20 million Slaughtering Point.

The price of the oath of the way is ten times that of the covenant of the heavens.

So many Slaughtering Points are enough to exchange a high-quality Emperor Treasure in the system store.

However, the exchange of 20 million Slaughtering Point for a fully driven Heavenly Venerate is entirely worth it.

Hey, a little less! People are invited to collect: (www.zhaishuyuan.com) the fastest rate of updating the Ramadan Court.

The Fairy Lords, all time, eternity!

cultivator stepped on Fairy Heavenly Venamble Realm, which in essence went beyond all Heavens and Myriad Realms, and could not be bound even by a solemn oath.

Shit, a little less! Ramadan Court www.zhaishuyuan.com, update the latest chapter!


Heavenly Venerate wants to be promoted to Heavenly Venerate, several times more difficult than one of the cultivator’s general cultivator’s footsteps on Heavenly Venamble Realm.


Temple of Dili Road was born from Heavenly Venerate in seven prisons for more than 300 centuries and was not promoted to Heavenly Venerate.

With the capacity of Heavenly Venerate in seven prisons, the Temple of Dili cannot be promoted.

God, I can't see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court (www.zhaishuyuan.com).

And there is also a reason why Qin Yi chose to enter into a solemn oath with the Temple of Dili, rather than a pact.

The oath of the Avenue itself has a flaw that is not too small.

This shortcoming is also the reason why Slaughtering Point, which is costly to conclude a road oath, is less expensive than 10 million Slaughtering Point from the contract.

Unlike the contract.

The oath of the Avenue is binding not from the system, but from all Heavens and Myriad Realms.

A strong contractual power of Grand Dao, which binds the two parties to the oath, also lays a shackle on both sides!

Until the oath of the road is completed, the difficulty of subsequent cultivation is hundreds of times more difficult for both parties to conclude the oath.

In other words, before completing the oath of the Avenue, the Temple of Dili has basically severed the possibility of promotion to Heavenly Venerate.

After all, Qin Yi entered into a solemn vow with him:

“In this life, the Spirit General of Dili Road is dominated by Qin Yi!”

Well, this vow looks very simple, and the Temple of Divine didn’t try to finish the oath…

Okay, I can’t make it up anymore.


This vow has no chance of reaching it.

The oath was not reached one day, and the Temple of Dili Road would not be able to escape Qin Yi’s control, which could be driven only by Qin Yi.

Or the Temple of Dili will never betray Qin Yi!

“Ding, this system has to say something, Host, you’re great!”

system opens up suddenly.

And even k had to praise Host for the riot, which was a show.

One wave of operation, one count!

First, make a solemn vow with the Temple of Dili to completely acknowledge allegiance to own body.

Secondly, the possibility of severing the temple of the Divinly Venerate to the Heavenly Venient is no longer possible to break the oath of the highway.

Thirdly, the next Slaughtering Point could also be saved.

Wait, Host, can you save Slaughtering Point?

Bensystem, it seems to have found something fantastic.

The conclusion of the road vows cost 20 million Slaughtering Point to eliminate repercussions 2 million Slaughtering Point.

Together, they are also less than eight million Slaughtering Point from the contract.

“No, no, that’s not the purpose.”

Qin Yi denied it.

How can this be done in order to save Slaughtering Point, an area of 8 million Slaughtering Point?

Hey, rich and imposing, some Slaughtering Point!

“Oh, Host!”

system’s cold.

Host, you don’t have to explain.

Smart as the system, looking at Host’s purpose.

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