
When Qin Yi faintly spits out this word, the chaos is quiet.

Everything around me was stagnant at this moment!

The Ming Dynasty Sword Emperor once again stagnated in chaos, maintaining the posture of the sword, and the bright moon behind it, like a person in the painting.

It is as if he has become a character in a picture!

“This this……”

The Ming Dynasty swordsman smashed the pair of eyes and looked terrified.

This time, he clearly did full power, but still could not break this invisible pressure and could not break.

The sea is stopped, and the moon glows!

Moreover, He can clearly perceive that this is not the time and space that has been solidified, not the great force of the law of time.

This is a real and powerful Strength, a huge and powerful Strength!

This strong strength of Strength suppresses everything with unmatched power and suppresses the chaos of this square.

There are only two words.


The hero is desperate, and this Strength is so large that it is unimaginable.

Even if it is the Mingyue Jiandi, it is like a mountain!


Then, a long and loud bell rang.

The chaos in the absolute round, even under the suppression of the power of Heavenly Dao, it trembled and swayed!

A simple and unadorned hustle and bustle, rising slowly from the back of Qin Yi.

Standing on three feet, such as the pillar of the sky, suppressing hundreds of millions of miles of chaos, and pressing down the riots around!

At the moment when the stove appeared, countless Space storms, chaotic turbulence, all subsided, and did not waver.

The town of the furnace, the chaos!


This furnace is eternal!


The Ming Dynasty Jiandi looked at it and the pupils shrank.

This piece of emperor, when Qin Yi was robbed, he also saw a piece of warrior that touched the emperor, and he did not care.

At this time, at a glance, he did not know how he had smashed this weapon!

Where is the warrior of Kancan Emperor, it is clearly a low-end and most peak of the Emperor, and even the Middle Level above the Emperor!

Only this level of warfare will bring him a great sense of threat.

Ming hanging in Qin Yi behind, but there is a kind of annihilation, immortal, can suppress the grandeur of All Heavens and Myriad Realms!

Such as the furnace of the gods, the descent of the emperor.

A furnace falls, chaos flips!


The eternal fairy furnace was shocked and screaming.

The fairy light, lingering around the fairy furnace all around, evolved three thousand circles!

The endless gods hang down from the stove, the sun and the moon are in full bloom, hot and dazzling, shining in absolutely!

This is the dazzling rays of light, like the most timeless ray of light.

The fairy furnace stands here, even if the days are falling, Myriad Realms falls, and it can’t hurt the fairy furnace.

Eternal fairy furnace, like a round of great day!

A big day shines on the big day of All Heavens and Myriad Realms!

The so-called sea life and bright moon, in front of the fairy furnace, also lost the original 璀璨, bleak.

Such as firefly and 皓月争辉,overestimate one’s capabilities.

The bright moon and the big day are vying, but why not!

The glory of the bright moon is the source of the day from the Huanghuang Day. How can it compete with the big day?

“weng! ”

When the eternal fairy furnace came out, everything was suppressed.

Just softly trembled, you can start an endless frenzy in chaos, sweeping the chaos in absolute!

“What is this instrument?”

Many emperors couldn’t help but look at them and they were all eclipsed.

This furnace, just to show up, will take away the color of this chaos and the sights of countless creatures present!

Of all the pupil light, only this one is left!

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