
The screams of screaming resounded in chaos.

Under the thunder of terrifying, the Nine Heavens emperor and other powerhouses of the influence were instantly torn and shattered by the Thunder.

The terrifying of the emperor’s thunder, the non-premium is not tempted.

Before the thunder of the emperor had not been completely lowered, the aura that was emitted was enough to crush the powerhouse under the ancient holy.


A respectful powerhouse, easily crushed into a bolognese by aura, fallen on the spot.

Blood, residual limbs, internal organs, spilling chaos.



Nine Heavens emperor and other influences of many powerhouses, crazy escape.

They don’t want to fall under the thunder!

However, their speed has a fast speed of thunder, and every time there is a thunder, it is more than a hundred powerhouses.

The ancient holy is still able to withstand one or two, the ancient holy under the touch of death!

Although the emperor could move freely under the thunder, but still struggling, he could only quickly escape from the robbery.

“Junior, dare!”

“courting death !”

“Ah, junior, this emperor wants to break you down!”

Nine Heavens is the supreme, the pair of eyes is red, gnashing teeth said.

These powerhouses, though in their eyes, are also ants, but this is the root of their own influence.

It is also the background that they have planned for countless years, accumulated, many powerhouses are expected to be ancient, even the emperor!

Every time you fall, it is a great loss.

Needless to say, thousands of successive degenerations have hurt the roots of their own influence.

Even the emperor is extremely sad.

“You drag this person, the Emperor went to kill this junior!”

Nine Heavens the Great shouts.

Behind the nine-handed knives Tremor, tearing the boundless chaos, the knife is smashing, killing the aura and inciting the heavens.

Endless Bingo Aura is like a galaxy falling down, ravaging the eight wild!

Nine Heavens.

This is the Emperor of Nine Heavens, a set of emperors formed by nine paramilitaries, and terrifying.

The era of Nine Heavens enlightened by the great emperor, East Xinjiang is in a period of extreme decline, looking for the East Xinjiang, there are few gods that can be cast into the emperor.

In desperation, the Nine Heavens Emperor took another path and built nine pieces of paramilitary soldiers, and then built them into a soldier with nine pieces of paramilitary soldiers.

On power, not weaker than ordinary soldiers.

Even in the many years of warmth, and the addition of new materials by Nine Heavens, these nine quasi-emperors have already approached the emperors infinitely.

Nine in one, the power is better than the average soldier!

Nine Heavens also had a wild vision to cast these nine paramilitaries into the same time.

At that time, He was seated in nine emperors. Under the unity, it was not impossible to match the Middle Level.

The key to all this is the strength of the Nine Heavens.

He used the Destiny of the Nine Heavens emperor to warm up the emperor. The Nine Heavens emperor was stronger and the Nine Heavens became faster.

At this moment, the many powerhouses of the Nine Heavens emperor, in a piece of film, fell under the thunder, how can Nine Heavens the Emperor not be angry?

“it is good!”

Hear this, many emperors look at each other, all beheaded, killing frequently, and trapping the pigs.

The emperors also understood that the war was not good for them, and that if Bulo Dynasty had one more emperor.

Even if it is just a supreme who has just stepped into the emperor, it is extremely troublesome.


Nine Heavens took a low-pitched voice and took the opportunity to drive the Nine Heavens knife.

The endless blade light, like the Tianhe River, is endless, and there is no limit to it.

Nine-knife coveted, Wandao Cangwu!

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