
Another collision, Qin Yi even flew the Emperor incarnation.

For the first time, I suppressed the Emperor incarnation!

“weng! ”

At the same time, Qin Yi squats on the body, such as the long whales absorb water, constantly absorbing the chaos of the surrounding.

Qin Yi’s body is strong, and wants to become a body, naturally requires the support of countless energy.

Only when energy is enough, Qin Yi can continue to change.

Once the owner body has been transformed, step into the emperor!

With the opportunity to play against Emperor incarnation, he is constantly changing and handing over, quickly mastering his power.

Fighting is the best way to grow!

Martial Artist can only grow quickly if it is constantly fighting.

As long as this continues, Qin Yi’s entry into the emperor is a matter of course.

Wash the lead, you can become an emperor!


‘The true Phoenix emperor’ secretly swears, expression is ugly.

k can’t wait to replace these Emperor incarnation, personally attack Qin Yi, completely kill Qin Yi.

Twelve Emperor incarnation!

Full of twelve Emperor incarnations comparable to the third world of Emperor!

This power is enough to sweep everything and kill the supreme of Emperor’s Three Kingdoms Peak.

As a result, Qin Yi was not able to make it worse.

“All shots, this group of people who have no brains!”

‘The True Phoenix Emperor’ looks at other Emperor incarnations that have not been shot, and is speechless.

At this stage, the Emperor for Qin Yi is only the Emperor incarnation of this god.

The rest of the Emperor incarnation, no meaning at all!

If there are twelve Emperor incarnations, they have already shot Qin Yi, and there are so many things.

Of course, this also has something to do with these Emperor incarnations, which are only the evolution of Heavenly Thunder Tribulation.

After all, limited by the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation, although it is savvy, its intellect is not too high, far more than the incarnation that can’t be differentiated by Emperor.

These Emperor incarnations act in accordance with the will of the thunder.

Fortunately, in the ugly look of ‘The True Phoenix’, the remaining Emperor incarnation has also been shot.


A sword is heard.

A sword light divides the sun and the moon and breaks the chaos.

Hundreds of thousands of sword light ups and downs, wrapped in the mighty power, slammed down, it seems to cut off one side of the world!


Zhong Ming Yu Yu.

The deafening bells, the All Heavens and Myriad Realms, set off an unprecedented storm in chaos.

A god clock hangs and is pressed against Qin Yi.

“weng! ”

A big man, holding a giant axe, an axe is squatting down.

This axe, take the Qin Yi first level!


A respected Emperor incarnation, each means, pressed against Qin Yi.


that moment.

The unimaginable volatility spreads and shakes the whole chaos.

Chaos is as strong as the ocean, and it is entangled with countless laws, and it breaks down one side of World.

Heaven and Earth are like annihilation at this moment!

Just after the wave, I don’t know how many continents have broken down, how many creatures have been killed, and I have turned over a World!

Just a blow, the chaos of this square millions li is trembled violently, making a vibrating sound.

It seems that it can be broken at any time!

Twelve Sanmen Emperor, together with a blow, not to say that they are better than the supreme of the fourth world, have also touched the threshold of the fourth world!


Just a touch.

Qin Yi has already flown out and his body is almost broken!

The rising momentum is being suppressed by students!

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