In one side of the World, one by one is blurred.

They vaguely remembered that when the Emperor Huang’s army came to the side of the army, it was so arrogant and arrogant.

The souls of countless Worlds are like a boat in a storm, weak and helpless, and can be overturned at any time.

In the face of the army of the true dynasty, how desperate they are.

Can only be powerless to mourn and die in helplessness.

There are quite a few powerhouses, even resentful and roaring the Bulo dynasty.

But at the moment.

Luo Houji shot an arrow of ‘The True Phoenix Emperor’, and suppressed the emperors of Dongjiang, not only saved them, but also smoothed the haze of their heads.

The clouds are gone, and the dust is shining!

There is no resentment in the hearts of the powerhouses of all parties, only the worship.

With such a powerhouse, how could the Bulo dynasty be defeated?

‘Zhen Huang the Great’ was shot by an arrow, who else can be a Thunder?

Tongtian Baozun, or, the beginning of the Great Emperor?

Will not work!

After all, whether it is Tongtian Baozun, or the early Emperor, it is still not as good as ‘The True Phoenix Emperor’, how can it block the arrow of Luo Houji.

The silence of the emperors such as Tongtian Baozun is not the best proof.

Of course, in any case, this battle is over.

As the leader of the ‘true phoenix emperor’ has fallen, without the ‘true phoenix emperor’ lead, this seemingly huge army, in fact, has long since fallen apart.

Every emperor is a proud and arrogant generation, and no one will serve anyone.

In other words, the ‘Zhenhuang Emperor’ is strong, and sits on the first emperor of Dongjiang for countless years. It has enough prestige to allow many emperors to obey orders.

If it is replaced by k people, even if the strength is strong, the rest of the emperors may not be able to listen to their orders.

For example, Tianmeng Zhenjun, perhaps strength is almost the same as ‘The True Phoenix Emperor’, but there is not enough prestige to order the emperors.

Tianmeng Zhenjun comes from the emperor’s world, and his status is naturally opposed to the emperor in the eastern boundary. How can he obey the command of Tianmeng Zhenjun?

Therefore, in the eyes of everyone, the ‘True Phoenix Emperor’ is falling behind, and this war should also end.

This war.

Bulo Dynasty, won!

Just when everyone was happy, Qin Yi guarded the army of the early imperial dynasty, the pupil light was deep, and stared at the fallen place of ‘The True Phoenix Emperor’.

Luo Houji’s terrifying and powerful, k is very clear.

The star of the two fierce stars, the arrow is unparalleled, and the hand of the heavenly teacher personally refining Luo Houjian, Jidu bow, two tailor-made emperors.

One arrow can shoot ‘The True Phoenix Emperor’, which is also reasonable.

If Luo Houji goes further, even the supreme of the emperor’s four realms can shoot with one arrow.

Arrows pass through the gods, you are waiting for you!

However, ‘The True Phoenix Emperor’ fell too smoothly, and Qin Yi felt a bit wrong.

Even if this ‘true phoenix emperor’ is not the real phoenix emperor, but its terrifying strength can not be faked, how can it fall so fast?

If it is the supremacy of the average Emperor’s three borders, it may be easily shot by Luo Houji.

In exchange for ‘The True Phoenix’, this supreme Divine Beast bloodline is more than a hundred times more difficult than the average of the three realms.

Needless to say, ‘The True Phoenix Emperor’ is a pure blood descendant of the true phoenix.

and many more.

Real Phoenix?

Qin Yi’s body suddenly shocked, and suddenly clear comprehension came over, which one was neglected.

True Phoenix family, bath fire Nie!

That ‘true phoenix’, not dead!

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