On the mountain of Chengdi.

Qin Yi is proud, and Cang Yunzi is falling to the ground.

“Hey! I want to kill you, I want to smash you up!”

Cang Yunzi’s screaming screaming, with a killing intent in his voice.

What a humiliation this is!

Do not kill Qin Yi, his heart is difficult to calm down!


Cang Yunzi roared.

“weng! ”

Hollow is in the air, and the law of endlessness is motivated.

Heaven and the sky sweeping Heaven and Earth, eradicating the time and space, the terrifying wave collapses Hollow empty, contains the vast rules, extremely terrifying!

There is also a round of blazing sun on the sky, the mighty power can rumor Nine Heavens!


Qin Yi is indifferent and gently spits out a word.

It is like a supreme king of God, lowering the law and sealing the heavens.

In the horrified eyes of Cang Yunzi, the wheel of the wheel of the evolution of the sun, Shatter, turned into countless streams!

A word of Heaven and Earth, a word pressure law!

“No, impossible!”

Cang Yunzi was pale and his face was incredible.

What kind of power can represent this, he is the most clear.

The emperor.

Only the emperor has such power!

The rules of the heavens are in control, and Myriad Realms Heaven and Earth listens to its commands!

“No, you know that even the emperor’s polar environment has not been reached, how can you master this strength?”

Cang Yunzi’s body trembled slightly.

Unknown is the most terrifying thing. Qin Yi was clearly a cockroach that was not worth mentioning in his eyes. It turned into a Nine Heavens True Dragon.

How does this make him not shocked?

The emperor realm is not a realm that can be broken in a flash. How can Qin Yi break through the emperor realm in an instant, which is clearly impossible.

Then why can Qin Yi suddenly grasp the strength of the Emperor?

‘secret technique ? Impossible, it is impossible to touch the realm of the emperor by the secret technique. Even if it is a secret technique, it is impossible to reach this realm! ‘

Cang Yunzi thought quickly and thought about the reason.

However, no matter what He thinks, I can’t guess why Qin Yi can suddenly master such a Strength!


Qin Yi stood with his hands on his back, and he looked at the poor and sorrowful Cang Yunzi, and he seemed to have a panoramic view of Cang Yunzi’s heart.

He naturally cannot break through the realm of the emperor in the twinkling of an eye.

However, he can’t stand him with a device!

A piece of equipment from the system!

Eternal fairy furnace!

“Eternal fairy furnace;

Grade Rank: Emperor high-end fighters;

Source: Eternal Emperor Chaozhen Town Chaozhibao;

Explanation: The sun and the moon are extinguished and I am not destroyed. Heaven and Earth are immortal and immortal, for eternity!

Xian furnace made, repairing the ages! ”

This treasure is exactly what Qin Yi relies on for the only remaining System call.

The same name as the eternal fairy that sells in the System store!

However, unlike the Eternal Furnace sold in the System store, this eternal fairy vine’s Grade Rank is two times lower than the System Store’s Eternal Furnace.

The eternal fairy furnace of the System store, only the low-end of the emperor.

The Grade Rank of this eternal fairy furnace is at the high level of the Emperor. The two are completely different from the two Grade Ranks, and the power is even more than a multiple.

Previously, Qin Yi extracted this device from System Space, and it was handed over to this avatar to use as the avatar’s ‘Bottom card’!

If it is full power, relying on the strength of this eternal fairy, Qin Yi will be able to resist the many pseudo-emperors of the emperor!

Even the suppression of many emperors is only between the palms!

By relying on the eternal fairy furnace, Qin Yi can have the power of the emperor, enough to suppress the clouds!

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