
Many emperors braw raised, and their hearts could not help but anger.

The gesture of Qin Yi is simply not to put them in the eye.

Do not care.

This is the biggest pride, but the most arrogant contempt!

“A good junior!”

Many emperors have a cold voice, endless powers sweeping the chaos, and the mighty pressures shake the Holly empty.

The emperor is angry and shakes chaos!

The anger of a sage, is it a leisure time?

“Senior, don’t think that you can’t be ruined by a god-like device that beats our gods.”

“We have become imperially loaded, how deep the background is!

In our eyes, you step into the emperor, but it is just a cock that has just grown up! ”

“This seat proposes to take out the spirit of this child, and burn it with absolute fire for a year, to smother my heart!”

A statue of the emperor is full of anger, and the scorpion is full of coldness.

A great emperor, the status is so high, noble!

The same Emperor, will not easily offend an emperor, not to mention the eleven old emperors.

A junior who has just become an emperor in this district, dare to despise them like this?

Really when they are muddy?

When this punishment is severely punished, it demonstrates our majesty.


a path of unimaginable aura, sweeping chaos in absolutely.

Like the eleven Gods, wrapped in endless anger, burst out of terrifying to the boundless aura.

“Junior, without this furnace-shaped emperor, what is your ability, and we are enemies!”

Overlooking Qin Yi, the star of the sky, the cold light of the eyes, is about to overflow.

His most taboo is that it is just an eternal furnace.

This eternal fairy furnace, in his view, is a medieval Middle Level warrior, terrifying.

In addition, he is unscrupulous about Qin Yi.

Then, what two instrumental symbols, He did not care about it.

“is it?”

Qin Yi is another smile. In this smile, many emperors have read the ridicule.


Many emperor pupil light sinks, is about to start to talk, suddenly revealing stunned.

A strong Strong, suddenly rises to the sky!

The sin of the fairy light bursts, illuminating the whole chaos!

The unrivaled Strength spreads out, smashes chaos, traverses hundreds of miles of the Milky Way, and shakes the heavens.

“hōng lòng Long!”

In chaos, countless powerhouses are looking up.

I saw the eternal fairy furnace that was originally suppressed by the Shenting figure. A path of lines on the wall of the furnace was lit up one after another.

For a moment, the fairy furnace burst into a dazzling rays of light, straight into the sky.

The blazing fairy runs through Nine Heavens, as if to pierce the chaos!

Glittering, feathering and sacred!

Just a few breaths, the fairy light has affected hundreds of millions of miles of chaos.

“this is…….”

Many emperors are shaking their hearts.


I have not waited for many emperors to return back to his senses, and the eternal fairy furnace is gently shaken, and the god link that wraps around the fairy furnace collapses.

The picture of the gods trembled and almost torn into two halves.


God’s Taoist squirts a blood essence, and the aura instantly languishes.

The Emperor is damaged and He cannot be spared!

“Slowly suppress this child, this device is going to get out of trouble!”

God’s Taoist people also refused to do this, and quickly screamed.

“Not good !”

Many emperors also reacted, with the body strength surging, and the Attack in the hand became more terrifying.

a path of vast Attack, running through the chaos, the stars and rivers, the sky, the sky, the enchanting wings…


At this time, a loud sound.

A viscous wave visible to the naked eye spread out and set off a terrifying storm in the chaos of millions of miles.

Countless rules at the same time roaring, sweeping the whole chaos!

The fairy furnace is alive!

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