In chaos.

White is holding the sword and standing in chaos.

The whole body is golden, and there is no trace of impurities. The whole person is like an immortal god.

The whole body is up and down, exuding the eternal aura!

The emperor is immortal, the spirit is immortal, and he has become an emperor since then.

At the moment of entering the emperor, the white aura instantly skyrocketed and climbed unrestricted until it reached an unimaginable level.

If God!

“weng! ”

At this same time, a vast expanse of aura instantly spread, filling the entire eastern boundary.

There are countless creatures in the borders of East China, and there is a clear comprehension. Some people have become emperors!


a path of law emerges, making a roar of the sky.

The huge roar, rumbling the entire eastern boundary, seems to be congratulating for the white.

In the area where the white is located, the blossoming small flower falls down, and the blossoming golden lotus flower emerges from the ground.

The sky is falling, and the golden lotus is in the ground.

The emperor is Cheng, the heavens congratulate!

Every time there is a sign of the emperor, it will lead to the great Dao roaring in the sky, showing countless visions and giving gifts.


In the boundless blood qi, the mighty vision, white steps out.

In the moment when Bai took a step, the emperor’s emperor swept through the East Xinjiang in an instant, inciting the Sun and Moon.

The white silhouette is not particularly tall, especially in the vast chaos of chaos, it is particularly small.


When the white comes out of the vision, it gives people a feeling of stalwart than the Thunder Sea.

As high as the sun and the moon, it is as chaotic as immortal!

“I am Bulo Wu’an Hou, I am certified today!”

White is standing on the chaos, the crystal body is blooming with the brilliance, shining the chaotic sky in absolute.

Numerous chaotic aura, lingering around its body, is like a god, coming from Nine Heavens, stepping on the whole chaos!

Countless creatures are embarrassed, only to feel that they are watching a supreme Gods, involuntarily falling to the ground.

“Is it successful?”

“This person actually completed the transformation, really become an emperor?”

“This is the era, second, no, the third sect is the supreme of the emperor.”

Countless powerhouses looked at the white silhouette and were shocked.

An emperor, just under their gaze, rises!

In the borders of East China, add another look overlooking the red dust, such as the supreme high of the world.

Bulo Dynasty has added another emperor since Destiny True Dragon.

In the borders of East China, many powerhouses are either emotionally inspiring, or inspiring, or shaking their minds…and so on.

Star Emperor and other supreme, but also the heart sinks, the Pupil light is gloomy to the extreme, I can’t wait to kill the white spot.

However, Bai Qi has already passed the stage of the most Hollow weak, and the soul has become an immortal soul, even if it is weaker than them, they have no Ability to kill it.

Perhaps, defeat can be, but killing is impossible.

The same as the emperor, if there is no Strong above the four emperors, and want to completely kill an emperor, it is impossible.

Moreover, after the rise of the emperor, the situation at the moment is even more detrimental to them!

An imperial emperor, even if it is just an emperor, wants to kill the powerhouses of His Majesty, it is also easy.

Even it is not impossible to intervene in the battle between them and the pigs.

When the five emperors joined together, they would be able to drag the pigs, and if they were white, they would be in danger.

Several emperors looked at each other and their hearts were retired.

If you don’t leave, you can be dangerous!

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