Bulo Royal Capital.


After the end of the face, the bones of the bones roared again and again.

Hundred zhang long blade light, tearing the air, slamming into the Black Armor Cavalry.


Ink dragon army soul A roar, dancing with the change of the Black Armor Cavalry army formation.

Every movement of the body brings Hollow’s empty Tremor.

The sword light that finished Yan Yan’s bones was even beaten!


The face of the face is so ugly, I think about his cultivation base of True Essence 7th Layer, but I can’t help 10 Black Armor Cavalry.

No matter, the face is so motivated with the body True Essence, how to make a stunning blade light.

The Black Armor Cavalry group can be broken with one stroke!

Dreary cold blade light, containing the power of Demons and Gods, under one blade, everything is dying!

Of course, the ink dragon army soul can be broken with just one tail!

Such a strong ink dragon army soul, so that Yan Yan A bone has no way.

Even the sights at Black Armor Cavalry can be seen in the barbarian cavalry!

Golden spear shines, countless brutal cavalry are on the spot!


The end of the face is angry and angry.


Huo Qubing looked up and finished his face, coldly snorted.

District True Essence 7th Layer Martial Artist, also want to drag 10 Black Armor Cavalry?

Black Armor Cavalry after condensing the army soul, not a True Origin Realm Martial Artist, can shake!

Feeling with the the body of the flowing Strength, majestic and vast, just like no end!

In the meantime, Huo Qubing feels that he seems to have integrated with the 10 Black Armor Cavalry!

The power of the army soul, terrifying like this!

Even Huo Qubing himself was surprised.

After condensing the ink dragon army soul, 10 black armor and him are a whole!

To beat him, you must defeat 10 Black Armor Cavalry with him!

That is to say, unless the end of the same time beat Huo Qubing and 10 Black Armor Cavalry’s Ability, it is possible to defeat the Black Armor Cavalry!

However, is this possible?

Huo Qubing is confident that the Black Armor Cavalry at this time, even if it is the joining the Dao Great Grandmaster, can also fight!

Not to mention, this is a complete face!


Huo Qubing screamed and raised his hand to Marquis of Champion Sword, killing the Gu Man Cavalry again!

His Royal Highness has orders, and this nine 100 Cuban cavalry is here!

One does not stay!

As for, the end of the face has been completely ignored by Huo Qubing and the others.

“Sudden brat, dare to ignore this handsome!”

Huo Qubing and the others’ attitudes are so ruthless that it makes their anger difficult.

However, in the face of the ink dragon army soul, it is helpless.


Just then, the city gate of Bulo Royal Capital slammed open and the loud sound resounded throughout the battlefield.


In Bulo Royal Capital, the sound of shouting is loud.

Immediately, the 100 Guard Army also stepped out of Royal Capital, and it was a battle with the Cuban Cavalry!

“泱泱Bulo, no coward, why are we afraid of a fight!”

Guard army roar, holding a treasure sword, step by step!

At this moment, the Guard army’s imposing manner is like a rainbow, and everyone is full of fighting intent!

All of this is because the front of the silhouette of a white roker silver robe!

Silver robe is fierce, holding Wang Jian, like the king Ling Chen!

His Royal Highness!

His Royal Highness King Qin not only brought hope to Bulo Royal Capital, but also brought eternal pride to Bulo Royal Capital!

We are Bulo, not a coward, and we will be afraid to fight with the ancient scorpion!

Fenancing with one’s strength, following the King of Qin Wang charge!

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