


a path of the afterimage on the Scorpio, Qin Yi two people continue to fight.

“Hundreds of refining heavens!”

Cang Yunzi punched out, fighting intent to tear Vault of Heaven.

This god is not only cultivated into the realm of the soul, but also cultivated into the freshy body. He seals his own 70% with the magical power of the gods. Mana and spirit are no exception.

However, fleshy body is not sealed!

The freshy body of the Quasi-Emperor is not different from the ancient gods, and it is enough to compete with Qin Yi!


The vast fist strength, lingering in Qin Yi’s chest, left a dark punch on Qin Yi’s chest and a three-inch blood hole.

Even, you can see the internal organs and the blood vessels of the light golden!

Qin Yi was not moved, stepped forward, punched the head of Cang Yunzi, and almost smashed his head!


Cang Yunzi’s fierce screams, pair of eyes with blood red.

he got hurt!

This is the first time he suffered such a heavy injury after his self-initiated big accomplishment!

Moreover, it is still a district sect that is not hurt by the ants who are in his eyes. How is He not angry?

“Dead! Dead!”

Cang Yunzi surprised and angry, can no longer maintain their own detachment of all things, the face is full of killing intent.

“weng! ”

There are seven chains of gods appearing in Cang Yunzi, or green, or purple, or red…

With the emergence of the chain of gods, a much larger aura came out of the body of Cang Yunzi, and then four of them chain suddenly collapsed.


Aura, which collapsed the heavens, suddenly burst out.

The chain of gods is broken, the seal is removed!

The seven chains of gods are the seals set by Cang Yunzi for themselves. Each chain of gods seals the strength of his own, and the four pieces collapse, which means that he unblocks his own 30%!

This also means that Cang Yunzi can use his own 70% combat power!

this moment.

An incomparably grand aura, filled with Heaven and Earth, the Baili area where Cangyunzi stands, the sky is cracked, and a path of law emerges in his body.

Just like a Nine Heavens Immortal God, it is far beyond the imagination of the general emperor.


The expression of the ancient gods changed, not waiting for him to react, was hit by this aura, the whole person was thrown out, hurt and wounded.

In desperation, He can only drag his body and avoid it far away.

The black armor king responded promptly with the Muring Fairy and avoided it long ago.

Even so, the two are also worried.

“Cang Yunzi is too strong?”

The black armor couldn’t help it.

This lifts more than four chains, and the Aura of Cang Yunzi is forformable to this point.

Simply fighting with him is like a paradise!

Even Qin Yi, under this impering manner, has been greatly oppressed.

“not enough…….”

Qin Yi danced black hair and never used his own cards.


Qin Yi slammed into a sudden, a sudden burst of blood suddenly rose, if a golden light column straight on Nine Heavens.

Glorious, bloody like a dragon!

Huge blood and rushing sounds like a True Dragon in the low roar, the vibration number absolutely, the whole world is shaken, and the sound is moving!

Even, the Hollow air of the square Baili will be shattered!

The acupoints in the body are also blooming in Jinhui, and countless gods are emerging!

“this is ?”

The ancient gods and the others are stunned.

At this time, Qin Yi actually has spare time!

These two guys are simply not people!

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