
The fist strength collided with the sword light, causing huge fluctuations.

The collision between the two, just stalemate three breaths, and lost with the sword light as the ending.

Countless sword light is like hitting a Taikoo mountain, instantly splitting into the middle from the middle, and Qin Yi is in the sword light center, driving the fist strength, moving toward Zhao Cheng.

“How can it be?”

Zhao Cheng’s expression changed abruptly, and his eyes were unbelievable.

His sword can’t stop Qin Yi’s fist, which is beyond his expectations!

You know, he used a sword to smash a fleshy body of a quasi-emperor who is close to the freshy body. A sword kills it, and it is effortless.

Qin Yi’s fleshy body is distinct, and it is weaker than the Fleshy body formidable of the emperor!

How can you block his sword?

‘Even if this guy condenses one of the thousands of Worlds, isn’t it the Strength that his fleety body can carry? Why can you block a sword of the Son of God? ‘

Zhao Cheng’s mind is flowing.

The prestige of the emperor’s emperor, he is naturally clear, even well-known, naturally understands that you want to carry the Hollow illusion World of the primordial emperor, you need the infinitely visible fleshy body.

Otherwise, this Strength is forced into the body, and that will be the end of its own explosion.

The fleshy body represented by Qin Yi should not reach this level?

‘What kind of secret technique does this guy use? ‘

Zhao Cheng’s mind flashed such a thought, and only then can he explain why Qin Yi can defeat his sword!

The martial arts are evolving, and various secret techniques are emerging.

In the evolution of countless epochs, numerous different secret techniques have been born, including countless damages themselves, and even secret techniques in exchange for life essence.

In the eyes of Zhao Cheng, Qin Yi is no different than using this secret technique!

‘This Son of God wants to see, this secret technique, how long can you last? ‘

Zhao Cheng pupil light.

Of course, if he knows that Qin Yi cultivation is a five-star divine force, it is the ultimate divine ability of the Great Desolate, and He will not think so.

This is the divine ability of most emperors in the Eastern Territory, never mastered!

Can you judge it by realm alone?

“Damn juniors, don’t be arrogant, this Son of God will let you see the strongest means of this Son!”

Zhao Cheng screamed, and the eyes of the eyes were full of faint silver light.

“weng! ”

The sword light that has just been shattered by the strength of the wind has a faint ray of light.

It is like condensing into countless tiny swords, and the coldness is overflowing, and people feel a shudder from the soul.

The sword of the soul!

This is the real killing of Zhao Cheng’s sword!


Under the control of Zhao Cheng, this countless small sword, moved towards Qin Yi, went straight.

Put Qin Yi in it for a moment, nowhere to escape!


Qin Yi sneer.

When the punch is empty, the fist continues to move towards Zhao Cheng, and the tube is not in charge of Zhao Cheng’s so-called sword of the soul.

“It’s really courting death!”

Zhao Cheng is furious, and there seems to be a burning flame in the eyes!

This is the sword of the soul that He is most reliant on, the cultivation base of his soul, and the Sword Dao of his own formidable, which is the sword of the soul!

Straight out the soul!

All the spirits of Strength have never been made into the soul of the soul, and they will die!

If it is a competition, he may not use Qin Yi of the secret technique, but if he is a rival, Qin Yi will be his opponent.

This is the gap on realm!

He is the soul of the soul, and the spirit of Strength is ten times that of Qin Yi!


He is wrong again.

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