
A sound like a thunderous sound, resounding through the universe.

The wind is raging, and the wind is angry.

In the 9th layer World of this Emperor’s Road, the area around the Chengdi Mountain, which contains the secret of the emperor, is surrounded by a terrifying vision.

In an instant, the sky is falling apart.

The eyes were devastated, and there were broken ruins everywhere, a broken scene after the catastrophe.

The land of thousands of miles, all turned into a chaos, spiritual qi violent, surging tide, constantly raging within a radius of ten thousand miles, Yubo Tremor all directions.

Countless blood containing forformable energy splashes, the bones of the emperor’s bones burst, and if they form a huge blood on the scorpio!

The law of Emperor Lu is faintly apparent, and it seems that Gods is crying.

This party 9th layer World may not have the presence of Heavenly Dao, but it also has the will of the plane to perceive the situation in World.

Ten ex-emperents at the same time were fallen, Heaven and Earth felt, and the blood sorrowed.

“How is this possible? This is the ten emperors!”

The black armor king was stunned and turned into a clay sculpture with an ice-cold in his heart.

Ten emperors.

If he is a sacred sect, he can have ten ex-emperor oversees, and he will soon become the most advanced influence in the Great World, second only to the Cangqing.

Which of the major emperors, among the major and the thousand worlds, which one is not the existence of Megatron?

Even in the eastern borders, these people have a good reputation!

The old boy’s one-handed ghost flag, at least slaughtered more than three thousand worlds, with the blood essence of hundreds of millions of creatures to cast the ghost flag, has a fierce name in the eastern frontier.

The rest, such as the Wanling Fairy, Yunhai Tianjian, and the Broadman boy are generally the same level 1 powerhouse, even if the black armor king faces one of them, it may just be equally divided.

Ten ex-emperors, the black armor king was only the result of a burst of instant.

And the ten expositions of the formidable were actually given a punch by Qin Yi, and they could not die any more!

What’s more, even Qin Yi’s one blow can’t stop!

“The strength of the Crown Prince in the beginning of the age, can’t it be impossible to compete with Cang Yunzi?”

The black armor king’s face is heavy to the extreme.

If we say that Qin Yi can beat the one-yuan emperor and the ancient god, he has doubts about Qin Yi’s strength, then now.

He is sure that the strength of Qin Yi is a character of Cang Yunzi!

Kill one of the ten emperors with one punch!

This is still in the case that Qin Yi has not used other Martial Arts and divine ability, relying on the strength of fleshy body and the strength of the Taishen emperor.

Just punch the ten emperors!

If Qin Yi uses other secret techniques, divine capabilities, or even some of the great learning of the great emperor, what kind of terrifying would it be?

“Cang Yunzi.”

The black armor king could not compare the strength of Qin Yi with the strength of Cang Yunzi.

Although he has never seen the full power of Cang Yunzi, even if he can survive in the hands of Cang Yunzi, it is only because of the mentality of Cang Yunzi holding the cat and mouse.

But if you want to talk about it, Qin Yi gives him the feeling that it is as unfathomable as Cang Yunzi.

At this time, he was able to beat Qin Yi to Cang Yunzi, and his heart was somewhat bottomless.


Cang Yunzi thought of this, the pupil light glimpsed, looked toward towards Cang Yunzi.


Cang Yunzi 峨 Guanbo belt, aura high, still reading the Tao.

Hollow is in the air, and the countless beating of the Divine Diploma is manifested as a leap-like elf, with a mood that originates from Taoism and is far away.

And Cang Yunzi never looked up from beginning to end!

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