Robbing the clouds.

In a flash, the robbery cloud has expanded hundreds of times, and the chaos of the millions li is covered!

The palaces are quietly suspended in the sea.


that moment.

The indescribable terrifying pressure, which came out of the palace, swept through the entire eastern boundary and incited the sun and the moon.

Like a respected Gods, wake up from sleep.

Infinitely aura, like a waterfall falling, shaking!

“this is……?”

Countless powerhouses are frightened and eclipsed.

“The Great Seal!”

Emperor, such as Tongtian Baozun, is also an expression dignified.

The seal of the Great Emperor, the Great Emperor confirmed his own way, and left a mark on Zhutian Avenue.

If it is motivated by Zhutian Avenue, and the entity is formed, it can condense an Emperor incarnation, and the combat power is comparable to Emperor!

Previously, when Qin Yi’s avatars and white robs, they all ignited the Emperor imprint of Zhutian Avenue, and they fought for a long time.

With the enchanting degree of Qin Yi’s deity, it is also reasonable to spur the seal of the Emperor.


A roar, a gate of the palace in Leihai opened.

A vague phantom, a big bell on the top of the head, stepping out and stepping down the sky.


The pressure of the sky is dissipated, shaking the chaos in the absolute, people can’t help but crouch on the ground.

Everyone looks at this phantom, just like watching a gods that are under pressure!

This is not all.

At the sea, the palaces are also opened one after another.


The chariot is empty.

A phantom wearing a purple gold crown and wearing a yin-yang robes, driving an ancient chariot, came.

A strip of nine Nether River, haunted around the body, quietly flowing in the Void, inciting chaos.


Sword light 璀璨.

Countless words of light, Huicheng traversing the swords of the heavens, nowhere, the thunder and the sea of ​​clouds are all suppressed.

A phantom of the morning star, holding the sword, stepping forward.

Nine Heavens, the sun and the moon are hanging!


Angry roar.

A demon tiger with a scales, swallowing, and a demon qi, baring fangs and brandishing claws, jumped out of Leihai.

A phantom of stalwart shape, the foot of the magic tiger came out.

Pupil light 睥睨, 魔滔滔天!


A respected phantom, stepping out of the palace.

Every phantom is aura, the power of the heavens, the terrifying of the power to the extreme, such as God and Demon.


There are twelve Emperor incarnations, which emerge from thunder.


Many Emperor avatars are simple and step by step, the mighty pressure, the shocks of the heavens, sweeping all directions.

A piece of Void collapses, falls, and instantly destroys!

Light is the pressure, it will shake the millions li Chaos is almost broken!

Countless Worlds are tumultuous in the storm, like a candle in the rainy night, and can be extinguished at any time!

Air pressure, Wei Ling all days!

“Hey! This… this, twelve Emperor avatars!”

“Bulo’s emperor actually ignited the mark of the twelve Emperors, terrifying, which is too terrifying!”

“The bombing of the Emperor Bulo is already the most enchanting emperor of the central realm!”

Many powerhouses in Dongjiang, looked up and shouted.

With the ‘Chen Prince Crown Prince’ and Baiqi, they successively incited the emperor’s gate and ignited the emperor’s thunder, and successfully entered the emperor.

Information about the thunder of the emperor is also known to many powerhouses.

Twelve Emperor imprints, twelve Emperor incarnations!

This should be regarded as the descending of the heavens, the most terrifying of the emperor.

Even in the central realm, there are few enchanting tempers!

Only by the recognition of Zhutian Avenue, the most top-notch enchanting can be motivated!

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