“Do not!”

The roar of ‘The Great Phoenix’ reverberates in chaos.

A drop of emperor blood sprinkles Void, dyes red endless chaos, and every drop is enough to break a small world.

Even, one of the sinking thousands of World is continent!

The right arm of ‘Zhenhuang the Great’ is even more chaotic and chaotic, falling into the middle of the world, almost burning the thousands of World.

“Real Phoenix… Is this defeated?”

“Who is it?”

“Bulo dynasty, actually there are powerhouses of this level?”

Many emperors are shaking their hearts and can’t help but pupils shrank.

The power of ‘Zhen Huang Da Di’, many emperors are obvious to all, and the two strokes will defeat Luo Houji.

Only aura escape, you can break a party!

Like God and Demon!

However, it is such a powerful ‘true phoenix emperor’ that he was severely injured by a sword.

Even the blue robe youth and the ‘flame god o’ in the distance are also the pupil light, the dignified look of the sword light.

“Who, who?”

‘Zhen Huang Da Di’ was equally angry and roared.

k originally thought that after entering the fourth place of the emperor, he could sing all directions and invincible the eastern boundary.

Except, the one who is the father of the family and the emperor, plus the fourth supreme being possible behind the Bulo dynasty, k is the first person.

At that time, k was so arrogant and satisfied.

Luo Houji is not in the eyes, within the two strokes, it will be defeated, and even the emperors of the East Xinjiang border team, k can also suppress it.

K once thought that relying on one’s own strength, it would be able to suppress the Bulo Dynasty.

Even if the Bulo dynasty behind the four extreme Supreme shot, k can also retreat.

The same as the four realms of the emperor, k self-confessed that even if they do not rival each other, they can also protect themselves and will not be obliterated by the local strong.

After all, both sides are the four kingdoms of the emperor, and k is a true phoenix bloodline, which is comparable to the supreme sage of the emperor’s four years.

But who ever thought, this sword light will be the pride of k heart, a sword annihilation!

“I am waiting to hurt my people, and I want to kill my Luohou.”

Who are you talking about? ”

Calm, indifferent voice, faint resounding.

All the powerhouses in the room, looking in the direction of the sound, instantly set up a pair of eyes, a face of incredible.

I saw that in the depths of the chaos, there was a man of God who was wearing a robe, and he stepped out of the darkness, and he was surrounded by the True Dragon.

The golden glow of the whole body is blooming, shining through the ages!

A majestic pressure pervades all directions, like an unattainable monument, standing here, suppressing the eight wild.

Pupil light, Myriad Realms surrender!

“hua la !”

Twelve rows of glass enamels hang down quietly, adding to the majesty.

Overbearing The grandeur of the aura, as the other side appeared, will suppress all the avenues of the avenues, and force it down!

Everyone saw this silhouette for the first time, and the heart instantly had a clear comprehension.

This is an emperor, not a martial arts emperor, but a reign of the dynasty, emperor, and even the gods.

Do not!

This silhouette is like the center of the universe, the king of the gods, the master of Heaven and Earth.

All Heavens and Myriad Realms will turn around with each other’s thoughts.

One thought is destroyed, one thought is born, life and death are repeated, so repeated.

At that moment, in the chaos, all the powerhouses were silent.

Only, ‘The True Phoenix’ said in a shocking voice:

“Bulo Lord?”

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