“The eastern boundary area will be re-emerged since then.”

The girl in the palace skirt whispers in her heart.

The Dongjiang Great World has just opened, there are so many enchanting appearances.

From this, it can be expected that what kind of terrifying scene will be when the Dongjiang Great World is completely opened!

Supreme talent, the heroes fight!

So many enchanting squads will compete for the position of the Lord of East Xinjiang and compete for the status of the hegemon of the East.

It is conceivable that there will be confusion in the borders of East China.

Even in the war between the Emperor and the Bulo Dynasty, the Eastern Frontiers were confused.

Where there is blood qi, it is bound to compete first, this is the big world!

‘Miss’s bloodline is left in the Eastern Frontier. If it is affected, it is very likely to be dangerous.

No, this seat must hurry to find the lady’s bloodline. ‘

There was a worry on the face of the palace skirt.

Miss’s bloodline, how noble!

If there is a half-point difference pool, it is a major event for both the lady and the entire group.

However, when the woman in the palace skirt was about to leave, she stunned and looked forward to the battlefield.

I saw that ‘The True Phoenix Emperor’ was born again and stepped into the fourth world!

“Negween, Emperor four?”

The woman in the palace group has a positive expression and her face is dignified.

Although she was born out of the ordinary, her own cultivation base is not too high, only the cultivation base of the Emperor’s three peaks.

The Emperor is different from the Emperor. For the group where k is located, the Emperor is also the mainstay of the family, and is added to the Elder.

“It is a bloodline of the true phoenix family. It is so dangerous that it can also win a chance.”

The palace group woman lamented.

The true phoenix, together with her family, belongs to one of the top universities in the central realm.

She also knows a lot about the true phoenix family. ‘The true phoenix emperor’ is born again, and although she surprised her, she never surprised her.

The true phoenix family, this is born in the world of Nirvana, every time the rebirth of life, for k, is a huge opportunity.

As long as you can resist the big crisis between life and death, you can make a step forward and go further!


In the distance, ‘The True Phoenix Emperor’ stands like God and Demon.

In the few tricks, Luo Houji shot down the dust.

“The world of great struggles, hundreds of battles, Fang Xianzhen.”

The palace skirt woman shook her head and sighed.

When the world is opened, there are naturally countless enchanting rises.

Of course, there are also enchanting defeats in the battle with other enchanting, and thus lost their lives, such as the falling of the meteor.

After all, there is only one place for the Lord of the East Frontier.

The arrow of Luo Houjidu was terrifying again. When he encountered a realm that covered k, he was only defeated.

The ending is fixed!


The palace skirt woman shook her head.

When Luo Houji was defeated, it meant that the Bulo Dynasty was also defeated, and this battle should have ended.

However, these have nothing to do with her, she just needs to find the lady’s bloodline and bring it back to the family.

When the woman in the palace skirt leaves, the mutation regenerates.

“weng! ”

A sword is smashing, and the sky is gone!

A sword dao light raid, the attack of the ‘true huang dynasty’ was also broken, and the right arm of the ‘true huang dynasty’ was also fallen.

Immediately afterwards, a stalwart emperor silhouette emerged.

Pupil light 睥睨, Myriad Realms surrender!

“Bulo Lord!”

Emperor around, exclaimed, unable to maintain the peace of mind.

“Bulo Lord?!”

Hear this, the woman in the palace skirt, the expression is not a glimpse.

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