鈥渨eng! 鈥?

A faint space fluctuation, such as ripples ripples.

The void in the absolute circle is frozen in an instant.

The storm stopped and the chaos calmed down.

At this moment, everything in this piece of chaos seems to be static, and it is all sealed by the ‘true phoenix emperor’.

Luo Hou arrows are stuck in the void, and can no longer move forward.

Everything around this seems to be turned into a picture.

Everyone is looking at the ‘true phoenix emperor’ in the chaos, and the life of the Bulo dynasty is all dead.

“It’s over, everything is over!”

A quasi-emperor whispered, and his expression was full of bitterness.

No one thought of the desperate situation, ‘The True Phoenix Emperor’ could turn over, and even step into the four realms of the Emperor.

Although this emperor is not aware of the gap between the emperors, the power of the ‘true phoenix’ is beyond the imagination of the people.

The terrifying of Luo Houjidu, everyone has a clear vision, one shot can shoot the emperor.

However, this is an arrow that can kill the Emperor, but it is easily suppressed by the ‘Zhen Huang Emperor’ after the transformation.

Like a plaything!

Luo Houji is still the same, what is the victory of the Bulo Dynasty?

Even the emperors of Dongjiang are also complex in expression, and their hearts are mixed.

k people understand that since then, k will bow to the ‘true phoenix emperor’, and bow down to his head, can not be a little disrespectful.

In their hearts, they are unwilling, but in the face of the ‘true phoenix emperor’ who stepped into the four realms of the emperor, no one dares to resist.

“Easy Soul, Christine He Zhen, the phoenix brother, got his wish, and entered the four realms of the emperor, the mana stretched, and eternal life is in sight!”

Heavenly dreams are really sigh, but they can only be one.

“Swallow the sky, Gong He Zhen, the phoenix brother entered the four realms of the emperor, overlooking Dongjiang.”

鈥淭ongtian, Gong He Zhen, the phoenix brother鈥檚 breakthrough through the emperor鈥檚 four worlds, hereby offer one of the gods, and five gods.鈥?


A statue of the emperor also bowed down and worshipped.

In the face of absolute power, the emperors of Dongjiang also bowed their heads.

This is also why the Dongjiang emperors did not want to see the reason why the ‘true phoenix emperor’ entered the four realms of the emperor.

It is a pity that the ‘Zhenghuang Emperor’ has already completed the transformation and entered the four realms of the emperor, and even the k have only bowed.


‘The true phoenix emperor’ laughed in the sky, the sound waves swayed the chaos in absolute, and set off a storm of turmoil.

The laughter of k is so pleasant, so happy.

At this time, k is qualified to be rampant and qualified to be so proud.

After stepping into the emperor’s four worlds, he no longer has to care about Luo Houji, and will be like his father and emperor. He is located in the east of Xinjiang and overlooks the entire eastern boundary.

Such a realm, even in the central realm, is not a weak powerhouse, but can traverse the central realm!

The emperors of the Eastern Xinjiang will also bow to their heads!


“Not bad.”

In the distance, the ‘flame god o’ dagger smiled and his face was full of smiles.

It is also extremely beneficial for k to step into the four realms of the emperor.

Whether it is competing for the treasures of Seven Prison Valley, facing the blue robe youth on the side, or hiding from the emperor behind the Bulo dynasty, k can take great advantage.

“Qing Tianxiong, it is many thanks. You are going to rescue the dog.”

Then, ‘The True Phoenix Emperor’ was looked towards the blue robe youth, started talking thanks.

Just now, if the non-blue robe youth let Tianmeng Zhenjun and other three emperors in the emperor’s world, they said that they must be shot.

k Although I don’t understand the blue robe youth, what are the plans?

However, the blue robe youth is a big help for the whole.

This sentence is also grateful.

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