“Destroy my followers, this hatred, the Son of God must report!”

Zhao Cheng pupil light indifferent, looks at Qin Yi’s gaze is even more indifferent.

Kill his entourage!

Destroy his foundation!

This hatred does not report, he is the god of the gods of heaven!


Zhao Cheng holds the sword of Heavenly Capital. This is the sacred inheritor of the gods from Heavenly God. The Grade Rank is high, and there is a grave rank of the emperor, which touches the level of the Emperor!

This is the original weapon that Tiandu Shenjiao created for him. As long as he breakthrough the realm of the emperor, and then add the gods, you can forge the warrior!


Tiandu Shenjian micro-lift, terrifying sword light.

Zhao Cheng seems to have turned into a round of sword light, and the scattered sword light instantly razed the mountains and the lake.


The terrifying swords and the piercing of the singer seem to be able to break the soul of the person!

Every time I breathe, the Sword Intent on Zhao Cheng is more formidable, with a terrifying aura, and the vastness of the sky is cracked.

Killing intent sweeping Heaven and Earth, annihilating everything!

Endless suffocation, from the sword of the heavenly capital, like there are countless creatures, struggling in the sword light, mourning, and screaming.

These are the souls of the gods who died under the sword of Tiandu. Zhao Cheng has been a sword for tens of millions of years.

Zhao Cheng used this sword, and did not know how many powerhouses were killed. All of them were smelted into the sword by Zhao Cheng. The myriad of souls gathered together and the terrifying of this Tiandu god was increased!


Zhao Cheng looks cold.

In the hands of the gods, the sword is turned, a sword is thrown out, a path of horrible sword light, and the hot sword light covers the sky and covers everything.

In the sword light, the suffocating swells, the souls of countless souls mourn, faintly become the appearance of life, squatting, screaming to Qin Yi.

Zhao Cheng pair of eyes No sadness and no joy, just a faint fall of this sword.

Sword light is shocking, this sword is a god!

Everyone knows that the gods of the gods teach the gods to teach people, and each generation of the gods has mastered the humanity, and Zhao Cheng uses the cultivation to the soul.

But few people know that the most powerful thing about Zhao Cheng is not the soul, but Sword Dao.

When he was promoted to the quasi-emperor, he used Sword Dao to kill an old emperor, and the veteran emperor was a god of elder, and he was swayed by him.

In the past ten thousand years, Zhao Cheng has never given up the practice of Sword Dao, and has long reached a realm that is hard to reach!

“weng! ”

The sword light is rolling, and countless spirits mourn.

Zhao Cheng does not use the mana to motivate, but to find another way to spur the sword with the Spirit Strength. Many souls in the sword light seem to be alive and come in the endless sword light.

It is a terrible Strength with a direct attack on the soul!

The celestial gods permeate the Hollow space, the sword light tears the Vault of Heaven, and the mountain river collapses. The vastly the sky is directly cracking the number of terrifying cracks in the 100.

Where the sword light passed, some unavoidable creatures, after being shrouded by sword light, instantly lost the original consciousness. There was no injury on the surface, but they lost their vitality.

The soul is gone!

Zhao Cheng’s sword is not simply known for its destructive power, but for the soul.

The powerhouse injured by this sword may not have any injuries on the surface, and its inner spirit has long been annihilated by this sword into Hollow!

Even, you can pull the soul into the sword of Heaven.

Driven by Zhao Cheng!

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