
The Seven Prisons Great World is the remnant of Seven Prison Sect.


There are many powerhouses, Emperor is like a cloud!

Even perhaps there are giants in the sky.

Emperor may make Huo Qubing and the others tired. Even more how about the Emperor of the Great World?

Thanks to the importance of the Seven Prison Order, I am afraid that it is also in the hands of a strong Emperor of strength. Huo Qubing and the others may not be able to bring the Seven Prison Order back in a short time.

Knowing that Heavenly Dao Avatar of Qin Yi is competing with Heavenly Dao of Seven Prisons, it seems to have a certain upper hand, in fact every minute and every second is consuming Heavenly Dao.

If the time is too long, Heavenly Dao will be consumed too much, and it may even shake the foundation of Heavenly Shining Continent!

Yes, it ’s better to get the seven prison orders sooner rather than later!

“This … how can this be good?”

The emperor’s spirit was silent, and k knew it.

Huo Qubing and the others’ innate talent may be very strong. When they grow up, they may be able to bring back the Seven Prisons, but this will certainly take a lot of time.

“No problem, just go in person.”

Qin Yi smiled.

“The emperor thinks twice, this space channel cannot carry you who has already set foot in the emperor’s realm!”

As soon as this remark was made, Emperor Road Spirit and the others suddenly changed color.

The great powers of Great World in the Seven Prisons are not a joke!

With Qin Yi’s current cultivation base, to say something bad, even if Qin Yi has the eternal immortal furnace support, it may be worn away by the great formation.

“I’m not confused, I won’t be stupid enough to be dangerous!”

Qin Yi laughed.

“That …”

The Emperor Di Lun and Ox Demon King looked at each other with doubts in their hearts.

What does the emperor mean?

“The deity is saying, let me go on his behalf.”

Just then, a voice came from behind them.

When the Emperor Di Dianling looked back, they saw a young man with a silver shawl and a silver body floating up and down.

When you see the youth, Ox Demon King shines.

This young man is not travelling with the k to the emperor realm, one of the two Avatars of the emperor, eternal Avatar.

“You are here.”

Qin Yi looks to Eternal Avatar, said with a smile: “After all, you choose to transfer to Daqian Town Shibao Lu.”

“Isn’t that what you meant?”

Avatar Avatar glanced at Qin Yi with a lip froze.

At the moment.

The eternal Avatar’s aura declines, falls into Emperor’s realm, and barely maintains the level of the first emperor.

Eternal Avatar was created by Qin Yi’s Ether Crown Prince refining. Its cultivation foundation is Emerald Scripture.

Before setting foot in the emperor’s realm, this is no problem. At the beginning Emperor Scripture was regarded as the first class cultivation cultivation technique, which is eternal enough for Avatar cultivation.

But when Eternal Avatar set foot in the realm of Emperor, the Emperor Scripture was too cumbersome at first.

The Emperor Scripture was created by Bai Yuanchu at the beginning. The highest can only be cultivated to the Emperor Third Stage, which can no longer keep up with Qin Yi’s cultivation base.

Yes, Qin Yi redeemed a quasi-Heavenly Venerate cultivation technique from the system store after returning from Eternal Avatar from the world of tyrants.

“Shi Qianlu of Daqian Town;

Grade Rank: quasi Heavenly Venerate cultivation technique (half step Da Luo cultivation technique);

Explanation: There are so many things, but the world is eternal; Da Qianwei returns to the own body, and turns to the sun and the moon, this party rules the roost;

World My Order, Push Myriad Realms Undefeated!

Exchange price: 90 million Slaughtering Point. “

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