, and asked in a puzzled way.

Leng Ruoxue left the Zizhu house and went straight to their makeshift kitchen.

In the kitchen, Leng Ruoxue glared at the tofu she had just taken out, calming her heartbeat.

Damn it, she wanted to eat her tofu right after she woke up. Actually, she didn't understand the meaning of evil. It's just that she was a pure baby with her past and present lives, and no man dared to occupy it. She's cheap, but that enchanting evildoer has never let go of any chance, but she will never admit that she was shy just now!

Humph! Do you want tofu? Then let you eat good enough.

Leng Ruoxue made a table of tofu feast, and then brought it in front of the evildoer.

"Xue'er, what does this mean?" The evildoer looked at the plates of tofu in front of him, with cold sweat in his heart, ooh... Is Xueer fixing him? He doesn't like to eat this tofu at all. In fact, the food he hates most is tofu. The only tofu he likes is Cher's...

"This is all tofu! There are all kinds of flavors, you will definitely be satisfied." Leng Ruoxue smiled so charmingly! Hey, the evildoer looks pretty cute.

"Xue'er, I don't want to eat this tofu!" The evildoer made a bitter face, and simply picked out the words clearly, lest Xue'er pretend to be confused.

"Then what tofu do you want to eat? Tell me, I will cook it for you." Leng Ruoxue said patiently.

"I want to eat your tofu." The evildoer looked at Leng Ruoxue affectionately, and said softly.

"Oh, this is my tofu! These are all made by me." Leng Ruoxue continued to pretend to be a fool, but his heartbeat was getting faster and faster.

The evildoer took a deep breath, stretched out her long arms, and took Leng Ruoxue, who was very close to him, directly into her arms...

"Xue'er, please cooperate with me! I will just give it a kiss, and I promise that I won't touch it." The evildoer roared, and at the same time he said, his head slowly lowered...

"Mom, is Dad awake?"

Just when the enchanting lips were less than a centimeter away from Leng Ruoxue's pink lips, a milky voice sounded in their ears.

"Huh! Mom, what are you doing?" Huo'er looked curious, looking at the two holding each other, her beautiful pink eyes were puzzled.

"Ah! Not suitable for children!" Leng Ruoxue quickly covered Huo'er's eyes and jumped away from the arms of the evildoer.

Damn, she was tempted by the evildoer just now, ooh... her proud concentration!

The enchanting look angrily looked at him as his lifesaver and the fire of a small light bulb. I really don’t know if I should thank him, or I should give him a slap in the face, ooh... the tofu in his mouth is flying! Cher will definitely be more vigilant in the future, woo...

Leng Ruoxue looked at the depressed evildoer and couldn't help but chuckled in her heart. In fact, she didn't want the evildoer to kiss her, but... just... she wasn't ready yet! Yes, just not ready yet, definitely not shy! Not!

"Huo'er, he is my father." Leng Ruoxue loosened her hand covering Huo'er's eyes and said.

"Dad, hehe, it's great that you finally woke up." Huo'er said happily.

"Huo'er, thank you for saving dad!" With a sound of dad, the evildoer was bought again, especially, this was recognized by Xue'er himself!

"Hehe." Huo'er just smirked.

"Sister." Qing Jue appeared in front of them a little embarrassed, uh! But it's not a good thing he disturbed someone!

"Qing Jue, why are you here too?" Leng Ruoxue asked somewhat puzzled.

"Haha, sister, it's not just me!" Qing Jue pointed outside.

Leng Ruoxue looked out the window, but found that she didn't know when, her door was full of people, and grandpa and them all came, uh! Didn’t they say they went to bed?

"Monster, grandpa and the others are outside, let's go out!" Leng Ruoxue turned to look at the evil spirit.

"Okay." The evildoer said helplessly, ooh... his two-person world! That's it!

Leng Ruoxue held back her smile and walked out with the depressed evildoer.

"Grandpa." Seeing Leng Qingtian, the evildoer exclaimed very enthusiastically.

"Hey, just wake up." Leng Qingtian said happily, alas! Seeing Ye Chen woke up, he finally felt relieved.

"Yebo, you have slept long enough this time." The old man joked.

"Well, it's long enough." The evildoer nodded, so he wanted the world of two people! Uh...

"Haha, just wake up, Ye Chen, don't you know, originally thought you were dead, at that time, our Ruoxue girl was very sad!" Lin Liang also said.

"Grandpa Lin!" Leng Ruoxue's cheeks were slightly hot.

"Haha, girl Ruoxue also knows that she is shy!" Lin Liang laughed loudly.

Everyone present laughed happily when they saw it...


Thank you pro jenhui for the flowers.

Thank you pro vivian198108, I love Princess Xiaoxiang for your vote. ()


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