In chaos.

The thunder is endless, Qin Yi is mad at the wild.

The Divine Beast of the three emperors has made Qin Yi feel the pressure!

After all, this avatar is not the deity, three Divine Beast, enough to make Qin Yi stretched and fell behind.


Qin Yi shouted, a silver hair dance, if the invincible world of God of War.

Falling in the wind?

Just by taking the three Divine Beast’s Strength, let this avatar complete the transformation.

Under the weight of the three Divine Beasts, the speed of this avatar is getting faster and faster, and the strength of the fleshy body is constantly rising.

The scar on his body, seemingly terrifying, is actually just some skin trauma, not hurting the root.

As long as it continues for a while, he can break the thunder without having to wait for the robbery to disappear automatically.


However, the vast robbery cloud once again made a thunderous roar.

Suspended in the thunder of the sea, the temples burst into the glory of the glory, shining the chaos in absolute!

A huge pressure from the stocks came from the depths of the palace, as if there was a god, and it was awakened.

“this is……?”

Many powerhouses look up and the expression changes dramatically.


The magnificent palace imposing manner is soaring and ups and downs in the thunder sea.

Numerous thunders are constantly pouring into the palace, and the pressure behind them is becoming more terrifying and terrifying!

Many powerhouses are scared and only feel terrified!

“Is this…?”

Yuan surnamed Emperor looked at the palace at Leihai, and his eyes were in doubt.

Many powerhouses are thinking about starting to talk.


Among them, a palace suddenly stunned and erupted.

Infinitely aura, like a waterfall, swaying the sun and the moon!

“kuāng dāng !”

The palace gate opens and a fuzzy silhouette emerges from it.

With this at the same time, a formidable aura, sweeping the chaos in absolute, let countless creatures, crouch!

“What is this again?”

Mo Yi pair of eyes 瞪 big, Zhang mouth is a big mouth of blood squirting.

This poor ridiculous teenager, as seen today, has subverted everything he has seen in the past.

The world view completely collapses and then reshapes!

In the past, he thought that the saint was the strongest presence in the whole world, and he could pick up thousands of mountains and palms.

However, compared with what I see now, there is no weak explosion!

From the thunder, a Hollow shadow that came out, I am afraid that it is more powerful than the saints!


In the gaze of everyone, the Hollow shadow stepped out step by step.

Numerous Thunder spirits moved toward him, and his body became more and more solid, and the black hair flew and dazzled.

Like a Gods!

“Sure enough, this is the emperor’s mark left by a great emperor!”

Yuan Xingyuan was finally remembered, and he could not help but exclaim.

“The Great Seal!”

As a result, many powerhouse expressions have changed.

The seal of the Great Emperor, as the name suggests, is the imprint of the great emperor’s stay on the Great Dao of the heavens, and it is also the seal of the great emperor to prove his own fruit position!

If it is motivated by the Great Dao of the heavens, it can condense an embodiment of the emperor, and the combat power is comparable to the emperor!

“The rumor that every person who can evoke the emperor’s incarnation is the peerless enchanting in All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

And it is the enchanting that is recognized by the Great Dao of the heavens, which can evoke the imprint of the Emperor!

In the beginning, Crown Prince can actually evoke the seal of the Great Emperor? ”

Yuan surnamed Emperor Yuan was surprised.

When I think about it, Yuan’s surname is also awkward.

If you can’t force the Emperor’s imprint on the Diance Beast’s ‘Chen Prince Crown’, you can still provoke it?

However, with the appearance of the emperor’s incarnation, it also means the death of ‘Crown Prince’ in the beginning!

This is to beat ‘Chen Prince Crown’, the last straw!

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