

The world is roaring.

A huge palm pressed against Heaven and Earth, covering thousands of miles of sky, dropping a wave of chaos aura, shaking the vastness.

The palm has not fallen, the ground has cracked, and the trenches and ravages that are as deep as the spider web are broken.

The surrounding mountains are constantly collapsing, and they are smoothed a little.

Magnificence to the power of terrifying, flowing in the palm!

If this palm falls, it will be flattened for thousands of miles.

In the end, it is a powerhouse of the quasi-perfect emperor. How powerful is his mana, reaching the level of ordinary unimaginable.

Even Qin Yi’s silver hair was blown away.

“Fail me?”

Qin Yi stands with his hands up, his eyelids lift slightly:

“It’s up to you?”

next moment, he stepped out.


Just stepping out, he was inside the body with blood and blood flowing like a river, and if True Dragon groaned, his whole body would rise into infinite golden brilliance.

An acupuncture point lights up and a deity and a Buddha sit in it.

Imperishable Golden Body!

Qin Yi This Avatar just rebuilds the realm, not at all to cut off the realm of fleshy body.

Yes, this Avatar’s fleshhy body is still in the imperial realm.


In time, the void shook.

The overwhelming power spreads away, setting off a storm in the sky, blowing the ka-cha of emptiness.

This side, Heaven and Earth on the verge of collapse, seems unable to carry the power of Qin Yi.

“How does such a power have such power?”

The sky above, Xue Hongdao pumps shrank.

Qin Yi hasn’t shot yet, it just stretches his body’s strength and makes him tremble.

This power has exceeded the limit of Zhundi!

Xue Hongdao has never seen such a terrifying force, and even the emperor who has become a polar body of fleshhy body can’t compare.

Where did this person come from?

“Not good!”

Xue Hongdao’s heart trembled.

However, before he could change time, he saw Qin Yi’s body slightly bowed, his fists raised, and his fist slowly opened.

“Take me a punch!”

Qin Yi is concise.

No punches, just a simple punch.

The fist is like a dragon, smashing for nine days!


In the sky, the Sanskrit singing sounded quietly.

The golden brilliance lingering around Qin Yi’s body is more and more dazzling, like Straight Clashing Nine Heavens like the spirit beacon.

The fearful fist skyrocketed and filled the sun and the moon.

Burning blood explodes, like a tide that sweeps through the sky, spreading hundreds of thousands of li, and drowning everything around!

The whole withering mountain range was shaken and overwhelmed with wailing.

Sun, Moon, Stars can be broken with one punch!

Similarly, this fist not only enveloped Xue Hongdao, but also Song Qianjun and the others.

Song Qianjun and the others surprised and angry.


With these peerless supreme talents, you can’t help being furious at this time.

by the strength of oneself, delusion against them four?

Qin Yi this fist, it’s simply contempt of them!

However, even with their pride, they have to admit the arrogance of Qin Yi this fist and dare not neglect.

The supreme talents also don’t care about their faces, they shoot.

“Tear the sky!”

golden blade Loose Practitioner.

In the echo of the blade sound, the endless air flow under the sweep of the blade light turned into a monstrous storm, sweeping the world.

golden blade Loose Practitioner Quiet in the knife, sincere in the knife, only one knife in life.

This blade is cut out, if the galaxy falls for nine days, it pours down.


Song Qianjun pump light Purple light demon Ye Ye, endless demon qi rushes out from him, covering the entire Heaven and Earth.

Countless Demon roar, build a Demon Domain.

Ten thousand zhang Demon God emerged from behind Song Qianjun, roaring, holding a Demon Domain and smashing Qingming.

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