
Lightning is like a wave, the ocean is surging.

Countless Thunder are beating in the Thunder Sea, like the inexhaustible Flood Dragon is rolling over and smashing the sky.

Densely packed electric awning down, if thunderstorms!

A thunder fell from the thundercloud, instantly smashing the void in the absolutely, terrifying to the extreme!


Qin Yi is full of radiance, such as the gods.

The big hand smashed and smashed a path of the terrifying divine.

Whether it is Supreme Unity Divine Thunder or Violet Thunder, it is smashed by Qin Yi with no difficulty.


After the shattering of the gods, it turns into a path of small electro-optical light, which jumps inside and outside Qin Yi’s fleshy body, which is Qin Yi tempering fleshy body, and extracts the impurities hidden in the body.

“weng! ”

Throughout the body, countless acupoints lit up.

At that moment, Qin Yi’s muscles, bloodline, and limbs are shining, bursting out of the rays of light.

In the acupoints of the various places, a sacred shrine is sacred, and only one of the gods of the sacred sacred place sits in it, and the singer sings!

窍 绽 绽 金 金, 神 神 诵 !!

The man-made Martial Artist opens up the acupoints around the body and condenses the acupoints of the gods, so that they can step into the feathered realm.

These acupoint gods o, if opened, can be added to the own body to enhance their combat power.

The stronger the acupoint god, the stronger it is.

In the end, the acupoint god can even become a real, become a true god o!

With the power of God, blessing the own body, what kind of terrifying power can erupt!

One thought pressed the sky and turned over Myriad Realms.

Only between the thoughts!

“weng! ”

Qin Yi tempering fleshy body At the same time, the god of the acupoints is constantly absorbing the Thunder.

Every time you absorb a thunder, the body shape of the acupoints everywhere will be solidified.

The boundless thunder in Thundercloud is the combination of Heaven and Earth’s rules, and it has a strong effect on tempering fleshy body and spirit.

Emperor’s fleshy body, soul, the reason of Inextinguishable Immortal, is because of the baptism of thunder!


The Heaven and Earth rule contained in the thunderbolt also has great benefits for the transformation of the acupoint god.

Qin Yi fleshy body has reached the peak of the emperor, not weaker than the third embodiment of Emperor.

The emperor thundered and lost the hammering effect on Qin Yi’s fleshy body.

However, Qin Yi can use the Force of Tribulation to hammer the body and strengthen the power of himself.


As time went by, the acupoints of the gods became more and more solid, and the treasures were solemn.

Correspondingly, Qin Yi’s qi force is becoming more and more tyrannical.


Within the body, the roar of blood rushes like a flood of hundreds of millions of rivers, giving out the power of terrifying.


Qin Yi is only a slight move, and Void is shaken, making a loud and unbearable crisp sound, as if it can break at any time!

Without any effort, there is a lot of power!

In particular, Qin Yi’s qi force has increased the power of five thousand dragons.

The power of five thousand dragons.

That’s half a Force of True Dragon, how amazing it is!

After entering the emperor, an Emperor wants to make progress, mostly in tens of thousands of years, even millions of years, countless years are not allowed to enter, and not a few.

In such a short period of time, Qin Yi has such terrifying progress. If he goes out, I am afraid to break the sky and shock All Heavens and Myriad Realms!

Of course, under the thunder, Qin Yi can make such great progress.

Leverage the thunder, and cast my invincible body!

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