
A muffled sound.

Luo Houji is like a fly, and is easily photographed by the ‘Real Phoenix Emperor’ to a few hundred thousand.

Even wearing a few thousand Worlds, this is stopped in the figure.

In the case of Luo Hou, the arrow body of the four emperors is comparable. At this moment, they were almost cracked by the ‘true huang dynasty’.

Just a palm, Luo Houji will be defeated!

From the beginning to the end, the ‘True Phoenix Emperor’ did not move.

Like the Gods who descended in nine days, one foot on the heavens, between the palms, can suppress the enemy of Myriad Realms.

“How could this be?”

“It’s over, it’s all over!”

“Even the emperor has lost, it is really over.”

Bulo Dynasty, countless powerhouse desperately close the pair of eyes, sad inside.

Luo Houji lost, why Bulo dynasty is fighting!

Even Luo Houji, who can shoot the Emperor, has been defeated. Who can Bulo Dynasty be able to fight with ‘The True Phoenix’?

Bulo Emperor who never stepped into the emperor?

Or, the Bulo dynasty, the magical demon goddess?

These Bulo dynasty’s powerhouses are not as good as Luo Houjidu, and how are they the opponents of ‘Zhenghuang the Great’?

What kind of terrifying the Narohou arrow, shot the emperor with one arrow.

However, the ‘Zhenhuang Emperor’ underestimated the Luo Hou arrow, and attacked the Luo Houji.

The more indifferent, the more unpredictable it seems to be ‘the real phoenix’!

“This is the great power of the emperor’s four realms. With the power of the source of World, the owner of the body is blessed.

Power, soaring hundreds of times! ”

Heavenly Dreams is a complex look, like a nightmare.

This is the power that k has always dreamed of, longing for a long time!

As long as you step into the four realms of the emperor, k can escape the control of that one, from then on, All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

In the entire eastern boundary, the supremacy of the four emperors is not a weak existence.

It is not like the supreme of the Three Kingdoms. Although it is called the Emperor, it can only be used as a blessing in some remote worlds.

Once, stepping into the central realm of martial arts, its status will fall to thousand zhang, far less than before.

When they step into the four realms of the emperor, their status is different.

In addition, it is possible to establish a weak influence in the central realm, and it can be called the great power of the world.

The power here is not the power of the saints, this kind of power that can only be dominated by Zhong Qian World.

But, throughout All Heavens and Myriad Realms, it can be called power!

One thought moving to the sky, raising your hand to shake Myriad Realms!

During the meditation, one of the thousands of Worlds can be sunk, and one side of the world is shaken, the sun and the moon are discolored, and chaos moves.

“This kind of great power…”

The emperors of Dongjiang are equally silent, and their hearts are taboo.

As the emperor’s k, they understand the power of ‘Zhenghuang the Great’ at the moment.

If you say that Luo Houji is only relying on Luo Houjian, count the bow, in order to kill the emperor.

After the “Zhenhuang Emperor” stepped into the four realms of the Emperor, it was the power to kill the Emperor!

Want to kill the emperor of the next three realms, but between the palms.

For example, the Luohou Jidu, who is extremely strong, was shot by the ‘Zhenghuang Emperor’ and was almost photographed as meat.

These all show that ‘the true phoenix emperor’, the power at the moment, is not at the same level as k.

“Oh, didn’t you die?”

‘Zhen Huang Da Di’ brows a pick, seems to be somewhat suspicious.

You must know that with the power of k now, you want to pinch a three-dimensional emperor, not to say that you are killing an ant.

But, in fact, it won’t be much different.

Can kill at any time!

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